
WHINE is Served II

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      Ryl, I am so sorry. I know how hard it is to deal with things like this. Sending good thoughts and prayers for you all.

      Looking for:


        I’m really frustrated, so I’m going to rant here to get my remaining nerves out.

        We had a company come into the house (we were to leave with the pets. Don’t EVER buy something from goodwill, learn from my dad and all this), and the 23 year old kid that did the work stole my Playstation Vita. A $300 system, with a $30 collectors plate on the face, $30 memory card, $50 game cartridge (which was part of a collectors edition that included two games, so now I only have the second of the series), $30 case for the system, and all the games I downloaded on it… probably around 15 games between $15 and $50 each. Estimate is he stole about $600 worth of my stuff, just in that one grab. Worth mentioning he rifled thru all my other game systems, opened them all up from their cases, moved one of my tablets (I took the larger more expensive one out of the house with me) and even went into my dad’s closet, in his travel suitcase, and opened up the bag my dad had put his laptop in. The kid was clearly everywhere in the house.
        He also destroyed one of my artworks… one I actually happened to like. But whatever.
        Now with what he had to do, you could say he needed to open stuff and all that and that’s fine but… when my vita sits in one place all the time and never moves, then suddenly it’s gone (and all my other hand held systems have been moved and touched) and I have emails saying “Thank you for your purchase on your Vita” in my inbox… well it doesn’t take a detective.
        The company barely worked with us, chooses to believe this kid over us. They did however cut $300 off my dad’s bill for all this (which… what company would do that if they thought something legitimately didn’t go missing)… but that system was MY money, not my fathers. I’M out all that money, not my father.
        Yes I changed my password, I removed all payment info AND deactivated the Vita from my account. It still has yet to be reactivated (you just need the system in hand and follow steps to do so, I do not believe you need a password).
        I filed a police report, but I’m sure once all this started, the kid threw it in a dumpster or what have you so there would be no way it could be found on him. The officer said he will contact Sony. Sony told me that YES they CAN track the system using the last known IP address and where those two items were downloaded onto the system, but they will only release that information to the police. If the officer does his job, best scenario is it’s proof that the guy stole my system cause the IP links it to his location. I don’t think I’ll get the system back, I do think it’s in the trash somewhere. But that’s if the officer does what he said he would… but a lot of people would probably think “it’s just a game system” and that’s that.

        NEVER trust people in your house! No matter what reviews they have. And yes, we were told to leave ALL items in the house for proper treatment, that is why I left all these expensive gaming systems in the house.
        (I did actually remove all my windstones however, and locked them in a vehicle. It’s fun finding things you never remembered buying)

        I’ve posted on my Twitter in hopes of getting art commissions, but I’m just not popular so I doubt I will. I would need at least $150 to buy a used system (without a charger or memory card) and the face plate that I had on it. We never think about the cost of things until something like this happens :/ I never once held my Vita in my hand and thought “yep, $600 right here”. I have a limited edition Batman silver Playstation 4 system, and I believe the only reason he didn’t take that was because it would have been noticed INSTANTLY if it went missing… but a small handheld system worth just as much…? Easy. I have honestly never been a victim of theft before, and now I know how it feels. It’s such a HORRIBLE feeling I can’t even begin to describe. And it’s even worse that people don’t believe you no matter how open and close it is (your guy was in our house, and when we came back the system was missing, then suddenly charges are happening on it. Only two people live in this house, no one else comes in ever. Open and shut, your guy is the only way this system left the house).

        So yeah, don’t trust anyone. Ever.
        Sorry for my text block, but I needed to get it out.


          Oh my! Now THAT is infuriating! And is more than just a whine. People are unbelievable Grrrrrrrrrrr makes me so mad!! Im sorry this happened. I know matherial things can be replaced, but the honest person works hard for their things….I HATE PROPERTY CRIME.

          Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


            Dammit Kujacker, That truly sucks.So sorry that has happened to you.Hopefully,cop will follow through.Know this though,Karma will catch up to him and she can be a real biatch when she does.You might get lucky and the thief is a real dumbass, apparently,and he will get caught.

            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
            Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


              FatalBeauty,how is your husband doing?
              Ryl,I am so sorry for the pain you all are feelling.I know how helpless you feel when there is nothing you can do to help them get better.Good thoughts,well wishes and love to you all.

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                Kujacker that really is awful! I hope you get your items back – may be a slim chance but hopefully!

                What company was this? Makes you want to get security cameras for inside your house as well as outside. Sometimes I wonder what the world is coming to.

                IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                *** Come visit me on deviantArt at http://ela-hara.deviantart.com


                  That’s terrible, Kujacker. I am so sorry.

                  My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                    FatalBeauty,how is your husband doing?

                    doing okay, he’s tired a lot now…his last test was 4.21 creatinine and 16% GFR when he was tested early this month….it tends to bounce around from month to month so it’s a wait and see game on when the numbers hit what the doctors want them to be for kidney transplant…..

