Forum Replies Created
Got the oriental baby today, safe and sound. And that chip is still super hard to see!
The link to the new one is on the second page.
Quote:Special thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the project. Remember that journals commenting on each of the responses we received is due on Friday with the Final Paper being due on Monday. Have a great weekend!
The auction is still up for me…
Snapdragon wrote:Nambroth wrote:It was hydrogen.
The ‘node’ in the dragon’s mouth was called Thor’s Thimble.
The movie was based on Peter Dickinson’s book The Flight of Dragons, and the novel The Dragon and the George by Gordon R. Dickson.I’m a bit of a fan. 😉
But.. hydrogen goes POP when you burn it.. oxygen flames up. Didn’t you ever do the little experiment in school where you put 12VDC into a fish tank with the positive wire in one test tube and the negative in the other? The water breaks down under the power and fills one tube with oxygen and the other with hydrogen. You put a match into the hydrogen one and it goes POPOPOPOPOPOOPPOPO 😆
We did that one in high school chemistry. They hydrogen went more like *POW!* than ‘popopop’. We burned the hairs off our teacher’s arm with one jarful we had.
Which means it’s in the neighborhood of ~$4 per gallon, give or take.
Yes, it’s definitely more expensive than the states. Ours is around $3.00 per gallon atm.
dragonessjade wrote:Its a coded message. Hmm, I wonder what he is trying to say.
“I’m an @$$hole”?
I’d be more willing to bet that the limestone and the hydrochloric acid in their stomachs formed some sort of hydrogen compound as opposed to helium. Hydrogen is also lighter than air, and if memory serves, it’s what the Hindenburg was filled with.
Hydrogen is also very flammable/explosive, so when exposed to that little sparking node in the back of the dragon’s mouth, the immediate result was…fire.
Good heavens, getting technical about a cartoon…
Kreller wrote:Well he was being passive aggressive…
And if it is his desire to construe someone’s inquiry as an ‘attack’ on his choice of business practice, then let him. Assuming there were no accusations in what message was sent to him, then his response speaks for itself.
Don’t sweat the small stuff.
This is what I sent him:
You know, I really do appreciate what you’re trying to say with your little jab in your subtitle and auction description, but even if I wanted the dragon, I can confidently say I wouldn’t buy it. Perhaps there will come along someone who doesn’t care, but you really do come off as a jerk, whether you’re trying to or not.
I think you would do best by simply removing those jabs and leave it that this is a rare piece. Someone who likes the gargoyles and wants it will come along and pick it up. What you have said in your auction makes it seem that you would be very difficult to deal with, and most smart buyers, who know your piece is rare, will think twice about purchasing from you.
Just a word of advice.
I was not being rude, condescending or irritable, just matter of fact. I wasn’t losing sleep over it to begin with, but I certainly keep learning my lesson over trying to be even marginally helpful to people, IRL and and the internet. 😛
His dragon can sit on ebay and rot for all I care, it’s not even on my mind.
Sorry about the craptacular image quality. Took it with my digital camera when the sketch was done. I’m going to go back and finish him up with my pencils. Enjoy?
I’m sorry about your baby. 🙁
If you find your kitty and need someone to do the painting on it, I’d be happy to take the commission.
Good luck, I’m sure someone has one for you.
Nambroth wrote:He looks almost identical to my Moonstone Dragon, with the same silver markings and everything. Though to be fair, I understand putting silver markings on a blue dragon since it’s a ‘cool’ color. I did this one for my mom as a gift, but had it been done for Windstone, I don’t know if it would be okay or not. 😕
They look different enough to me. Phoenix’s is a much lighter blue with different dark points.
Hope it goes well Phoenix!
skigod377 wrote:Boiled potatoe skins? Never heard of that one. What does it do for them?
I will get the X-rays ASAP. Unfortunately, our vet does not have one and the machine in Heidelberg is broken. I may try the economy, but the language barrier is always scary when it comes to technical terms 😕 He does seem to breath a little heavy, but its not constant or anything. Besides the limp, he really seems fine. Just quiet. I really hope its something he can live with. I do not want to face putting him down.
Good luck Ski. ddvm has the best advice by far, especially if the Rimadyl isn’t working. Adequan injections are also another arthritic stopgap measure, and I desperately hope that’s all that’s wrong with your baby.
My shepherd will be 11 this September, and she’s slowed down just a very little bit, but I’m dreading the aging.
Once again, good luck and well wishes to your baby.
Kujacker wrote:Rusti, did you mention how he flat out lied? “I can’t find pictures of it anywhere” where LIH proved that to be a lie? If he denys that… 🙄
No. Really, I was a nice as I could’ve been. I just said that the subtitle and item description could come off as condescending and rude and it might sell better if he removed them, and I got *that* response.
So much for an attempt at being helpful.
He really is a jerk. I sent him a message telling him that he came off as one, thinking that he was sort of just being facetious in the auction listing (and I assure you I was nothing but polite). Nope. Here’s the response he sent me:
I appreciate YOUR Honesty but you have not walked in my seller’s shoes — and you have not dealt with this listing in particular. I don’t know exactly why my listing concerns you so. If I see something I don’t like in a listing I simply don’t buy it. I don’t spend a lot of time hassling people who are trying to make a little bit of extra money by selling off their collectibles but perhaps you have nothing better to do. My ebay reputation speaks for itself and my customers are 100% satisfied. Thank you for taking the time to personally write me an email. I’m sure you will sleep better tonight.
Jerk through and through.
Gee, has anybody politely told this fellow he’s coming off like a Grade A jerk, yet?
I sent him a message telling him that he’d probably sell better without the jabs in it. We’ll see if he responds.