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  • in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510161

      ruffian wrote:

      Our cat also loves boxes, and anything he can hide in, he will open cupboards to get in a sleep, typical cat stuff. But I ask this of all you cat owners how does your cat recat to mint? Mine goes nuts, he loves the teabag, he rubs the teabag, he sleeps with the teabag. He will rub the teabag until the side of his face is green with tea and cat spit. If I use Tiger Balm or other joint rub he will rub my knee as long as I will let him, weirdo cat.

      And wolfen have your vet test for allergies, alto of times when they lick or scratch themselves raw it is allergies. My dog, Ruffian, will do that if she gets any food with corn in it, she will chew off her fur and bite at her skin until she bleeds, or she gets a yeast infection in her ear. Just a thought.

      Catnip is a mint.

      Some varieties of mint tea include catnip.

      Thus, it is entirely possible that your cat, like many cats, likes catnip. Though perhaps he’s just odd and like other mints too.

      in reply to: Ebay Q #511242

        Ebay has a LOT of employees. The full-time salaries of a couple hundred people takes a chunk out. Then there’s all the computer stuff, and on top of that of course they want to make a profit.

        Honestly, if you don’t like ebay you’re perfectly free to go sell somewhere else. I find their prices completely reasonable for what you get.

        in reply to: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! #511219

          I don’t care how good the sales are, I made the mistake of going to the mall on Black Friday once. *shudder* Never again.

          in reply to: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! #511217

            Well, I’m celebrating tomorrow. Just the way things worked out this year. So no turkey for me yet.

            in reply to: grandio price increase on new retireds!! #510866

              Yeah, I wonder why the spectral is so much? $130 seems to be the official list price, according to Astral Castle. But it’s the same size as a male, really. Why is it so much more?

              in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510154

                Heavens, trimming Kali’s nails is a nightmare. It would almost be worth getting her declawed to never have to do it again! (Almost, I’d never actually do that to her.) She’s normally very good with being handled, is easy to medicate even! But touch her claws and she acts like you’re trying to kill her, and tries to kill you right back. I theorize that a previous owner must have done it wrong and trimmed down to the quick, or something, because she’s so good-natured about everything else.

                in reply to: Gothic Unicorn on ebay #511197

                  Awww, that sucks. I finally got a few payments in, so I’m at least making rent and essentials this month. Still no extra for Windstones though.

                  in reply to: Wanted: rainbow emperor #509725

                    He he. That’s the same local store I get stuff at. *grins* Though I haven’t gotten much there, just fledgelings.

                    in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510143

                      Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                      That’s why you should at least get the front paws declawed….

                      Eeep. Sometimes it may be neccessary, but PLEASE do not get a cat de-clawed casually! It’s HORRIBLE for the cat. They have to essentially amputate part of their toe. Yes, if you have an indoor cat that has real behavioural problems it might be neccessary, but don’t do it just because they sharpen their claws on the furniture once in a while! There are better ways to get them to not do that.

                      in reply to: PYO dragon in progress! #510181

                        I want to try one with watercolor! I may wait though, given that the next few I want to make are for gifts for folks, and I don’t want to experiment with something that’s for somebody else.

                        in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510316

                          Algy wrote:

                          SPark wrote:

                          ruffian wrote:

                          I would imagine that the master was melody’s original, that the mold would have been made from, where as the lion kirin was a cast one from the looks of the pic.

                          Well, yes, that’s what “master” means in the world of sculpture. I guess I wasn’t too clear with my question.

                          What I was asking was if it’s possible to recreate the master by casting another one from the molds they have, going backwards, so to speak. Since from all I’ve read about the process that Melody uses, the master IS actually cast. (Melody works on several versions of the sculpture, which are re-cast after each set of refinements to them, until one final master is made from her last version of the sculpture.)

                          Because if recreating the master possible then the loss is a setback, but not a disaster. But if it’s NOT possible, then the wolves we all just ordered are the only copies of that sculpt that there will ever be. (Admittedly that would do marvelous things to their value for us, but it would truly suck for Windstone and Melody, so I’m hoping not!)

                          Reading back a page, Melody mentioned it was the “large winged wolf” that was taken. I’m guessing that’s the one which had it’s nose eaten off in sculpey form.
                          So it’s not the little PYO wolves everyone just purchased. 🙂

                          But it’s still a big loss..

                          Ah! I see. Though in a way that’s worse, given that there may not be any copies of the large wolf at all.

                          in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510122

                            Mother gryph and chicks are supposed to be out within the month.

                            Secret Keeper has no date, as they still haven’t fixed the weight problem, and seem to have put it on hold for a bit while they concentrate on other things. Seems like that to me, anyhow. I can add that to my list of stuff to pester Melody about when I see her this weekend.

                            But anyhow, I wouldn’t expect to see Secret Keepers in stores until sometime next year.

                            in reply to: Picture for whippetluv! #511032

                              That’s so VERY cute!

                              in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510120

                                LyoMoonheart wrote:

                                Nambroth wrote:

                                LyoMoonheart wrote:

                                I’m rather wondering how big he’s going to be if he’s going to be $750 US(?) Wondering if that’s worth it…

                                How big who is? How’d you get that price? o.o

                                Secret Keeper is what I meant- and from one of the shop keepers- he said for the female gryphon but I doubt she’s that much…?

                                I think your shop keeper is making things up so that he sounds like he knows what he’s talking about.

                                in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510314

                                  ruffian wrote:

                                  I would imagine that the master was melody’s original, that the mold would have been made from, where as the lion kirin was a cast one from the looks of the pic.

                                  Well, yes, that’s what “master” means in the world of sculpture. I guess I wasn’t too clear with my question.

                                  What I was asking was if it’s possible to recreate the master by casting another one from the molds they have, going backwards, so to speak. Since from all I’ve read about the process that Melody uses, the master IS actually cast. (Melody works on several versions of the sculpture, which are re-cast after each set of refinements to them, until one final master is made from her last version of the sculpture.)

                                  Because if recreating the master possible then the loss is a setback, but not a disaster. But if it’s NOT possible, then the wolves we all just ordered are the only copies of that sculpt that there will ever be. (Admittedly that would do marvelous things to their value for us, but it would truly suck for Windstone and Melody, so I’m hoping not!)

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