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  • in reply to: "Loonakit" lynx plush critter. #552378

      OMG! Those are so cute! 😀 Lynx! I may have to get one in the very near future 😆

      That is expensive fabric 😯 I was looking for fake fur online to make San’s (Princess Mononoke) cape/mask and found similarly priced fabric! Sooooo nice, but not this go around. Some day 🙂

      in reply to: Wisdom Teeth #552323

        I only have two (both on top) and they are somewhere up in my gums. I can feel them (they’ve been there for at least 10 years at this point). They are like two molar spaces behind my molars, so there is no way they could ever break through.

        A friend of mine had a root canal and was supposed to have been knocked out. He would wake up periodicaly just enough to be like, omg! I can feel that!!!!!, but still knocked out enough that he couldn’t move or react. Something like that would happen to him 😉 He was ok afterward though and had some codeine for a couple of days.

        Everyone in my family that have had teeth pulled have had no problems. I’ve never had anything beyond a cleaning when I do schedule visits.

        in reply to: I will NEVER get a Bat Cat Gargoyle!!! ARGH! #552178

          I’m so sorry 🙁 Dude, I so thought of you when I saw them up on ebay too! If I see one, I’ll have to keep an eye out on one for you. I’ve seen a bird winged one (thinking of putting it on layaway this weekend), but I think you have that one already.

          in reply to: I'm Back, did anyone notice me missing??? #548096

            ruffian wrote:

            I went to Meatloaf this weekend in Edmonton, so much fun, umm picked up a cat wizard for myself, that was also fun, and well that is about all, pretty good weekend if I do say so myself 😀 .

            You went to see Meatloaf? 😯 Sweet! m/ I loved seeing him when he came back with Bat out of Hell 2 with my dad! Too bad I had laryngitis.

            Welcome back btw and congrats on the cat wizard find! 😀

            in reply to: Gargoyles comic #3 due out soon…. and MORE NEWS!! ^.^ #551985

              I remember reading a bunch of online stories written for Gargoyles, and spin offs, like on the Phoenix Gate. Gargoyles I adored! A few of us from my dojo joked about going to Gathering of the Gargoyles some year if it was nearby, just because we could 😀 I even made a big clay Bronx so I had my own 🙂

              Hehe… I have several popples and wuzzles, carebears (the originals), a strawberry shortcake (still blows strawberry smelling kisses). I have LOADS of my little ponies (most of the first 4-5 years, including most of the buildings). My brother has an Optimus Prime (I think he has the box still). I remember waking up in the early morning to watch Rainbow Brite and Dukes of Hazzard (the movie sucked and was a bit amiss from the original series). DnD, Gummi Bears, TMNT (the new ones aren’t as good), Darkwing Duck, TailSpin, Voltron, etc. were all great!

              I think I still have Glo Worm and Friends Christmas, He-Man and She-Ra Christmas, just to name a few on VHS! Dinosaucers and Denver the Last Dinosaur I still remember (corny as that show was, but I remember the theme song). A lot of shows now seem to be forgoing good theme songs, even on prime time shows. Execs don’t feel it’s that important any more 🙁

              I agree… a lot of the cartoons out now seem to lack a lot of what the cartoons from the ’80s and ’90s had. Avatar, and a lot of the Anime (though a lot of it isn’t necessarily something a 5 year old could watch) is great. Things like Spongebob just seem to be dumbed down or something. I can’t bring myself to watch stuff like that. At least the older stuff is coming out on DVD now. Last Unicorn is out and I just found the old Beauty and the Beast tv show with Ron Pearlman and Linda Hamilton. Found Dinosaurs too! “Not the Mama!” 😈

              in reply to: UPDATE…Please give more advice! Update # 2 page 2 #551198

                Good call on doing the wing feathers like peacock tail feathers! I can’t wait to see how he turns out! I want to do a hummingbird griffin with iridescent and interference paints. He’ll give me some idea of how he might look, besides looking cool in general! 😀

                in reply to: Concerning the Guinea Pig… #551657

                  Nambroth wrote:

                  Yep, there were guinea pigs! They didn’t sell overly well, which may be part of the reason we haven’t seen more. Though, if you ask nice, Melody may still have a few cast- I dunno! 🙂

                  Omg! I was kinda hoping few more would make an appearance, even if they are in other colors, since I couldn’t afford to get one at the time they were out. Oh well. You win some, you lose some 🙂

                  in reply to: PYO SWAP FINISHED PIECES!!! Photos inside! #538563

                    ooooh, I’ll be making a few trips into the city (NYC) this summer for some weekends of mirth and wandering with some friends and to maybe catch a show or some Shakespeare in the Park or something. Let me know when you will be in NY!

                    in reply to: Anyone here have Lupus? #551147

                      I’m sorry to hear that Water. *GREAT BIG HUGS*

                      I don’t have lyme or lupus (though I know several people with one or the other), but another autoimmune disease, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I’ve had it since 9th grade in high school. I got sick with a mild case of pleurisy and just never recovered, getting worse instead. I went from being able to run circles around everyone and seemingly being able to do it all to constantly being tired. In the middle of July, I was wearing sweaters and turtlenecks outside in the sun because I was cold. I only missed 2.5 days of school for doctor’s appointments throughout the whole ordeal though, so many didn’t realize how bad off I was (if you feel crappy at home and you feel crappy at school, at school, at least I can feel crappy and accomplish something rather than feeling crappy and bored out of my skull).

