Silver Fox 77

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  • Silver Fox 77

      Hi all,

      I saw this add for jigsaw puzzles on FB that has a dragon puzzle that looked awfully like a Windstone Keeper dragon… If you look closely, the scales are in the same pattern. I couldn’t post the actual picture, but here is a link to the site with all the puzzles.

      My mother and I looked up the site on and it’s obviously not a reputable seller for puzzles. But I thought it might be good to bring it to attention of the similar art style?

      Here’s the link:

      Don’t know if it’s something worth looking at or not, but the dragon was just too similar to the keeper dragon in my opinion! And I am always on the side of protecting the original artists content!

      Hope this was helpful in some way. 🙂

      in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1608805
      Silver Fox 77

        Thank you guys!❤️😃

        I have started working on some more! Yay! I do wish I knew a better way to upload photos though… ( I’m not tech savvy and I needed help figuring out how to resize the images because all my pictures are too big to upload here) but other than that, I’d love to share any more that I make with you all! 😁

        Don’t tell my brother he was right… It will most certainly go to his head!😄

        in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #1608775
        Silver Fox 77

          HECK YEAH!

          I finished my very first posable art doll!!! I have been wanting to make one of these for a couple of years now and been to afraid to even try… my brother kept pushing me saying to just go for it and I finally gave in and went for it! I didn’t even know how to sew when I first started it, but I somehow managed and am quite pleased with the results. 🙂

          I’m so happy with him! he’s not the best… but he’s certainly not the worst. I have yet to figure out wings, but that will be the next step with my second posable creation.

          I just had to share him with the community cause I know everyone here is a fan of art and mythical creatures! Now to figure out how to make a good set of wings…

          Yay! 😀

          in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1608037
          Silver Fox 77

            Thanks Amy! It is a nice one… And to my surprise, it will actually go very nicely with my Ruby Fledgling. #80 was my first choice, but I am happy with the one I will be receiving. I hope everyone in the end will get (for the most part at least) what they are hoping for. 🙂

            in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1608031
            Silver Fox 77

              Kim, I got one out of the few I listed I was interested in and I ended up getting #59

              in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1608024
              Silver Fox 77

                I heard back finally and wish to thank Melody very much for her perseverance in getting back to everyone as fast as she can… thank you Melody. 🙂 Oh, and chocolate is a very good thing to have at your side when you’ve got a lot of work to get done!

                in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1607864
                Silver Fox 77

                  Thanks for your thoughts. Yes, maybe tomorrow. It truly is amazing really, I think she was fully funded in under seven minutes? I don’t know as anything has ever been funded that fast! 🙂

                  in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1607862
                  Silver Fox 77

                    Hi Kim, sorry I missed that message… I was thinking she would be continuing to paint more throughout the Kickstarter and post another group from which to claim, but clearly I missed something along the way. Thanks for clarifying. Yeah, I don’t think I’ll try messaging Melody again, I only tried once with the message button and once with the FAQ section… I check my sent box and it says the message sent, so I guess it’s out there. I know many other people haven’t heard anything yet. :/

                    in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1607860
                    Silver Fox 77

                      Copper83, I am aware I have the ability to pull out if need be, but I would prefer not to as I am not interested in something from the production line at this time. As most of the people here, I am interested in a OOAK piece of this particular style of dragon that Melody has made. I don’t mind being patient, what I do mind is not knowing what to do about messaging and conveying my concerns like everyone else. I don’t know what information has gone through to the Windstone team or not and I don’t want to make things more complicated. For instance, if say I’ve already asked for a select few numbers but don’t hear anything back and then she puts out another batch, will it then further complicate things to ask for another set of numbers assuming the first batch have completely gone without knowing for sure if I did indeed get one from the first set? And with how quickly these went, what’s to say the next batch doesn’t go as quickly? I’m really trying to explain my concerns the best I can without it sounding disrespectful. I can’t even FATHOM the amount of work Melody and her team are having to go through right now and I know they do everything in their power to work it out. I just don’t know at this point if I should be proactive in some way (I don’t want to be a nuisance) or sit back and hope someone else will ask these hard questions and wait for an answer that way. I have nothing but the utmost respect for Melody and the Windstone team and I understand this was a complete surprise and overload to them to have the messaging system break down. So right now I doing my best to wait and I am not touching the message button or doing anything to harass those who are having to sort through the mess. I’m just trying to figure out what to do like I’m sure a lot of other people here are too. I want to feel confident with how I spend my money and right now, I do not feel confident. I am extremely greatful for the amount of time and effort Melody and her team puts into everything they do, it’s why I’ve been following her work for over ten years… Even when I haven’t been able to afford pretty much any of it. She is an amazing artist and I bet it’s extremely difficult when she struggles to meet everyone’s demands, mine included.

