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  • in reply to: Happy Birthday, pheonixxfoxx! #934123

    Thank you everyone for the b-day wishes, means a lot…:)

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, pheonixxfoxx! #934102

    Thank you all…:D

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, pheonixxfoxx! #934096


    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933819

    Mine came today. She is a lovely silver tiger with a leopard tail. I think she’s stunning, but I’m also open to trades, so I’ll post her in the trades section shortly.


    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933731

    Pictures of my grab bag kitty. He is a copper/gold with silver and a hint of green in his pattern. Very pretty.


    Simply gorgeous, grats…:D

    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933718

    so, i am pretty upset right now with photobucket. last week my links ot share disappeared and their customer support is bs. i can no longer link photos. so you guys will have to click my links to see the pieces i got. I got a metallic silver and gold cat and my boyfriend got the rainbow leopard with the silver paws. i will get links up later. if anyone knows of another photo sharing site i could link photos from please let me know. im pretty much done with photobucket.

    You can still link the photos, I noticed the same issue with my PB but found a solution. Just click the envelope as if you are going to e-mail the images to someone and it gives you the links…;)

    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933704

    Love that metallic cougar, PhoenixFoxx!

    Thanks, grats on yours…:)

    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933699

    My GB Cougar just arrived!! He is so metallic too…:D

     photo IMG_3824_zpsu3kysbyl.jpg

    Love the gold and silver metallic paint with the natural cat markings.

     photo IMG_3827_zpspuuhoeyr.jpg

     photo IMG_3830_zpsgefesesh.jpg

     photo IMG_3831_zps1mmelujf.jpg

    Here he is in the class pic:

     photo My Kitteh_zpsiqjiehci.jpg

    All in all, I love him very much. To be truthful, this is one GB where I love just about every piece in the mix. I would possibly be open to trading him for a GB Cougar with Tiger markings that tickles my fancy…;)

    in reply to: GB Cougar show off thread #933621

    Mine has shipped (yay for Susie) … tracking says it should arrive on Monday.

    Tracking says mine will be here Monday too…:D

    in reply to: GB Cougar #933519

    I got one!!!

    They were to expensive for Rodney sadly, but I am happy that I was able to snag one for myself. To be honest, I’d be happy with just about anyone I receive. They are simply gorgeous…:3

    in reply to: GB Cougar #933407

    I spy teal and green color paw paws on the lower shelf…:3

     photo Kittehs_zpsh4duwgxy.jpg

    The Tuxedo Flip Flap Cat announcement arrived very promptly into my inbox…:3

    in reply to: GB Cougar #933396

    Cool beans, I really hope I get my paws on one!! I’m hoping they will be listed before I go out of town on September 9th…:3

    in reply to: GB Cougar #932591

    I’m skipping the Tanukis in hopes of getting my paws on a GB Cougar. I’m so excited!! My biggest fear is that they will be listed when I am out of town in September. Rodney’s Aunt recently passed away and his family will be doing a memorial for her then. Last year, when we went to CA to visit his family for Thanksgiving, we stayed with Rodney’s Uncle. People may find this hard to believe, but the man has no internet connection what so ever! I also can’t afford a smartphone and the service. Guess if it is meant to be, it is meant to be…

    in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #932114

    No I haven’t given up, I just need to get “in the zone”, and settle on what style to paint them. Like, for example ; different types of cats? or with colorful fantasy decorations?, or what?

    These grab bag test cougars on ebay are exactly that; different designs I was trying, to see what was do-able in a reasonable amount of time. I thought these test paints took a little too long to be normal grab bags, but part of the problem was the weather. It was so hot I couldn’t get the paint to behave, and spent an inordinate amount of time fixing mistakes and trying to get the airbrushes to work.

    Cool beans, glad you have not given up. Like I said, I’m loving the ones I am seeing on eBay. Sorry that it has been so hot and that the weather has been effecting your creative flow. Hopefully, inspiration will hit and in the meantime, I’ll keep saving my pennies…;)

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