                      Yes, some things don’t always show up in tests. Many people who get Lyme disease never develop a bullseye at the site of the tick bite (something like 40%, possibly higher). Mono can do the same thing. I had 6 mono tests. The first 5 were when I was at the doctor feeling lousy. They randomly did a 6th one on a visit when I was feeling rather good (all things considered), just on a hunch, and low and behold, I had mono, and ebstein-barr. Chronic Fatigue has no test. It’s process of elimination. The doctor I ultimately went to (I had to go to a shrink at one point to prove I wasn’t faking it for attention – me who hated needless attention) was a doctor who specialized in homeopathic treatments along with traditional medicine. Two vitamin C IVs and a large paper grocery bag of 13 vitamins, pills and things to kill bacteria and yeast in my system (my immune systems was the equivalent of an AIDS patient at that point… it was hanging by a thread) and several months, my immune system was back closer to normal.

                      I can’t run the schedules I used to. I can pull an all nighter here or there (I save up for when I see friends), but if I’m tired and I need to crash, I crash. I had a job I moved to and had to quit it because my health was suffering because my position was expendable time wise (with travel time and work, 50-70+ hours a week installing things around the country) because the customer’s needs were more important. I take longer to recover from tougher illnesses (flu, infections, etc.). I did learn to listen to what my body needed though when I was sick, so I’m pretty good at judging what my limits are. I push to them, and when I feel I’m at a certain point that I know is there, I back off. I know my breaking points in my health and I don’t compromise because I can’t. The bills were very costly, eventually paid off, and I do run into doctors who question whether CFS exists. I have to be careful when I go to doctors and I’m picky.

                      I feel lucky because I was able to find a doctor to get me back up on my feet, there were people who would come in for treatment with CFS bound to wheelchairs because they were so bad, and I had family and some friends who knew something was wrong. They still don’t know what causes it, but they are getting closer. I’ll always have it. I just work with what my body tells me and try to get a regular schedule of rest, food (I don’t eat a lot of junk food and never cared for it – like greasy stuff), and I exercise regularly. Everything combined seems to help. My pledge mom in a music fraternity I belong to (Sigma Alpha Iota: think more honorary/professional in nature … not the crazy kind you hear about – I just had to pass a test and do a recital) had CFS too, so that helped a lot as well. Most of my professors were great about it in college. Unfortunately, the ones who didn’t believe me (and refused to check my medical records) were the ones in my department… needless to say I didn’t do so well in some of those classes. I got the degree and ran at that point and was glad of my other profs.

                      Ok, it’s late and I’m not sure if this makes any sense 😛 I think I’m rambling 😯 If you ever need anything though, feel free to PM me or something. Also, we’re all here for you 🙂

                      in reply to: This griffin needs to visit Whippet's hospital! #550764

                        Congrats Whippet! He’ll be fixed up and in tip-top shape in no time!

                        Side note: According to my friend, Gerard is LOVE! 😀 She sends me pics she takes at the shows and always manages to get so close to the stage too. I might be going with her and another friend down to Jersey to Bamboozle (spelling?) to see MCR.

                        Back to the regularly scheduled program: Whippet, Windstone M.D.[/i]

                        in reply to: Stuffed Pegasus~Updated w/link #549263

                          Now I see her (I’m home on my pc)! She looks awesome!

                          in reply to: Stuffed Pegasus~Updated w/link #549259

                            Yeah, I work for a company contracted to work at a big corporate place, so yeah… big firewalls. I’m all alone at night in my building, save for a janitor or two and the large amounts of turbines in the other end of the building I don’t have to deal with. I’ll have to look tomorrow morning when I’m home and I get up.

                            in reply to: Stuffed Pegasus~Updated w/link #549257

                              I can’t see any pics 🙁

                              in reply to: Poads!! Will they be auction, direct or stores?? #549778

                                Nirvanacat13 wrote:

                                “Well I like big butts!…..”

                                Hahahaha! I love it Nirvanacat! 😈

                                Hehehehe… My mom thinks these are cute. Even she likes Poads! 😀 I got one friend into windstone dragons, now to get him introduced to the glory that is a Poad!

                                in reply to: Theft? Phone scam? What happened? #549938

                                  Like everyone else has stated, I would suggest closing that account and opening another immediately and I would also suggest changing the passwords to any online bank accounts you have. Do notify one of those three (Experian, Equifax, etc.), the police, your bank, and also let the state attorney general know about the scam (if they can track it and figure out where they are located, they will get them). Since no one has mentioned this I will relay this useful tidbit I learned from my parents and sister-in-law:

                                  Never use a debit/credit card online, or a debit card for that matter if at all possible. Use a card that is strictly a credit card. Debit/credit cards have a direct link to your bank account and are advised against for using to make online purchases because of this, hence are riskier. The credit card backing on debit cards allows a user to use that card in locations that otherwise not allow use of a debit card, because you can use it like a credit card (though it really isn’t one). If a debit card is stolen and used, unless your bank has a policy about it (many do not), any money lost is not protected and they are not obligated to refund you that money. Credit card companies usually do, hence more protection against fraudulant purchases. Also, the sooner you report things the better!

                                  Essentially, if someone steals your debit card and blows $1000 on it, you will likely never see it back (if it drains your account, some banks may try to get the excess amount that your account couldn’t cover from you!) unless your bank is extra nice and has a policy to refund in case of a stolen card. If your credit card is stolen and blows $1000 on it, you will not be held for those charges.

                                  I found a really good link about this online, but it’s on my home pc. It had to do with identity theft. I’ll have to dig it up!

                                  I’ve never gone through Expedia myself, so I don’t know if there is something in the fine print or not about giving info to 3rd party companies. Still, this totally sounds like a scam, whether they got the info legally or not.

                                  Also, to answer a question, no, I don’t believe any US state (I know the US on a federal level does not), require companies to notify you if they are giving your info out. Usually, if they do, it is somewhere in the fine print and is overlooked if you agreed to it. If it’s accidently agreed to, you will likely never know how many people will get it (usually thousands of companies, whether they use it or not).

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