                      in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1607847
                      Silver Fox 77

                        I own two Windstone Edition dragons, the first one I actually found in an antique store and it is a ruby fledgling… This first one was the start of my Windstone addiction! I got that first dragon over 10 years ago. The second dragon is a keeper dragon PYO that I got as a birthday present from my grandmother and I was afraid to paint it for over five years for fear I would ruin it. (He’s painted now and I love him!). I have been DYING to actually buy my very own choice of dragon for years now and now that I have a job I was ready! And I’m sorry, but I just feel sick… I feel like I’m not going to get something that I was really hoping for and that is a special painted dragon in the colors I really love… I really wanted #80 a blue/indigo mixture with hints of black and silver if I remember it right… I don’t mean to blame anyone or give anyone a hard time but I’m just frustrated like everyone else and have to let it out. I can’t talk about it with my parents because they would NOT want to hear about this whole crazy fiasco and what I spent my money on… But it’s MY money and I have been waiting a LONG time for something like this! For a special Dragon that I get to choose. So again, I’m really just airing my frustrations and I wish I could say I’d be happy with whatever I end up with, but I won’t… I feel absolutely horrible about saying that because they are all so pretty in their own right, but I have just waited too long and worked too hard to get something other than what I was looking forward to receiving. Even if I were to get a reply to my message I feel pretty hopeless as I came in as the the 97th backer. I know it may take a few days for things to get sorted out, but I’m really going to have to assess whether the outcome will be worth that amount of money for me. I really mean no I’ll will to Melody in the slightest, it’s just a lot of money for me personally to spend and not have a choice in what I end up with. Does that make sense? I really don’t want to come off as a jerk about the whole thing. I really do feel awful. 🙁

                        in reply to: So, What # Kickstarter Dragon Did You Request? #1607782
                        Silver Fox 77

                          I feel sick… I was the 97th backer in a matter of four or five minutes. (I am very slow at typing in information especially under lots of stress!) My message also didn’t go through so I tried refreshing a couple times and then probably a half hour later I tried to message through the FAQ section… so I guess I wait now and see what happens? I’ve never done this before but I really would like a chance to choose the dragon I pledged for. I know there are a lot of people who feel the same as me right now and are kinda freaking out over the shear number of backers there already are and how many dragons will be available. 😬

                          in reply to: September PIF Raffle! #1530190
                          Silver Fox 77

                            Cool!  I love foxes, I’ll give it a go… I didn’t see any special rules so I’m assuming I just PM with the “September PIF Raffle” like you said… sorry if I miss anything, I haven’t tried the PIF raffle before. 🙂

                            in reply to: We need help with our new products gallery #944694
                            Silver Fox 77

                              Just sent in a picture of my little Ruby dragon. 😉

                              in reply to: It's that time of the month again… #940554
                              Silver Fox 77

                                This is by far the best… Poem… EVER!!!!

                                I hope some day I will have a husband, as excepting of Melody’s windstone treasure!!!!


                                in reply to: The winner of the November 2015 raffle is… #937649
                                Silver Fox 77

                                  Sure fooled me!

                                  Congratulations Kim! What a beauty! 🙂

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