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  • in reply to: Seeing if this works! Been a while! #1605487

      Hey, I kind of recognize your name bc it’s so unique! Sway is my cousin and when my health fell, she signed on to keep me apprised. Despite my health, I was wanting to know what new pieces were coming out & what she should buy (my $ not hers). My health is of grave concern (& inevitable) again and I don’t have the fight anymore. Hence, I’m going to try to get the main portion of my collection to true WE lovers, who love Mel and all she’s done, rather than a stranger on eBay (which is a nightmare with all the fees; I’m trying not to leave medical bills behind). This will be a slow going process as I relearn the forum and find strength to use the computer rather than the phone. The forum seems easier to see & understand on a computer. But it’s day by day for me. Believe me, when I start getting pieces up & ready to be seen here (they’re mostly photographed but need to find them as I’ve long updated computers but still have the other in use just not online), you’ll know it!
      But… it’s great to see names I recognize! Thanks for stopping in to say hello!

      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

      in reply to: Seeing if this works! Been a while! #1605484

        Drag0nfeathers! I remember you! A very familiar name! Thanks for the welcome back. Sadly there’s a reason most of the collection will be up for grabs (eventually; I move slowly these days and overwhelm easily). You’re right, they are either truly older pieces or around 2006-2011 pieces but wow, looking at your wishlist, yep, I’ve been gone a long time (bc I knew I couldn’t buy; it was & is torture) and don’t recognize any of those pieces. Hopefully you’re right and maybe some of my pieces are so old school it might excite newer collectors and/or I’ll have a piece(s) that fills in an elusive collection that someone has been always hoping to find.

        This will take me a long time. I’m (literally) moving slowly and I need to get use to forum life again😊

        Thanks for the welcome old friend🤗

        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

        in reply to: Seeing if this works! Been a while! #1605475

          See Ela, I told you I needed to get reacquainted with the forum! I forgot about signatures🤦🏼‍♀️ And YOU have nothing to apologize for! I was very active here back around 2008 (maybe earlier, certainly later but not since *maybe* 2011; I’m not sure. My memory is selective😂).
          Thanks for reminding me about signatures👍🏼

          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

          in reply to: Seeing if this works! Been a while! #1605471

            Ela_Hara, thanks for the welcome. I don’t have those pieces. No trades; all must be Sells only. Think of it as an estate sale. I want true WE lovers to get my pieces rather than just sell on eBay (a nightmare). I’ve not shopped in some time but I have limited editions that haven’t ever come back; retired pieces and colors across the board; test paints; elusive pieces… when I’m ready to get going and more familiar again with this forum (it’s changed), I’ll start listing pieces. You’ll see but not yet; sorry. My health limits me and I have to summon some strength.

            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

            in reply to: Seeing if this works! Been a while! #1605467

              Gotta contact Susie… should be PhoenixTears not PheonixTears

              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

              in reply to: The recent new Curls #852894

                Don’t get me wrong, we do have a soft spot for those natural colours on any sculpt (especially the [BUCKSKIN – hint as in production, even if just ONE sculpt of Peg adult or ONE Uni, any but the baby – go bigger!] hoofers. But just lately, Ive seen curl after curl that is natural.

                I’m not here enough if at all, to know what the buzz about preference here is, so I do apologize if I just went against the grain and gave you a grain of your own, Mel (migraine that is). But in this house, they are all displayed together, and they have lost their pop, with questions about “doubles??” And the explanation that ensues to show differences (which is still great WOMouth for your work).

                Hypocrite I can be, I will certainly back a Siamese Curl, for sure, Our family grew up with all points of Siams, so go any way and we’d buy it. Hell, we’ll still buy EVERY store curl as to not break up the set but just the ones close in colour don’t make us jump up and down as much as the ones that pop right off their shelf and draw the eye. And of course, Jillian will jump ALL OVER a Buckskin Curl if you decide to stay natural. That would be a gem in that specific sculpt collection as would any WE Buckskin be in any sculpt she can afford from the store.

                Example: HUGE advocate for the squeak of Turquoise. Hadn’t thought of it but can see it in minds eyes and it looks smashing. And if it’s my imagination only thinking of it, I can only KNOW Melody’s take will exceed it.

