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:party: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :party:
I don’t have any advice about working in the medical field.
I absolutely LOVE my job!! It allows me to do my two favorite things in the whole wide world: stay home and take care of my lil ones and go shopping everyday! I recently started this new venture last spring. I’m an aspiring extreme couponer. I surf the interwebs in search of coupons, then I cross reference to see what kind of sales those particular stores are having. While my boys are at school, I take those coupons and go shopping for all sorts of fun things! Then I rented some floor space in a store about a half hour from my home, once a week I go to the store to stock my shelves/racks. At the beginning of every month the store gives me a check (-rent, credit card fees, and my share of the cashier’s pay). I also have an eBay store, but I can’t say I love that as much (I’m really timid when it comes to dealing with customer’s problems). All in all, I only actually work a couple hours a day, everyday, but I can do it at my leisure and all of my bills are paid (for the first time in six years!)
**going back and reading this, I just realized that I sound like a spam email, LOL!**I love those birds! I have a tiny peacock and a little fluffy dove that sit in the branches of my Christmas tree (I used to have a large peacock, but my cat must’ve thought it was prey and attacked it! LOL)
December 10, 2013 at 7:53 pm in reply to: Xmas shopping? Real life unicorns for sale on Craigslist #906379$930,000 PER unicorn! That’s a bargain!
That has to be the cutest ad I have ever seen, I really like the picture he put on it! So cute!Congrats!! :party: I can’t wait to see what treasure you get!!
Ugh. Mine is at the post office! My hubby took a load of Christmas packages to the post office for me just now. He said that the guy that he doesn’t like was working the counter today, so where’s my Poad? Still at the post office. :/
Whoops! I was so excited I forgot to put my forum name in that first one, LOL!
Congrats!! :party: You’ll have to let us know what treasure she finds for you!
Red, where are you, little buddy??
If they are troublesome to paint, then i would say charge more for the extra work. they seem to have a high demand and if they are created in limited quantities at a time, then they also create a higher market value in any sense. If the demand is high, the sales will follow.
I completely agree. I personally would not mind paying more because they’re not a sculpt that you can easily obtain. There’s only a handful of bat eared and red foxes out there, you never see them on eBay (heck, you rarely even see a picture of them on the forum!). If one ever appeared on eBay, you better believe my credit card is ready!!
I’m dying for more pebbles!! Especially the new foxes!!
Yes, thank you , Sikek!! I only caught the last 20 minutes or so of the livestream, so I missed the majority of these beauties!!
Thanks everyone! I had a great day!!
I don’t think you missed anything yet. I’m dying to see what Melody did with this batch too!!