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  • in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776690

    chrisherself wrote:

    sunhawk wrote:

    Vore is something I find disturbing on a number of levels. I hope the video has been removed, I can’t bring myself to click the link.
    Though I wouldn’t bring anything to PETA’s attention, I don’t like the idea of giving them the idea they are in any way the authority on anything, because in their own way they are just as bad.

    Well put Sunhawk. I get very frustrated with PETA, because they have the power and voice to mobilize and make change for the better, but sometimes I think they’re just as much into “shock value” as the people who post animal cruelty for entertainment. I see some of their campaigns and think they could have gotten a lot more accomplished if they weren’t so focused on being outlandish to get people’s attention. They’re not attracting new “converts” that way–just pushing them further away. I think most of their campaigns are targeted toward people who ALREADY agree with PETA and that’s poor marketing.

    But, still, sometimes it’s who you gotta go to.

    Well there’s that, but I was also thinking about PETA’s habit of picking up animals from shelters and putting them to sleep and tossing the dead bodies in dumpsters, because they believe owning pets is also “cruel” :/ So I have a hard time finding any reason to go to them for anything, because I don’t trust them to make ethical decisions that I would agree with.

    in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776689

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    I agree, Sunhawk, but they do have a way of getting things done.

    Yeah but they have a way of “getting things done” the way that killer bees have a way of “sometimes stinging people” :X

    in reply to: Toronto and GTA members, let's get together! Pics p.3 #765632

    HOLY RAINBOWCUPCAKES I CANNOT WAIT TO SWIM!!!!! I was just saying the other day I’ve gone all summer without a beach day or swim ANYWHERE! I am DYING to swim and I swim very well 😉

    The lovely Romeodanny is picking me up, what a sweetheart eh?? 😀

    Do I need to bring anything other than my swimsuit?? Foodstuffs?? Booze?? :X


    Sorry I’m so late replying again, it was my birthday on Saturday so I’ve been running around to different celebrations, this is one more for the long weekend, AWESOME! 😀

    in reply to: this year's art (new art pg 4) #759085

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Don’t know about the first critter, but I love the owl!

    I have to say my favorite of your stuff are still the ‘shrooms and the griffin box. 😀

    It’s Cthulhu 😀

    The grpyhon box is currently on hold for someone I am happy to say 😀 The mushroom box is still hanging around, I am very fond of it too! Took FOREVER to do LOL

    in reply to: this year's art (new art pg 4) #759083

    Adaneth wrote:

    That owl is beautiful! Actually, they’re all great. 😀

    Thanks! 😀 I like how the owl came out, his colouration ended up much warmer than I originally planned 🙂

    in reply to: Why Does This CRAP KEEP HAPPENING TO ME?!? #775505

    That is the craziest story I’ve ever heard, I’m sorry you had to go through that!! @_@

    in reply to: Vulture Rescue #776986

    I’m glad you looked after it, I think vultures are great!

    in reply to: Keeping snakes (title changed) #776684

    Vore is something I find disturbing on a number of levels. I hope the video has been removed, I can’t bring myself to click the link.
    Though I wouldn’t bring anything to PETA’s attention, I don’t like the idea of giving them the idea they are in any way the authority on anything, because in their own way they are just as bad.

    in reply to: My pets:D #773936

    Wow I didn’t know frogs could eat chickens!! 😮

    in reply to: this year's art (new art pg 4) #759081

    Once again I re-emerge from the ether 😉

    Here’s some new stuff, I’m happy to say both these books have new homes now 😀

    And here’s something I tried for fun the other day, my first crocheted plushy, made it up as I went along! LOL

    What can I say, I love rainbows! LOL

    in reply to: I want to cry…(Update p3) #774323

    That really sucks, I hope you can work it out, you shouldn’t have to pay it back! You assumed in good faith the money was yours to use, where do they expect you to get it back from, the bills you paid?? The food you ate?? @_@

    in reply to: I GOT A JOB! #774457

    GO YOU~! 😀

    in reply to: Internet woes — anyone savvy about Firefox? #773480

    Snapdragon wrote:

    Yes, 3.5 has all the privacy feature overhauls.

    Also it stopped using 1.2 GB of memory and went back to a respectable 300 MB for me. (I’m running many self-updating windows with AJAX so memory gets away on me fast..)

    Oh God, I am going to go upgrade RIGHTNOW, because I’m at 1.4 GB right now, insane!

    in reply to: Help !My tree trimmer stained my Lions #773108

    I honestly read the title of this thread the first time as “stained my loins” :X

    in reply to: I finally found photos of my tiger dragon! #765554

    Soooooo cute 😀

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