                I do like the idea of a Sunrise (or Sunburst) Curl which would be bright orange and yellows. LOUD. Sunset curls can be a myriad of things and do not have to be related to the Griffins. As is, the BG and Opopanax are so very similar too.

                Look, I don’t want to stay on the nit picky because Melody, we love here, and in all this, it’s just opinion and never meant to sound as insult in one solitary syllable. I’m just putting forth ideas in hopes since this sculpt is not only affordable for 99% of ANY collector, but I can perhaps imagine that like a writer gets writers block, perhaps an artist looks to the pulse (aka squeaks) of her most loyal collectors, to hear of new colour schemes.

                But I think on the top of our list, like way back when you guys all did Kirins as a surprise for Mel, Jillian did a Mardi Gras coloured Kirin for her. Since, she has been hoping to see Mel’s take on that colour combo of greens, purples and golds. Kind of bridges a bit of a gap with the natural tho vibrant greens and golds, but gives it a spicy kick in the scales with the purple hue. And as a pure joke because it can never happen, how cute would it be if those came with a little Jester hat?! Just a stab at humour since this is a lot to read.

                I didn’t mean to complain about the mutes / naturals that have come out (we dug the Sand Curl [no pun!] because while natural, he still looked like NO other curl, not even close). Our preferences lie in rich colourations, only tiny hints of white or pearly if you must (no offense to those squeaking for restocks for we feel your pain for sure), but some bright fantasy colours after a run of such earthy natural colours would be refreshing. TBT, we only bought the Nutmeg because we didn’t want to break up the set as we have all store Curls. But had we not, we would not have bought it because of its deep similarity that WE see from screen to our display. We do like the colour schemes that are drastic and dont necessarily blend easily like blues into purples. Example would be that Sand Curl. There were definite stops and starts of color there, and if kicked up another notch with other colours, that kind of curl could explode.

                Ending thoughts – We’ll still buy every store curl there is to come. We just want the fire in our bellies like we did when say, VF came out, or even Pink … and we are not Pink fans at all and wouldn’t get it in any other sculpt but Mama Coiled. But that fire back (perhaps I’m being seasonal and would expect the earthy ones more towards Fall) would be exciting, or more exciting. We’re always excited to get a WE package and so happens, that Male Silver Wolf Griffin is arriving tomorrow, ON Jillian’s BDay which was a shipping coincidence but something she really wanted because the chicks were lonely and being taken care of (much like the white chickies) by the BW Spotted Beagle family. Now the chicklets will have papa, Yay!

                Bottom line Melody … thank you for hearing us ad nauseum and not sending snipers to sit on our neighbors roofs ready to end us, and delivering as much as you possibly can. Ive never known a professional artist that actually even cares in the way you do, much less deliver! We always have your back… Oh yea, and sorry for the War and Peace version but look at it this way, if we didn’t care about your work and it didn’t make such an impact on us, we’d not much to say if any. Hard on the eyes but take it as a compliment, please. We do not mean to stress…

                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                in reply to: Website Scripts and Auto-Refreshing #851010

                  Well that definitely answers our questions about us and our standing here! Must say though, if we knew anything about coding and “scripts”, hell yea we would have been running one since we, more often than not, get shafted with the Out of Stock syndrome. So yup, no, no one here knows anything about scripts and coding on this computer (only scripts we know are when we run lines with our friends / family who are on TV shows). It’s a home computer with family use and none of us have that kind of savvy. Sounds like both a headache yet blessing in disguise for some, so I see both sides of this debate. But thank you for letting us know that simply by checking the store several times a day and keeping the WE site bookmarked / favorited, that means we are alright and it does not cause strain on your server.
                  Thank you
                  Sway & everyone

                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                  in reply to: Website Scripts and Auto-Refreshing #850984

                    We on this one computer we use, have NO idea what this means. We clicked on the link that asked if we wanted to know more, and our browser came up and said the server connection is either not valid or could be hacked, for lack of a better term (forget the actual error or warning msg). But point is, we couldn’t read it.