                    4 things I'm looking for:
                    1. Mother Meerkat
                    2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                    3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                    4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                      Kujacker, that is beyond infuriating. I hope the officer follows up and they find your stuff.

                      Looking for:
                      "COSMIC SHIFT DRAGONS and KI-RINS" and the "OCTOPUS TANUKI TEST PAINT #1"


                        I just can’t understand for the life of me why people think it’s okay to take things that don’t belong to them. I guess I was raised well or whatever, but if it’s not yours, DON’T touch. 🙁

                        The officer did call me back, and he did indeed contact Sony (more than I expected). Unfortunately they told him that I need to fill out some forms FOR the police to then GIVE to the police before they will then release information to the police. ??? So I’m a middleman I guess? And why must it be so difficult? I understand these companies deal with billions of people’s personal information they must protect, but making victims just thru hoops of fire to try and recover their items is beyond ridiculous. The account is mine, I have all your required info, yet you can’t release the serial number that is registered to my account or the last IP address used on the device registered to my system? Sigh.
                        To make matters worse, the paperwork I have to fill out for Sony is pretty confusing. It doesn’t specify if they want my name and address or the officers name/stations address but they want the agency requesting the information and it says the documents are limited to law enforcement… yet… if that’s the case how would they know it’s MY account if they don’t want my name or information…?
                        🙁 🙁

                        I’ve come to terms that I’m not getting my console back, but I still want to follow thru with all this to at least try to get justice.


                          small whine, been doing some fall cleaning today since my ankle was broken at the beginning of the year and then summer came and it was too hot to clean, still is too hot but still I did some….still more to go but I can only do so much in this heat….

                          …so anyhoo, things can get quite icky when you don’t deep clean in awhile… o_O

                          4 things I'm looking for:
                          1. Mother Meerkat
                          2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                          3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                          4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


                            *Grump grump* Well my Halloween isn’t going the way I had hoped, not that I had any real plans. My husband had ordered the things for me to be able to dress up as Velma (yes, from Scooby Doo) and everything got here early except the top. The first one he ordered will be arriving somewhere around Nov. 15. He found an alternative that was guaranteed delivery yesterday, and FexEx didn’t even knock on the office door! They just left the “We missed you slip”. He was in the bathroom, if the driver had knocked he would have heard it. He called FedEx and was told “You can come to our facility and pick it up yourself before we close at 6:30 pm”. He was told this at 6 pm and the nearest facility is two hours away.

                            He asked was it marked that it needed to be signed for or to leave the package. “No signature needed and leave the package”. Why didn’t the driver leave the package he asked. The driver reported “unsafe conditions” What?

                            frank-jackson frank-jackson-boys

                            This is the front entrance, my husband’s work truck would have been parked on the other side of the wooden bollards next to the golf cart in the first picture. What’s unsafe about that? We had a drizzle going on last night, but there is an overhang by the door. It wouldn’t have gotten wet.

                            Now we have to wait for redelivery today…what time will it be here? “Sometime before 8 pm”. Way to FAIL FedEx. We can’t stand them. We always have problems with FedEx, even before we moved to his new park.

                            I had scheduled to be off today and tomorrow so I could relax and spend time with my husband since our 7th anniversary is today, but two weeks ago my boss told me, “I need you to make plans to be in the office on Nov. 1”. Since we moved I have been working remotely. I had a brief moment of anxiety, but had it confirmed, no it’s not a bad thing, it’s because we are having “onboarding meetings” due to the call center and prescription drug prior authorization part of our company being bought out. So I lost my Nov. 1 off that way.

                            I was going to spend the day with my husband today, tagging along while he went out to his other part to work on a few things in an effort to make sure he was back at our home park in time for trick-or-treating this evening (as long as it isn’t raining). He got a call yesterday from his assistant, and he’s having to head out early (before I got back from taking the boys to school) because the microchip in the key for the state truck has gone bad and they have to tow the truck to the dealer to get it replaced. They can’t just do a new key, they have to have the truck for some god forsaken reason. That combined with the other things he has to do means he might not be getting back in time to pick the boys up from school, so now I’m stuck at the house by myself.


                              Awww that sucks.I hope it turns out good for you.
                              Yeah,Fed&Ex sucks.

                              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                              Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                                FedEx ended up delivering the package between 245 and 345 today, but then none of the campers in the park had decorated or had lights on indicating they were available for trick-or-treating. 🙁 No one stopped by the front office either so the boys get that candy by default.


                                  hubby’s creatinine is 4.39 and his GFR is 15% again….his doctor is on vacation but we don’t know when he’ll be back, the lab lady couldn’t say so we’re waiting nervously again…..

                                  4 things I'm looking for:
                                  1. Mother Meerkat
                                  2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
                                  3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
                                  4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin

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