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  • in reply to: Masking Fluid Techniques #509989

    In my experience, it doesn’t matter if you dab it on or stroke it on as long as you apply it evenly and quickly. Don’t try to paint more on once the masking fluid has dried because you’ll just pull up the mask. Don’t be afraid to let it get a little thick, which is better than too thin, especially with a brush because you may end up with brushstroke lines of paint if you paint over it 🙂

    Again, the best way to clean up is as quickly as possible, dish soap is just fine since it’s best to use a cheap brush you don’t care about anyway. Like dollarstore kiddy painting brushes, that sort of thing 🙂 Definitely do NOT use any of your nice painting brushes heh heh

    I know this isn’t relevant to painting sculptures but if you ever use masking fluid on paper, don’t leave it on longer than you need to because it can become bonded to the paper and pull up some of the paper when you pull it away.

    Hope that helps!

    in reply to: Everybody say "hi" to Gruffin! #509781


    in reply to: Luna Moth Dragonflutter #509735

    what are the wings made of? Sorry i’m still catching up on posts around here 🙂

    in reply to: Russet Curl Dragons #509556

    omg so purrrddyyy *droools*

    in reply to: New Griffie: black billed magpie (Better Pictures!) #509342

    ambitious, i like! 😀

    in reply to: Flamed!! #509446

    Arlla wrote:

    LOL the second message he sent me was really pretty funny. It SCREAMED “I’m 16, never been laid and I spend all my parents’ money on video games.” I didn’t say that, though – all I said was “wow, I’m so deeply impressed. I wish I was as cool as you. Please stop messaging me.”
    He sent me a final retort. But he’s been quiet since then. ^_^ It’s all so juvenile – I was SO tempted to throw maturity away and get in there to join the mudslinging!! 😀

    Gawd, i’ve encountered fanboys like that, they are the ones that give me a dirty look at anime conventions when i tell them that no, we don’t have volume 4 of “[Insert Popular Manga Here]” or no i’ve never played “[Insert Popular Videogame Here” – you don’t have to know every single nerdly passtime to work in the dealer’s room! I’ve got enough of my own nerdly passtimes! LOL

    in reply to: Flamed!! #509445

    frozendragon wrote:

    skigod377 wrote:

    sunhawk wrote:

    just send him/her an email back going:


    that that’s it *g*

    Thats a good one!

    yeah…it made me giggle….hehe…..well the drugs might have helped it along though….

    When i used to moderate a Sony forum, you wouldn’t believe the screaming, threatening PM’s i used to get when i had to ban someone for being a pain in the butt. One girl threatened to come all the way to my house to leave a flaming bag of poop on my doorstep! LOL So the best response i found was to just skip the attempt to appeal to logic in those circumstances and go right for the laughing your face off *g*

    in reply to: Flamed!! #509438

    just send him/her an email back going:


    that that’s it *g*

    in reply to: Gypsym Stone and Glue? #509327

    I like using Weldbond because it dries clear but i haven’t used it for repairs on something large or superdetailed before

    in reply to: Just a WARNING! #509293

    lamortefille wrote:

    Thanks for the laugh! 😆

    You’re welcome :3

    in reply to: Just a WARNING! #509292

    Akeyla wrote:

    zut alors *g*

    I guess it was no sentence at all. could be an unlucky drop of an item over the keyboard, the cat typing(our cat is known to delete datas) or pure absentmindedness. Now, if I did not have the erase key I could show you tons of typos and slippos I’ve made 😉
    coincidence is very creative 😉

    Ya like that eh? *g*

    I think if it had been a cat typing it would have been more like “jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjiikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk;;;;;;;;”

    in reply to: Just a WARNING! #509291

    Arlla wrote:

    DUDE. Next time I leave feedback, I am SO saying “ze item was great!”

    …you think I’m joking, don’t you…

    DO IT.

    in reply to: Paint to Pixel Studio #508895

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    That looks interesting. I’ll download it and give it a try when I get home from the office tonight. Thanks again, Sunhawk.

    You are most welcome, glad to help ^_^

    in reply to: Just a WARNING! #509274

    Akeyla wrote:


    usually if you give a feedback its a one time hit the entry and thats it. Yes, I have also already slipped and given someone a feedback that like… stopped mid-sentence. This case looks like a very, very unlucky slip. I doubt it was purpose. ebay seriously needs to change that.

    But it makes me curious, what kind of sentence starts with z??

    “zut alors, quelle escroquerie extorsion!” (holy mackeral, what a rip-off!)

    “zoo is where this bad man belongs, BAD SELLER!!”

    “ze item was great!”

    and so forth :3

    in reply to: Paint to Pixel Studio #508893

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Okay, I’m warned. Gotta think about this. Thanks.

    I’m not sure what you are looking for in an image program but have you ever tried GIMP? It’s a free program that is sort of like Photoshop/PSP-Lite, if you haven’t heard of it, here’s the website with all the info 🙂

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