                    What we have for the Store is having the front page saved as a Bookmarked or Favorite page as part of our browser bar. Is this a problem? I mean, how else are we supposed to get to WE?! Type in the actual address each time? And yes, I know those of us that use the computer (though we only have my one name), we do come to the store several times a day, to see if there is anything new, especially if we are watching out for others that will want to purchase. The one main collector from this computer does not get a lot at all (usually b/c it’s out of stock) but is very specific about the pieces she wants.

                    I need to know if saving the store as a Favorite or Bookmarking it, is wrong. And I need to know if we are going to be blocked simply because we check the store several times through out the day. I mean, if you don’t, how are you ever to know when there’s a new piece, right? We do not spend time here, nor do we sit with a page open to the store. We are in and out as soon as we see what is to be seen, and the very occasional purchase.
                    Sway et al

                    “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                    in reply to: Large Production Flap Cats #850023

                      I have painted myself into a corner with the large flap cat colors. We have done several limited edition colors already, so there aren’t that many colors left that I can do as production!
                      I can start over with the new cat.

                      Speaking for my cousin Jillian, we’d love a Russian Blue coloured one! Thats easy as anything! She has a Korat and they are often mistaken for Russian Blues. So a nice blue grey Flapper with yellow eyes with perhaps a tinge of orange in them (or either pale yellow eyes or orange eyes). Heck, we’d even settle for a closed eyed version!

                      “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                      in reply to: Large Production Flap Cats #850022

                        On behalf of Jillian, all of us here thank you for restocking the Large Tuxedo Flaps w/ Sunset Wings (no moustache). As you may or may not know, Jillian needs to put her Tuxedo to sleep very soon. He has lived a nice, long and loving life, all with Jillian. And being that she will ONLY memorialize her pets with YOUR work, she was very happy she was able to secure this specific piece. It made it in time so that he could scent mark it with chin and head rubs the way cats do, and it will reside next to his urn, when the time comes (August 23).

                        She still hopes and prays you will come out with any store line of hoofers in Buckskin (no names) so that she can finally memorialize her long passed horse, and perhaps a Buckskin Pegasus or Unicorn can go next to her horse’s urn (been waiting since 1995/96). And she can write the name of her horse on the felt and not feel badly about crossing out a name that might have already been lovingly thought of and designated for it. She doesn’t want to be rude by changing names, but she also wants it to come to her with what she calls “vanilla factory energy,” which means it is fresh, pure and ready to enter her house and have her horse’s name on it (by her hand). Do you think you’ll ever do a line of store Buckskin hoofers (not grab bags; a real line so we know what we are getting)? Just a thought and a reminder squeak.

                        But thank you again on her behalf, and ours, as we deal with the countdown to her eldest boys final weeks. Coincidentally, he has always shared the same birthday (Oct 10) as her late Grams, and is now going to share the same passing date as her late Grams as well on August 23rd. Truly, thank you for the restock and allowing her to get it (her first Large Flap ever – she has always tried and it’s always eluded her) here so he could scent mark all over it. It helped to ease her sorrow and you made her very happy, as happy as she can be facing what we are. Thank you again and blessings to you and yours.
                        Sway & Jillian

                        “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                        in reply to: Any chance of a bat wing large Flap cat ? #844672

                          Well that answers our curiosity as to why quite a few new bird winged flappers have come out, and we’ve not gotten their bat winged mates! I didn’t know the mold was MIA and will now pass it on to the major collector of the family. The way she likes to do things with her collection of small flaps is that while the cat is alive, it’s living memorial is the bat wing (of which you have made colours or she has taken badly broken bat wings, did semi repair and repainted to match the living cat with REPAINT and NOT FOR RESALE on the felt out of respect for WE) since all our families cats are imps. And then when they pass on, we like to have them memorialized with a bird wing color version.

                          So far, this has worked out well with whats been released and what colour cats we have/had. That they’ve been in the store, and not named (so we can put our cat’s names on the felt for the Memorial; it’s a very spiritual thing and she doesn’t want to rob the statue of a name already lovingly given, and also wants the no-name vanilla to come to her so she can put her own animal’s name energy into it) has always worked out well. She desperately hopes you’ll come out with a Buckskin line of hoofers for the store (not grab bag) so that she can, after more than 15 yrs, memorialize her horse (she only wants YOU Melody; only the best artist is good enough to memorialize her best horse and the profound connection they had; or else she would go Breyer and get a Buckskin there but she wants YOU and your loving work).

