Forum Replies Created
The “Classifieds” are working much better. Thank you.
One minor point – when looking at an ad belonging to a member, or when looking at member profiles, the number next to “Listings” is 0, even when the person has some ads in the “Classifieds”. Clicking on the “Listings” link does bring up the current ads created by that person.Is anyone else experiencing this? For me the numbers are displaying correctly.
I’m having trouble renewing an ad. I couldn’t get to the dashboard, so I tried the link in the email notification. It told me “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
I renewed your ad for you. Since the update to the Classifieds software, we are clearly having issues with people being able to access expired ads. I will get this fixed as soon as possible.
It looks as though the freshness problem is fixed. Thanks.
On to another issue – as of this afternoon, formatting for the Classified ads is messed up. The individual ads don’t show the lister’s name, and they don’t have the “Private Message” button at the top. Instead the space between the ad title and the ad text has part of the Classified Page text for searching, i.e. “Find Listings”, “Place Ad”, “Browse Ads”, and “Search Ads”.
I updated the Classifieds plugin last night. It’s a major update. They changed some things. I already had to fix a bunch of formatting. There may be some stuff that will be different now, but over the next couple of days I will work to make it as similar to the old version as possible.
Your topic has been approved and is now showing in the Writing forum.
OK, the developers who make our forum software are aware of the freshness problem (other sites are having the same issue). They are working on it, so hopefully it will get fixed soon. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Yeah I ran a routine that updates the freshness manually, so if I run that right now everything will be up to date, but it won’t stay current because the automatic updating is still not working.
I think I have fixed the freshness issue. If anyone notices more trouble with that, please post here or contact me directly. Thanks
I fixed the pagination font size and the image upload formatting. I’m working on the freshness issue, but that one is complicated and may take a few days to get figured out.
The main page is not updating “Freshness” to show who posted last and how long ago. It does show when there are new posts and the sub-pages are updating properly.
An update for the forum plugin was just released. I’ll install it now, and hopefully that will fix the issue. If not, I’ll investigate and get back to you.
freshness isn’t working still near as I can tell…
also, I can’t see the text inside a quoted area when I quote a post….
Yes, the freshness data is apparently a separate issue. I’ll work on it as soon as I can.
Yes, I don’t know why the new forum update wreaked havoc on our formatting, but it did. I’ve fixed several of the issues, and I’ll get to the others in the next few days.
The main page is not updating “Freshness” to show who posted last and how long ago. It does show when there are new posts and the sub-pages are updating properly.
An update for the forum plugin was just released. I’ll install it now, and hopefully that will fix the issue. If not, I’ll investigate and get back to you.
Is there any way to “re-activate” disabled listings without going through an administrator? (I hate bothering you about classified-related matters) Sure the email notices are nice, but sometimes they get missed and the listing expires. It would be great if we could just log in to our accounts, go to listings, click “disabled” and bring them back to life ourselves. The option to edit is there, but what good is it if the listing is no longer public?
I agree—it would be great if that were possible. I’ve complained about it to the Classified plugin developer, but so far they have not added that feature. It seems like an obvious thing, but I think the issue is that many websites charge users for posting classifieds, and for those sites they don’t want users to be able to reactivate ads without paying. Still it seems like something that could be fixed. In the meantime, I could set the ads to never expire, and then this problem would disappear, right? The problem with that (potentially) is that we could end up with lots of old ads that are still active, but shouldn’t be. I don’t know how diligent people are about removing ads that are outdated (e.g., the item has been sold, or they’re no longer looking for a particular item). But re-enabling ads is easy for me to do, and it doesn’t come up very often, so don’t hesitate to ask me.
I just flagged the account as a spammer—thanks for letting us know. They are actually different accounts. I flag them, and then eventually this person creates another one with a slight variation on the name and a different email address, and then we do this little dance all over again. Fun!
Kim – double check your browser settings. You might have your browser’s Privacy/Security settings to automatically delete all cached history, cookies, passwords, etc.
Right. Your browser uses cookies to keep you logged in. If you’re not sure if cookies are disabled, look in your browsers’s preferences menu. If you need help with this, just let me know which browser you’re using and I can tell you exactly where this setting is. IF cookies are enabled and the Remember Me box is checked and you’re still being logged out, then something strange is going on that will require more in-depth troubleshooting.
Is there a time limit on how long people are logged in here for on the site? Can you please extend it or let people stay logged in for a day or at least a few hours? Other people have posted about how annoying the captcha things are but I have another problem with this site logging me out while I’m in the middle of posting a comment or messaging someone and I go to submit a post or send a message and then it won’t send or it tells me I’m logged out and I completely lose the whole thing I just typed to post. Why would it log me out while I’m on the site actively using it after like half an hour or an hour? And how come every time I check something else on my phone and go back to the site a minute later it makes me log back in again? It’s getting really annoying! I would like to be able to stay logged in until I decide to log out.
Yes, GardenNinja, Etruscan, and Lisa Z are exactly right (thanks for helping Kim out). It’s the checkbox that says “remember me” that you want to click. Otherwise you will be logged out after 2 days or when you close your browser window. Please try clicking that checkbox and see if that takes care of this for you. There are plugins that I could install that would extend the time before log out even further (or indefinitely if desired), but I would prefer to only do that if there is a consensus that it’s necessary. This site is using too many plugins as it is, and I am trying to eliminate some of them (if possible) rather than adding more. But if this continues to be a problem we will work something out.
BTW, the scenario you’re describing (where you’re logged out while posting to the forum or PMing) is probably happening like this: you visit the site and log in and then don’t return to the site for a while (or close your browser). Then when you return to the site later, your browser loads the site from its cache, so it looks like you’re still logged in when in fact you have been logged out. Then when you try to do something that requires being logged in, the site checks and sees that you are logged out and sends you to the login screen. Even if you check the Remember Me box, this may happen if you haven’t logged in for 2 weeks. When visiting the site for the first time in a while, you might want to refresh the page to make sure that you are still logged in. I hope that makes sense. If you need any further help, please post here or PM me.