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  • in reply to: Copper Patina Oriental Dragons in store 10-16-09 #787316

      I LOVE this dragon! If only I had money. 🙁

      in reply to: It is lung cancer #786230

        Well they clamped off Danny’s chest tube yesterday and if his chest xray looks good they will pull the tube this morning and he will come home this afternoon. The pathology report came back and said no lymph nodes were involved but its not the type of non aggressive cancer they thought it was, its something else. They can’t/won’t tell me anything about it and the only doctor I talked to talked in circles so I finally told him “All your doing is talking in circles your not helping me to understand whats going on at all”. They say we have to wait to talk to an oncologist to find out any information. He has three different teams that are following him and they all come in his room and say something different and its frustrating the hell out of us. Thats where we are right now. Today I have to run around the count to get my officers to sign my fmla paperwork so I can be off the next two weeks to help danny. Today should be a fun filled day of running and stress and it doesn’t help that I’ve been up since 5am.

        in reply to: It is lung cancer #786223

          I sit her wishing they would tell us they made a mistake and he doesn’t have cancer. I know that wont happen but god I wish it would. We still don’t know what type of cancer it is and they want him to go through chemo since they were not able to get out all of the lung they wanted to. No one from physical therapy has come to help him. I got him out of bed yesterday and up in a chair, changed his bed linen and changed his gown. They are on top of his medication but lacking in everything else. When you call for a nurse no one comes. They’ve been coming in his room all hours of the night to change the trash, stick his finger (he’s not diabetic) and do other stupid crap so he doesn’t get sleep and when I’m there during the day all he can do is nap because he can’t do it at night. His family who wasn’t there for his transplant and have talked to us once maybe twice since is coming out of the wood work wanting to go see him and saying how much they love him. Its pissing me off and I’m having a hard time dealing with my emotions. They are scum and I want to tell them that but Danny says he wants to see if they will actually be there this time or just run off like last time. My mom has been having a mid life crisis since this all started wanting to “mend our relationship” and she doesn’t understand why we hate her. I think she is pissed that she isn’t the center of attention and makes it a point to call me and try and load the “we need to fix our relationship” crap on my plate so I hang up on her. I refuse to deal with her right now. Since I wont talk to her she came over my house while I was at the hospital and my mother in law was here watching Alyssa. She talked with my mother in law about how she doesn’t understand why we hate her blah blah blah. She is going to get it with both guns once things calm down and I can get my head on straight again. Sorry to rant, I’ve been sleep deprived for three days and I’m really not right in the head from it. Hopefully today we will get the pathology reports back and know what kind of cancer we are dealing with and what we need to do next. I just feel like they gave me my husband back only to take him away again.

          in reply to: It is lung cancer #786205

            Danny had his surgery today and yes he does have lung cancer. I’m typing this from my laptop since I’m still in the waiting room since they only let me see him for a few minutes because he is in so much pain. We are waiting for an icu bed to open up and hopefully I will be able to visit him again before I have to leave and pick Alyssa up. I have no clue what plan of action we have now, we have to wait for the pathology reports to come back and talk to an oncologist. I probably will not be online much.

            in reply to: Looking to sell for laptop fund. #785547

              I want to get Danny a laptop so when he goes into the hospital next week he will be able to get on the internet and not be so bored.

              PYO Griffin “Blood Griffin” I would like to get at least $60 for him plus shipping.

              I have a male and female wolf griffin $144 a piece plus shipping. I will add pics when I get home from work but they are both mint and I have the boxes for both.

              PYO Unicorn “Star” $60 obo plus shipping. I painted her after my pony Star who passed away 9 years ago.

              I’m going to add more and have some non windstone wolfie stuff I may add later. Thanks for looking 🙂

              in reply to: Not so great test results. #783587

                The only update I have is that they are trying to schedule the surgery for October 9th. Danny will be in the icu for a day or two then a step down unit until he heals enough to go home. I hope they will have the results the same day as the surgery but we don’t know. We are leaving for the ocean tomorrow for a vacation we had planed months ago. We figure there is no point in sitting at home stressing so we are just going to live life like this isn’t hanging over our heads. When I know more I’ll let you guys know but right now we are just hoping they can do the surgery on the 9th or sooner and hope that it turns out not to be cancer even though the stupid surgeon is so sure that it is.

                in reply to: Not so great test results. #783583

                  Lol I need a resto druid because my resto shammy powers don’t seem to cut it. If this spot is the cancer that this surgeon seems so certain of then it would be genetic to the donor. It showed up on an mri 16 months ago but they said it was scar tissue. This last mri showed some growth so now they said its cancer (just from the mri). I’m pissed because this thing has been there so long and no one did anything about it. When I brought my concern up to the surgeon he said that they don’t make a big deal about every spot that comes up in transplanted lungs. We found out that Danny’s donor was young and had no medical history and didn’t smoke so thats why they are saying this must be some kind of genetic cancer but they are still trying to find out more about the donor. I hope that if this is cancer and it is genetic that they would let the donors family know so they could get tested to make sure this doesn’t happen to them.

