The up coming kickstarter for the Bantam dragon

Home Forums Windstone Editions Announcements The up coming kickstarter for the Bantam dragon

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      What about having three dragon statuses?
      FREE = No one has yet made a claim
      RESERVED = someone made a claim, but may still release it == “in basket, not yet checked out”
      CLAIMED = Dragon no longer available = “checked out”

      This should solve most of the problems, as long as the (clearly stated) rule is that once you request “I CLAIM THAT ONE”, your choice is FINAL and you’re done. This way, if you are CERTAIN that you want THAT piece (ex. Setsunawolf & “Train Wreck”), then you can just submit a Claim. And hope you’re first. If you think you want that piece, but you want to see if something you like better comes out later, then you submit a Reserve. (And hope you’re first.)

      If someone else got there first with a Claim, then: Please select another piece.
      If someone else got there first with a Reserve, then: You are #[n] in the queue for claiming Dragon #X.

      This would let people choose their “risk” levels. The earliest backers could wait for later dragons without the risk of losing their current-favorite. The later backers could decide to risk waiting for an already-reserved favorite to come open, or choose from their favorite of the free dragons.

      what would keep someone from reserving all of them?


        The plan is -claims are final. HOWEVER, two people could agree privately to switch dragon claims and we could trade them here to avoid shipping cost of swapping afterward.
        This would prevent what I am worried about, a cascading effect of switches… for example, two people want “Trainwreck”. The person who has claimed him then decides that they’d rather have “Dumpster Fire”, now the second person switches from “Garbage Truck” their second choice they had claimed, to “Trainwreck”. Then the person who really wanted “Garbage Truck” puts back their dragon, “Dry Rot”, and so on.


          This is the only Bantam Dragon I’m interested in, featured on Melody’s dA – otherwise I’ll be trying for a Sand

          will this one be included in the KS?


          Haha, I think that is the one Gina set aside as a sample, to paint more dragons in that color!
          It may come out in all the dragons, probably as a eBay edition.
          If I can remember how I painted it (it was a test paint from a long time ago!) I can try to do more that are similar.


            I’m happy to claim trainwreck now. Even before he’s finished.🤪🤩

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              I guess the best way to lessen a good bunch of switching dragons on the back end and having post-claim remorse would be to have as many of the proposed ‘final’ dragons done as possible and posted by the KS launch.
              If Melody sees a few color schemes are way more popular then perhaps she can paint more similar dragons in those color schemes during the month of the Kickstarter – if she so chooses. I don’t believe anything should be a guarantee. Melody and Co. are proposing to do a lot more than what Backers of other Kickstarters could ever Dream of getting!
              I’m sure that I’ll be very happy with what I claim.

              Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
              Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

              *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
              *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                The plan is -claims are final. HOWEVER, two people could agree privately to switch dragon claims and we could trade them here to avoid shipping cost of swapping afterward.
                This would prevent what I am worried about, a cascading effect of switches… for example, two people want “Trainwreck”. The person who has claimed him then decides that they’d rather have “Dumpster Fire”, now the second person switches from “Garbage Truck” their second choice they had claimed, to “Trainwreck”. Then the person who really wanted “Garbage Truck” puts back their dragon, “Dry Rot”, and so on.

                Melody, I am worried that you may be feeling a little negative, considering your choices of dragon names? LOL

                Looking for...

                Sitting young oriental dragon koi gold and white


                  I am 110% down for trainwreck, dumpster fire, perhaps…uh, trash panda?


                    Just for the record – I’m fine with a claim being considered final. Will we be able to “add on” another dragon after we pledge and claim? Or perhaps a “2 pick your dragons” or “3 pick your dragons” tier? I am completely in love with 59 and imagine there will be others I fall for, too.