                          Jillian is getting close to losing her oldest cat, who is black and white and would LOVE for you to restock the B/W Large Flaps with Sunset Wings in hopes of memorializing him when the time comes (tho the little one will be by his urn too). She doesn’t even own a large flap yet! Always eludes her but she was happy to get a Siamese (original) one for her mom’s late chocolate pt Siam a few years ago.

                          On point – a large Bat Wing has always been a HUGE dream of Jillian’s. They would soooo rock and sell very quickly, batch after batch, colour after colour. We just hope you will do them for the store and not only ebay. If we could buy you time for any holiday or birthday, we would! With something else of course! But we’d love to endow you with time to be able to create with the speed of thought. So many squeaks, so little time!

                          “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                          in reply to: Is there no more One Per rule? #843019

                            I’m sorry, but I don’t understand the whole, female member thing? Words in her mouth stuff? Did this person buy a ton of the same sculpt and get attacked because of it?
                            You didn’t explain that very well, so I’m confused.

                            I didn’t say anything about a female member? The “she” I refer to had nothing to do with buying anything and has never bought anything in bulk. I’m not going to rehash what caused my cousin to leave here years ago but it was vicious, people put words in her mouth when she expressed something, it got spun around and then everyone took it as law and attacked her for it and before she could get out of the hospital the thread was locked. Since, she has been plagued with horrific anonymous emails of mutilated pix of her animals she shared here. Meanwhile, she and the person they thought she was talking about (it was never a forum member and we know this because the auction in question was a hidden auction and for old items but not rare ones; non-mint white uni family for well over $800 I think), never had any problem and talked about this right after it happened and remain fine to this day. But she left here because she just found too many ppl, too volatile. People don’t stand up for friends in fear they will be beaten down. And many, many other members have left as well because of the feel of the forum some time ago. Though this is not the main point of my post whatsoever.

                            You may not feel I was yelled at but I feel I was talked to gruffly. Thats how it hit me and I’m entitled to my feelings, like you and everyone else are. You put the One Per rule very nicely and eloquently.

                            “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                            in reply to: Is there no more One Per rule? #843009

                              Whoa. You “sound” mad at me but I may not understand your tone of writing. You’re not getting what I’m saying. Did you read my whole novel? I had no problem with why the member did what she did with the Unicorns – I get it and I respect how she is going to resell. BUT the point about ANY piece I’m saying is when they get bought up with sole purpose of going to ebay for 3x the store price; history has shown this in cases (whether they’re members or not, no clue). I’d rather Melody get that EXTRA money since it can obviously go for that much. And remember, I am, like you, entitled to my opinion. Funny. I was just talking about you to someone just yesterday … and it was a very nice conversation and I was hoping you were going to wind up with the Frodo Unicorn.

                              You have not been reading my thread with MY personal glitches with the new site pertaining to the store. I saw NO sign of ANY EmPea Coiled Mothers, ever, until they suddenly popped up tonight and said out of stock. Several of us here have had the store up in one tab, 24/7 with its own refresh and our refreshing of the page. It never showed us anything; not even the text.

                              Sounds like my opinion got your ire up which was not my intention and out of everyone, I just find the irony in it when we were just discussing you specifically and hoping you got the Frodo looking Young Unicorn. I’m allowed to blow off steam, especially in my own thread; I’ve not singled anyone out and the one I did, I validated her and said I understood fully why she did what she did and respect how she is going about it even further. Theres no reason to be angry at me! Maybe you didn’t mean it but it sounds like you’re yelling AT me. They are my feelings and my opinions about a site thing and we’re all entitled to it but no one should feel attacked – including me.

                              I still hope you get that Frodo looking Unicorn, for what it’s worth because I know how much he means to you, much like my cousin’s late horse means to her and how much she prays to memorialize her with only work from Melody (Melody being the only artist worthy of creating a piece that would stand as a memorial to her special horse; she’s had many but this ONE was very, very special. Couple that with Melody’s talent and love of her work and what she puts in, it is only a WE piece that could honor her horse’s memory).

