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  • in reply to: GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread! #925657

      I got this beauty. I believe she is from the store pic, on the far right side. I was hoping to get a merle colored wolf, so I might offer her up in trade, but she is truly gorgeous. Even in the few minutes I’ve had her, she is growing on me quickly. She has metallic copper eyes. 🙂

       photo 59EF0F2C-EA5D-4BC4-8CDD-9C9CECFA36E9_zpshvnk60qn.jpg

       photo C4289816-4929-4DD7-A90F-F81430883521_zpswuossxga.jpg

      Edit: Okay, so those make her look really light. Let’s try some indoor pics too.

       photo D0FAEF36-A0A8-4928-B2E0-99D8D457192C_zpslypry7eb.jpg
       photo DE6A5CC3-4FBB-4D8E-9BC8-BF4DA02B7617_zpsedxgolbq.jpg
       photo 38F3383F-136C-436E-BE32-028CD24450C9_zpsbibep6ca.jpg

      Those are closer, but she’s still even more rich than those show!

      in reply to: Anyone else's GB wolves showing under your order page? #925268

        Mine is listed in my orders, if that is any help! Good luck getting yours all sorted!

        in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #925129

          I am also in love with that merle pattern! But I’m most excited about that mountain lion sculpt! Mountain Lion/snow leopard, those aren’t that different, right 😛


            With some Christmas money, I bought myself two more little hoppies. I am in love with them, they’re both keepers!

             photo 77D33F13-978D-4572-A743-6FF2484B50C5_zpsouxcdhe2.jpg

             photo 15AAEF1F-D2D1-4994-8518-CA77591448CB_zpsjnfalisz.jpg

             photo 1B3D78C5-C1CE-444C-A254-56E33A63A7AE_zpsxxxt0v9v.jpg

             photo AB7E6C72-01A0-4391-AE60-1CF343653488_zpsgi7gyhys.jpg

            A close up of some of the amazing detailing on the little teal one. Sorry it’s a bit blurry, my phone wasn’t wanting to focus on it! 🙂

             photo 6F827416-645F-4B3D-9C2D-F14882747D7C_zpsm29mez72.jpg

            Here they are outside with a friend, who I got in a trade a while back! I am so in love with all these guys. I am glad they sold out finally! The painting on them is just incredible! I’ve seen very few that I haven’t liked!

             photo B569FEE8-B386-46A2-9AE1-4B9ABEE1A9DD_zpsla7n46qj.jpg

            in reply to: Christmas card #923298

              Such a beautiful card! Thank you so much 🙂 I just love how you take your time to do this 🙂

              in reply to: 12/5/14 Bat Eared Fox Photo Thread!! #923005

                I got this little one in yesterday! Will have to make due with inside pics for now, weather wasn’t being cooperative today!

                I have no clue what kind of animal he is, so if you’ve got an idea please let me know! The pictures are’t too far off, but he is a bit darker in person!

                 photo photo111_zps7ff5d394.jpg

                the first picture makes it look like it has a halo….

                Haha! He’s an angel! 😀

                I noticed that too when I was uploading. Randomly placed rubber band, for the win!

                in reply to: 12/5/14 Bat Eared Fox Photo Thread!! #922982

                  I got this little one in yesterday! Will have to make due with inside pics for now, weather wasn’t being cooperative today!

                  I have no clue what kind of animal he is, so if you’ve got an idea please let me know! The pictures are’t too far off, but he is a bit darker in person!

                   photo photo111_zps7ff5d394.jpg
                   photo photo213_zps0ffefedd.jpg
                   photo photo36_zps0dfd5421.jpg

                  in reply to: 12/5/14 Bat Eared Fox Photo Thread!! #922789

                    To me I think he looks like an Australian Shepherd. Although they seem to generally have a bit more white, so maybe not.


                      I think I have a poad addiction. They are slowly taking over my entire gb shelf. (Although I really wish they would sell out before any more than the ones I have find their way to me.)

                      I love looking at all these little ones. The froggy colors are looking so awesome!

                      Kim! Did your little one arrive today? I know I’ve also had that happen, where it ended up on the wrong truck and they marked it delivered. It showed up the next day, so I hope yours did as well!

                      in reply to: Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14 #921854

                        That second one almost looks like a panda bear in that picture. So cute!


                          I couldn’t help but to get two more of these little guys!

                          This one has a really cool pattern, and my favorite color eyes, but she may be up for trade. (She also might go to live with my sister)

                           photo hop8_zps296a444f.jpg
                           photo hop7_zps946da053.jpg
                           photo hop6_zps67f484cc.jpg

                          And then there is this one. I am so torn. I absolutely adore the paint job, but I don’t tend to like red eyes. The paint job however, might make this one be a keeper!

                           photo hop9_zps35e8d888.jpg
                           photo hop2_zps15ebb2ae.jpg
                           photo hop3_zps7745bf7c.jpg
                           photo hop1_zps8d331bf4.jpg
                           photo hop5_zps374c419d.jpg
                           photo hop4_zpsd1d63778.jpg


                            Here are my two little ones! They are both really cool. There may be some more hoppy poads heading this way!

                            Hoppy, I just love that random streak of color going up her front!
                             photo h7_zpsa691e347.jpg
                             photo h5_zpsc7d78179.jpg
                             photo h6_zpsba5cf2d9.jpg
                             photo h8_zps1345163a.jpg

                            And a gorgeous Hippy! So very detailed!
                             photo h2_zpsc1f6e3f5.jpg
                             photo h4_zps0cf3b78d.jpg
                             photo h3_zpse211fe17.jpg
                             photo h1_zps78981516.jpg

                            in reply to: Future pebble sculpts? #921341

                              I think a pebble big cat would be awesome. It could be painted so many different ways. They could be tigers, lionesses, cheetahs, leopards, my very favorite snow leopards, mountain lions. Would be kind of cool, I would think!

                              in reply to: Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14 #920282

                                I couldn’t help getting one more of these, and this one is such a cutie! I adore him (and I feel so lucky to have gotten three from this batch that are all as different as they can be, considering how many looked so similar!)

                                 photo photo19_zpsf12e3e15.jpg
                                 photo photo210_zps038c1c40.jpg
                                 photo photo35_zps990457f0.jpg

                                in reply to: Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14 #919992

                                  Two little ones. The white one is not as white as this picture makes her look! She has some gray shading pretty much all over!

                                  I love the little black one! There may be a few more of these coming my way in the future, such a cute sculpt!

                                   photo photo18_zps92482a02.jpg
                                   photo photo29_zps9c8aa7e2.jpg

                                Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 107 total)