                  in reply to: Don't you love hidden auctions (not) #784104

                    I bought the pair with the hopes of keeping the fledge. They are more yellow then the pictures shows. I’m trying to get a picture of them but my camera is acting up so I may have to find my old digital to get a better pictures. I wish I could find an old warrior for $50 bucks lol.

                    in reply to: Don't you love hidden auctions (not) #784096

                      I won this auction on ebay….. and just got the dragons in the mail today. They both smell of smoke and are yellow instead of white from all the nicotine tar. Also the fledgie has more chips then what was described and the hatcher has a chip on the front of the egg. Here I was all excited that I found a good deal but it was too good to be true.

                      in reply to: Not so great test results. #783577

                        Well we met with the thoracic surgeon today and he says he is between 80-90% sure that it IS cancer 🙄 He said we can either sit and wait to see what it does or go in and take it out. Danny opted for surgery to remove it. They told us that this type of cancer rarely goes to the lymph nodes and is very slow growing so once they remove it he shouldn’t need any chemo treatment. They are going to try and do a video assisted biopsy but with all the scar tissue he has they may have to open him up and remove the tumor. Once its out they are going to send it to the lab for a quick freeze test. If it comes back as cancer they are going to remove part of his lung and sew him back up. He will have a 7% drop in lung function if they have to do this. So now we wait for them to schedule his surgery and cross our fingers that we are part of that 10-20% that isn’t cancer.

                        in reply to: Not so great test results. #783572

                          Well after alot of phone calls and not so nice conversations we have an appointment to see the surgeon saturday. The head of transplant called us and calmed danny down a little bit. He said cancer is a possible cause of this thing in his lung but that he more suspects an abcess or infection. The nurse who called us and started this whole thing is getting pulled into the office and reprimanded for how she handled this whole situation. From the looks of it Danny will have to get surgery since this thing is so small they don’t think they can get it with a needle biopsy and if they just go in and take it out the first time he wont have to go back under the knife again. So saturday we will know a little bit more and hopefully have a date for surgery. At least my stress level is down a little bit knowing that cancer isn’t at the top of the list of “what could this be” but its still on the list.

                          in reply to: Seriously has anyone ever had a pharmacy do this?! #783652

                            We’ve been using this pharmacy for 6 years (it wasn’t always a Rite Aid it was originally something else). Once Rite Aid took it over 3 years ago it all went down hill. I’ve had problems with other pharmacies in the past giving me a fit about how expensive some of Danny’s meds are. When I used to work at the hospital I got one of his nebulizer meds filled there. When I went to pick it up the pharmacist who filled it (and wasn’t even checking me out at the register mind you) made it a point to come to the window and yell at me how expensive the medication was and she couldn’t believe anyone would actually fill it. I was stunned and just took the meds and walked away. I never had anyone talk to me like that and I was too much of a sissy to do anything about it. Danny is going to make some phone calls today since I have to work but we are bound and determined that something happens to this Rite Aid. Its just not right that they refuse to fill any script because its too expensive for them.

                            in reply to: Seriously has anyone ever had a pharmacy do this?! #783647

                              Danny’s transplant doctors want to start him on some new antibiotic because they think he has an infection on top of whatever else he has going on. They called the perscription in to Rite Aid and we were going to pick it up after we took Alyssa to her gym class. Well Danny left his cell phone in his shoes while we played with Alyssa in class and found he had a voice message. It was Rite Aid saying they couldn’t fill the script. He called them back and they wanted to know if he REALLY needed the medication because “its expensive”. The pharmacist told Danny it wasn’t expensive for us (only the normal $20 copay) but its expensive for Rite Aid and they didn’t want to order it. SERIOUSLY?! So now instead of picking the script up tonight we have to wait until tomorrow night because they didn’t order it and the next shipment wont come in until tomorrow afternoon. What does it matter if its expensive if I have insurance and it covers the medication?! I can’t believe they can do this! I’m boiling mad right now!

                              in reply to: Not so great test results. #783562

                                They are going to call us tomorrow to let us know if they are going to do a needle biopsy or have to open him up and get at whatever it is in his lung that way. His normal tx doctor that follows him and the radiologist think its cancer but the surgeon who did his actual transplant thinks its a pocket of infection. So we just sit and wait till we can get the biopsy and find out what it is. Yeah we just had his two year party and he was feeling fine (and still is). He said he felt crappy after his bronch last friday but now he feels fine, no pain, no nothing. Ugh the stress!!!!

                                in reply to: Not so great test results. #783555

                                  I’m just hoping its not cancer. Here I was worried about rejection.

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