                              Anyone else out there needs not to take this as if I’m talking about you. The only person I spoke of directly here is the one member who admitted to buying many of the Grab Bag unicorns but with her superior explanation, I support her and am NOT against her.

                              “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                              in reply to: Grab Bag items poll! #842991

                                I voted No More than 2 Per Customer … and that’s saying something because I am a HUGE advocate of the ONE Per rule across the board. Which can always be lifted when she makes more and the store is plentiful so everyone can get one. Because every hoofer collector is going to want one for sure, and highly likely even die hard dragon fans will want one too.

                                One or Two Per – never, on ANY piece, do I condone a free for all. Not until the hype has died down and everyone has pretty much bought one.

                                “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                in reply to: Is there no more One Per rule? #842990

                                  I read about the Grab Bag situation and who bought a lot of them because she admitted she did. But, I understand her reasoning behind it. I’d like for everyone to have gotten one, however, she may have put a monkey toe in it initially but because she said she is reselling at store price AND anyone can probably get the one they want cause she’ll have photos, in this instance, I’ve no issue at all with that buy.

                                  I’m referring to other pieces that have been coming up for sale, the latest being the EMPea Coiled Mother Dragon. It was already a small batch so they would have sold out quick even in the One Per rule. But I don’t see that there even is that rule any more and I am a HUGE advocate for it for personal reasons I do not wish to get embroiled in here and start a controversy in becoming misunderstood. I’ve seen that happen to someone, they put words on her mouth and attacked her so hard, she left. In fact she still gets anonymous account emails with Photoshopped photos of her animals – mutilated. And they are from forum members. We can’t say who (now would I) but we have a very good idea. This is what happens when people ASSuME things and decide to get a mob mentality to hurt someone who didn’t deserve it. It’s only for her love for Melody and her work that she continues to collect Windstone’s for the experience was and continues to be hair raising (and the IFCC or whomever can’t help us further).

                                  Point is – in the case of the Grab Bag Unicorns, in this very case, I understand why the forum member did what she did AND how she is going to be so good about it, and do the right thing which is resell back the ones she doesn’t keep. And several lucky members will get to see which one they will get, ensuring they get the one they want (I’m not a fan of Grab Bag and neither is my cousin who is DESPERATE for a Buckskin as a memorial for her late horse; so happens the Young Unicorn is her absolute favorite sculpt out of anything, and the Young Black was the first WE piece she ever bought back in the mid/late 80s). She is hoping Melody makes an entire line of Buckskins so she can memorialize them to her horse by writing her horses name on the bottom and Not for Resale as well (it will go to her grave with her and I’m not kidding).

                                  But the other pieces that are rushing out of the store, I’m positive more than one has been bought and will show up on ebay. Just a matter of time. We want our money to go to the artist who created the piece. And if it IS a small run, then it should most definitely be a One Per – even more especially if it will be a while till another batch comes out.

                                  Sorry if this sounds gruff, but with store purchase issues and glitches as well as missing these pieces and a couple other things related to buying, we’re just a bit disenchanted and frustrated. I’m not yelling at anyone here. And the member who did buy up a lot of the Youngs – you need to KNOW I am not referring to you in ANY way, in a bad way. I read your admission and I understand what you did and what makes it alright in my eyes, is that you are reselling and willing to take PMs (ready for that nightmare?!) to resell at store price (which is key; golden key). For this, if it were only up to me, she’d be justified in doing just what she did.

                                  Now, if someone gobbled up 4-5 EmPea Mother Dragons, keeps one, gives one to a friend (so far I’m fine with all that) but then sells the rest on ebay for profit; that chaps my hide and IMO gyps Melody and WE to the point I’d ENCOURAGE Melody to RAISE her prices to ebay prices because people are obviously willing to pay it and it SHOULD go to her. To be clear, I’m not accusing any one person of doing this. This is just my opinion and theory. And I know I’m not alone. There are tons of silent agreers here that will not stand up and side with me because they fear certain forum members because they can be bullies. And no, I refuse to name names!

                                  Thank you for pointing me towards that other thread you put in your thread, Hannah. You’ve now helped me a few times and it’s much appreciated.

                                  “Fate whispers to the wolf, you cannot withstand the storm; and the wolf whispers back, I AM the storm.”

                                Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 290 total)