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Melody wrote:tasgrs wrote:Quote:
….that there will be other dragons in the Twilight color? Like males, mothers, scratchers, laps, etc?
:squeak:!! :squeak:!! :squeak:!! :squeak:!!
I would **LOVE** to see that, not to mention make my credit card go into meltdown to get my hands on them. 😆
!!:squeak: !! :squeak: !! :squeak: !! :squeak:!!Olimpia is painting more SKS in that color, but you guys are all sick of those. Maybe, I can ask. We do have one other Oriental Sun dragon in Twilight for Ebay.
I can wait until the move is complete and you guys are all settled in!! If that means that there will be Twilight production pieces! **rubbing hands together gleefully at the thought**
I’m not sick of the SK’s in that color; I just can’t afford one. I was mooning over her last night in front of my husband, making very *pointed* remarks about how much I LOVED the color, and our coming anniversary, but he refused to rise to the bait. 😆 That’s when the idea hit me to squeak for the color in the other sculptures.
Nope….if there’s a chance of getting this color, I can definitely be patient. It’ll be hard, but I’ll do it. Besides, it’ll give my credit card a chance to recouperate after the last spending spree. 😉2Huberts wrote:I don’t feel so bad now with just my cane!! 😆 😆
and what is it with all you young girls being so sick, so soon? 🙁 I didn’t have a bad time till last year, then everything caught up with me. I have found that my chiropracter (spelling) really has helped me tho. my nerves were affecting my digestive system because things were out of place, I feel 10 years younger now.I’ve had osteoarthritis in both knees since I was 15. (I’m 47 now…..)
I was pretty much okay until I blew an Achilles’ tendon in April 2001. Between being on crutches for 4 months, and all the stress it put on the “good” side sped up the problems with my knees ,hips, shoulders and wrists. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2006, after going through some pretty exhaustive testing to rule out a bunch of other things, like Rheumatoid Arthritis, (runs in my family) Hypothyroidism (ditto), Lupus, and Lyme disease. If they can rule all that out, then the diagnosis is Fibromyalgia. I was tired to the point of being unable to walk at one point, had numbness in both hands, constant pain all over my body that was worse than what I could reasonably expect to go along with an active life, unable to concentrate; all kinds of bad stuff.
The good news is that the fibromyalgia is manageable, doesn’t do any physical damage in and if itself, and isn’t contagious. 😛 The bad news is that there is a whole bunch of stuff that goes along with the FM: Insomnia, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome to name a few. I do have osteoarthritis in both knees (Osteo also gallops rampantly through the family 😕 ) and I’m too young to have them replaced…yet. *SIGH*
So in the space of like 2 years, I went from being my normal, “bulletproof” go ride 3 or 4 horses a day AFTER putting in an 8 hour work day, to being nearly crippled and hurting all the time. When I started having bad back pain, I tried the chiropractor for about 6 months, and wasn’t getting anywhere there. I started doing more research, and found that massage therapy was found to give good results, so I thought I’d try it. What did I have to lose, aside from the pain, right? Well, I am glad I did, because after a few months of weekly visits, I can finally get a few days in a row without having to resort to the Lidocaine skin patches for the back pain, and since I’ve been following suggestions from a rheumatologist for my diet, taking fish oil, flax seed oil, and evening primrose oil and trying to get more exercise, I can get through a few days at a time, and it’s getting better as we go. I would recommend the deep tissue massage to anyone who has old injuries. Seriously, when you injure yourself, and compensate for the injury, this throws the biomechanics totally out of whack, and like the horses we’ve been dicussing in other threads, we break down. The deep tissue massage isn’t the light strokes; these go down into deep muscle knots and get them out. I’m not masochist, by any stretch, but I will willingly deal with that pain to get days where I actually WANT and CAN go out and ride.There are theories that any kind of major stress, like an accident, surgery, major illness, can be the triggger for the FM.
Like anyone else, there are good days and bad.
The good days? I go ride. The bad ones? I hibernate in the hot tub, and go to the massage therapist. This woman has worked WONDERS!! It’s worth it, really really worth it!
SO if anyone is interested in more info shoot me PM or an email.I’m 5’8″ and my tallest horse is 15.2. I use a mounting block at home and hope for a stump or something if I absolutely *HAVE* to dismount on the trail. I can mount from the ground, but it’s a slow, awkward and painful (on my part 😛 ) due to my arthritic knees. Getting old sux. But the best thing about short horses is less distance to fall. You don’t have time to think about it on the way down. 😀
I don’t know which Arabs you’ve seen, but not all of them look like the Taco Bell dog. 😉
I don’t like the extremely exotic heads, either. My horses don’t have the exotic heads, but they are immediately identifiable as Arabs.
I’ve worked with a lot of breeds, and the brains and sense of humor on the Arabs kept drawing me back.
Variety is the spice of life, I guess. 😆2Huberts wrote:Phoenix wrote:OMG! I won the coiled mother… Mike is not going to be happy. But that’s OK. As long as I’m happy. Right> 😯
ok, you tell us in one thread “old enough to know better” then you tell us you won the coiled mother with a zoomer55 ebay Id. where’d that Id come from? 😛 😆 😉 😆
Muahahahahaha……It’s an eBay “alter ego”. 😆 I have one of those, too. I had the eBay account long before I wandered in here. 😉
….that there will be other dragons in the Twilight color? Like males, mothers, scratchers, laps, etc?
:squeak:!! :squeak:!! :squeak:!! :squeak:!!
