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  • in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #938061

      Is today a possible poad day or is next week more likely?

      No. Next week. I forgot to paint some blue and brown hoppy ones, so I am doing that. Gotta have some blue and brown ones.

      Thanks so much Melody for letting us know! Now I can focus on housework instead of living right by the computer for the rest of the night, lol. And oh goodness, blue & brown ones! My very favorite! I’d absolutely LOVE one to completely my blue & brown hoppy family (I’m the lucky one who got the black-eyed baby hoppy version). If anyone gets one and isn’t in love, please keep me in mind; I’d love to complete my family. 🙂

      in reply to: the soon-to-be gb young poads – what are your faves? #938050

        There are just SO many that I love, but in general, my favorites are the black-eyed ones. I just LOVE the black eyes! My absolute favorite Hoppy is the black-eyed rainbow one on the far left in the first photo. If anyone gets it and doesn’t love it, please keep me in mind! 🙂 There are so many I love in the natural group I truly can’t pick a favorite. The ones with blue hearts are some of my most favorites from the teaser photos. If anyone gets one they’re not in love with, give me a holler! I’ve got lots to offer for trade (or will purchase). 🙂 Ya’ll know how much of a poad nut I am, lol.

        Here are my favorites!:

        in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #938013

          OMG, I’m doing a mix of running around the room squealing and fainting right now, lol. I LOVE them all! :love: Please tell me we can get several of each!! :love:

          in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #937886

            Is there any chance for some pictures of the young poads…..please and thank you! 🙂

            Oh yes please, I’d love to see pictures if you have them available. I’m SO excited for these, you have no idea Melody! lol

            in reply to: The winner of the November 2015 raffle is… #937660

              Oh my goodness, congrats Kim!!! She’s even pink, your very favorite! 🙂 So happy for you!

              in reply to: Safari and Fantasy Tadpoad Show Off Thread #937453

                I look at your lone pastel and all I can think of is when C3PO stands up among all the Ewoks and they all start worshiping him. Yes, I know, Star Wars on the brain. Hard to escape it right now. 😉

                Haha it surely does! 🙂

                lol your loan pastel tad looks a bit intimidated

                I agree, I would be also if I was her! lol

                in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #937452

                  Some are the same, but some aren’t. There’s numbats, okapis and giraffes in this batch.

                  Ah, man. I was REALLY going to try and resist this batch in order to keep saving for the young unis. Temptation, temptation…..

                  European and American badgers, black footed ferrets… a cuscus, zebra duiker…a boar piglet…
                  oncillas and margays, quaggas…and something I am not sure what it is, I think it is a striped possum..

                  Zebra duikers are my absolute favorite! Red River Hogs and Bongos are also a favorite of mine.

                  in reply to: Safari and Fantasy Tadpoad Show Off Thread #937443

                    Here is my clutter of Natural tadpoads surrounding my lone Pastel tadpoad. They are mystified by her strange markings and color!

                    in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #937403

                      Any updates on new releases, grab bags, etc?

                      Not pushing, just wondering.


                      I am painting grab bag natural and safari young poads . I gonna do half the batch in safari and half in dart frog as two separate batches , so thems that dislikes frogs can get the other kind.

                      YAAAAAAAAAY! Hoppy Young Poads!! :love: :love: Thank You Melody!!!!!

                      in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #937140

                        Weren’t people asking for hoppy young poads at one point?

                        Yes please! I would be ALL over that as well! :love: I’d buy my weight worth in hoppy young poads if I could manage it, lol.

                        in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #937137

                          That is a good point! I shouldn’t do an expensive GB right before Christmas.
                          Ok so it is down to either tanukis, baby or young poads.
                          I recently did baby poads and tanukis, so how about young poads?

                          Either of these 3 options would be wonderful. Tanukis and baby poads are my absolute favorite of your sculpts so I’d vote for those two, but I also love your young poads so any of these 3 sculpt options would be fantastic. I’d vote for some variation of beautiful fantasy painting please. The big cat/safari patterns are lovely but feel overdone in my opinion. I’d rather have some lovely colorful unique fantasy creation straight from the mind of Melody than the same ol’ tiger, leopard, [insert big cat name here] patterning.

                          You know what would be awesome?! A GB batch of young poads painted after real birds; birds of all sorts and colors. (Like you did with the poison dart frogs, but with birds!) That would be outta-this-world amazing! :love:

                          in reply to: Safari and Fantasy Tadpoad Show Off Thread #936817

                            I just love love love your orange-reddish hoppies mashubert! What amazing grabs! 🙂

                            in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #936754

                              I’m sure it comes as no surprise that out of the aforementioned GB’s I’d vote for a Young Poad GB next, lol. However, I’d love love LOVE (did I mention love?!) a grab bag of Gray Foxes similar to that of the Tanukis (Fancy and Plain). I absolutely adore those colors, patterns, and details on the tanukis. :love: I think they’d transfer over well to the Gray Foxes.

                              in reply to: Safari and Fantasy Tadpoad Show Off Thread #936389

                                Seriously, the odds of this…………’re going to let us know the winning lotto numbers this week right?

                                Hahaha! I know, can you believe it?! :bigsmile:

                                in reply to: Safari and Fantasy Tadpoad Show Off Thread #936386

                                  My traveling Florida box arrived today unexpectedly and I ended up getting triple twinsies (all of which are absolutely lovely but don’t completely sing to me). All are available for trade! 🙂 I’m interested in trading for other natural or hoppy tadpoads (or will trade several for larger gb’s that sing to me). 🙂

                                Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 357 total)