                    Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                    ANY Red Eyed Unis
                    ANY Test Paint Bat
                    The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                    Male- Snow Leopard TP
                    White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                    Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                    Mother: Okapi
                    Gothic - Mahogany
                    PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                    DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                      Hee Hee Hee!
                      ‘Dry Rot’…LOL! Is that a Zombiragon Bantam? I might be interested in him! ^_^

                      IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                      Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                      Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                      *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                      *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                        I love those names- you should use them! Add in diseases like ‘Bubonic Plague’ and ‘Eczema’ and you’ve got it covered!

                        Some of the responses have made me think of an option that you will despise- the Choose Your Eye Color tier. A batch of painted dragons without eyes, buyer chooses the color.

                        I love #11 just the way he is though.

                        whisker hunter west

                          What about having three dragon statuses?
                          FREE = No one has yet made a claim
                          RESERVED = someone made a claim, but may still release it == “in basket, not yet checked out”
                          CLAIMED = Dragon no longer available = “checked out”

                          This should solve most of the problems, as long as the (clearly stated) rule is that once you request “I CLAIM THAT ONE”, your choice is FINAL and you’re done. This way, if you are CERTAIN that you want THAT piece (ex. Setsunawolf & “Train Wreck”), then you can just submit a Claim. And hope you’re first. If you think you want that piece, but you want to see if something you like better comes out later, then you submit a Reserve. (And hope you’re first.)

                          If someone else got there first with a Claim, then: Please select another piece.
                          If someone else got there first with a Reserve, then: You are #[n] in the queue for claiming Dragon #X.

                          This would let people choose their “risk” levels. The earliest backers could wait for later dragons without the risk of losing their current-favorite. The later backers could decide to risk waiting for an already-reserved favorite to come open, or choose from their favorite of the free dragons.

                          what would keep someone from reserving all of them?

                          Oh, I guess the simplest (Scheme A) would be for each person to get [n] tickets, where [n] = # of CYO dragons they have pledged for. Then they can make 1 Claim OR Reservation per ticket.

                          A trickier way (Scheme B) that makes more use of the Reservation system would be for each ticket = [1 Claim] OR [1 Reservation + 1 Waitlist]. The idea there would be that you could put 1 Reservation in a wait-list queue, but still reserve your back-up choice in case the wait-list dragon turns to Claimed.

                          For Scheme A, you might see popular dragon “Trash Fire” getting [X] requests, with response 1 = “Reserve” and 2 thru [X] = “Waitlist”. Then there are [X-1] dragons that are open with no claims / reservations on them, until Response 1 chooses to Claim or release.

                          For Scheme B, the numbers start similar: “Trash Fire” with [X] requests, response 1 = “Reserve”, 2 thru [X] = “Waitlist”. But there are [X-1] other dragons Reserved, preferably with each response (2 – [X]) as their own Response 1 on those dragons. Then if Response 1 (“Trash Fire”) chooses to Claim, everyone already has their back-ups, and can decide immediately to Claim their back-ups or take a shot at another Reservation.

                          (“Trash Fire” = dark-oily lower / flame wings / black crest? I dunno – but I bet a Windstone trash fire is still gorgeous!)

                          Continuing the family tradition of being obsessed with shiny things.


                            I love those names- you should use them! Add in diseases like ‘Bubonic Plague’ and ‘Eczema’ and you’ve got it covered!

                            Some of the responses have made me think of an option that you will despise- the Choose Your Eye Color tier. A batch of painted dragons without eyes, buyer chooses the color.

                            I love #11 just the way he is though.

                            Don’t say Pox.

                            Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                            (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                            Male day🤞Dream on.


                              For anyone to help me with …I have a question. This is my first kickstarter I am hopefully going to be contributing to.
                              How do you purchase one of the pick your own dragons ?
                              Once the kickstarter is live …do you click on back this project and go from there ?


                                Do we know when the Kickstarter is going live?


                                  Do we know when the Kickstarter is going live?

                                  Melody is hoping to start it on March 6. I forgot about this thread when posting the new video from her Facebook page!

                                  On Facebook Melody said, “video for my next kickstarter! This is for a dragon sculpt Hope to launch it on March 6th!”


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