I would **LOVE** to see that, not to mention make my credit card go into meltdown to get my hands on them. 😆
!!:squeak: !! :squeak: !! :squeak: !! :squeak:!!siberakh1 wrote:Considering how she went down, they probably didn’t want to replay that over and over either because of how distressing it is to watch a horse fall like that. I missed watching the race by about 15 minutes :x, so I didn’t see the actual fall (I’m sure I can see it online if I really wanted to). I was definitely trying not to cry while hearing about Eight Belles. I remember Go for Wand breaking down in the Belmont Stakes in 1990 – she’s now buried at the infield at Saratoga. Ruffian broke down in the same race in 1975. Despite her jockey trying to pull her back to stop her when it was apparent she was injured, she kept pushing herself into horrific injury 🙁 (You can google it to find out more. It makes Eight Belles’ fall look like a cake walk.). She was a horse that just was made to run and thought by many to possibly be better than Secretariat and wouldn’t let anything get in her way of running and winning – her drive was that great. She couldn’t be stopped by horse nor rider.
The race that Ruffian broke down in was at the Belmont track, but it was in July of 1975. A match race that pitted her against a colt, I believe it was Foolish Pleasure, but don’t hold me to it. And because of what happened, match races were banned from then on. They were running side by side when Ruffian stumbled. You could see her jockey trying to pull her in, and she fought him every stride. He got her pulled in, jumped off, and you could see him trying to keep her still, and all she wanted to do was go after that colt. They put an air cast on her leg(very high tech for that time…) and got her onto the ambulance. She had fractured her sesamoid and ankle bones. They operated on her, put a cast on, and when she came out of the anesthesia, she refractured the repair, and then she broke the elbow of her other leg, and they made the decision to euthanize her at that point. I was watching that race; I was 14, and as horse crazy as you can get. I was so upset when I saw that, and will always remember her limping into the ambulance.
I didn’t see Eight Belles go down. I saw the rest of the horses finish, and realized they’d never shown the filly. Then the camera turned back and showed her lying on her side and not moving, and I knew it wasn’t going to be good. They blocked any sight of her with the 2 ambulances on the track. I did see thm talk to the track vet, who said that she’d shattered both ankles and was humanely destroyed on the track. We’d actually bet on her (my husband did with a bunch of guys at his job—the first time in his life he’d ever bet on the Derby, and after this, quite likely to be his last time!) because we have a 2 year old dark gray filly here whose barn name is Belle. 😥
You’re welcome; I happened to be watching the race, and caught the quick interview the channel had with the track vet.
Had she fractured only 1 ankle, they would have attempted to save her. In truth, the technology that is available now versus what was around back in the 70’s when Ruffian broke down during the match race in 1975 against a colt–I want to say it was Foolish Pleasure, but I’m not positive–is nothing short of amazing. There are more options now, but so much depends on the individual animal. Barbaro was exceptional in temperament. Most horses, and especially when they’re racing fit will not tolerate being restrained in a sling. But back in the 70’s, the best we could do was allow them to come out of the anesthesia in a padded stall, and hope like hell they wouldn’t further injure themselves when they got up for the first time coming out of the anesthesia. Now they have the horses in a sling in a warm water pool. They don’t come out of the pool until they are completely awake. But Eight Belles literally didn’t have a good leg to stand on. They couldn’t get her stabilzed enough to even move her from the track. 😥
The infusion of Arab blood would certainly be a good thing; the breed was used to create the TB’s in the first place, and the Arabs are known for their very dense bone. But the very best thing they could for the TB’s is to make it against the rules to run these horses at such an early age. At 3, the growth plates in their knees aren’t closed, because they’re still growing. We don’t even start our horses under saddle until they’re almost 4. And we xray their knees before they go into any kind of heavy work.
It’s just such a sad accident.
The Dales and the Vanners are gorgeous, but all that feathering! 😯 I love the Vanners, but I couldn’t deal with all the feathering. Part of the reason they’re so pricey is there aren’t that many of them or the Dales in the US yet.
PD, I can relate to some degree; my mom made no bones about the fact that I was an “accident” while she’d planned on my brother. She’d told me to my face that he was her favorite, too. On the day my husband and I were married, as I was changing out of my gown, she asked me if I thought he and I would have kids. I replied No, wasn’t planning on it. She sniffed, and said Oh these things have a way of changing. If you have kids, don’t ask me to babysit. I did my thing, and raised you and your brother. Now I’m off to do some traveling. I looked her in the eye and said Bon Voyage. Don’t bother to send a postcard. 😛
A few years later, my brother married his childhood sweetheart. And guess what? They came back from their honeymoon pregnant. Anyone wanna guess what my mother’s reaction was? She went into Grandma Hyperspace. I swear, she was buying stuff for that baby before anyone even knew what gender it was. And offering to babysit.
There were other things, as well.
But you had a good time at your brother’s wedding, and it doesn’t sound as though he thinks like your mother. You were there for him, and you had a good time.
Life is far too short to spend too much time on things we regret. All families are screwed up to a degree. Some are just more whacko than others. 😉I don’t mean color–I’m talking about the scuplture itself.
It seems to me that I see a lot of OW’s, and Emp’s, and then the coiled and curlies.purpledragonclaw wrote:Don’t forget whippets too. They are also race dogs. What’s sad is you don’t see too many whippets anymore. Oh, and I just read the story about Eight Belles. That is so sad. Unfortunately it’s about money, not the animals, in the long run.
It is sad. These critters will give you 110%, and look what happens. And yeah…it is all about the almighty dollar.