Forum Replies Created
WOW. That Hades collection is just gorgeous. Were they ebay specials or limited productions? I really, really like them…
All of the Hades were eBay specials (except the ruby eyed vampire bats that you can get through the store).
The majority of my collection are creepy Windstones, but Hades was one I was never able to nab. I would LOVE for Melody to do a GB batch of zombie unicorns to celebrate Halloween! How cool would that be!?
It would be the best GB ever!!
July 26, 2014 at 2:10 pm in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916474This probably has been discussed before, but I don’t remember the conclusion (if there was one). Is putting photos of “favorites” in a trade ad a useful thing to do?
In my case, it limits the people to whom I might offer a trade. When I had the Rainbow Zebra I did look at trade ads, and almost everybody was looking for something different in their array of “favorites”. I know that people say “I am happy to look at anything”, but I use their “favorites” to judge whether my piece might appeal to them.
Guess it depends, some people are set on only receiving offers of their favorites. In their case, that does deter possible unwanted offers.
Then you have someone like me, who does have their favs pictured, but there are some that I have not included that I may be willing to trade for. A picture also speaks a thousand words. Some Colts that I liked after the live stream, I changed my mind on after I saw better quality pics and vice versa.
I relisted my trading post yesterday and included more Colts that I’d be happy to trade for. I did get one message, but I think they might of mistook me for someone else, but the person did have one of my favs for possible trade.
July 26, 2014 at 12:30 am in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916421Mine wont come until after the weekend either, and then they seem to get lazy on the Monday and chances aren’t good then. This is why I hate it when parcels run late over the weekend, sorry to torture you too Dragon!
I’m surprised it takes so long to get parcels from the US to Canada too. A week is normal from the US to Australia.
Pheonixxfoxx, I was also marking off the class photo and there were a few that I just simply couldn’t find on it. I don’t think we’re blind then, they must not be in the class photo
Glad to know that I wasn’t just seeing, I mean not seeing things…:D
I got one and I managed to snag one for Rodney too. His little Windstone collection is growing. The first thing out of his mouth when I told him I secured a Fox for him was, “We need to get a protective case for him too.” Looks like I created a monster, LOL!!
July 25, 2014 at 5:45 pm in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916359It is quite possible some were saved for ebay as some in the past that were “unusual” or didn’t quite fit with the rest of the batch were ebayed in the past.
Don’t feel too bad, I haven’t gotten one bite on my unicorn at all either. I’m holding out that maybe Sikek will get one I like and maybe perchance we can trade since I’m pretty sure mine was on her favorites list ^_^
Those that are not in the class photo are ones that people have received and posted pics of. I probably should of been more clear about that. Hard to type and have Rodney yack at me all at the same time, LOL!!
I’m surprised, yours is very lovely and there seemed to be some interest within this thread. At least I am not alone and I guess I shouldn’t be so hasty, but I have started getting attached to mine…;)
July 25, 2014 at 5:05 pm in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916355Another fav, sadly your Mom doesn’t want the one I have. Seems my trade ad has reached the halfway point and I have not got any interest. Probably best I just take it down, unbox Hollybug and put him on display. Rodney had me order him a protective display box for White Lightning…:)
I wouldn’t take it down quite yet! I lots of people still haven’t gotten their colts yet! She’s open to three way trades, too, so maybe when more pop up in the trades, magic will happen.
I already took it down for the time being. My #1 has not shown up yet, hoping I can get my paws on it more then any other GB Colt.
I was looking over the class photo and marking off those that that have shown up. Seems there are a couple that are not even in the class photo. Either that or I am blind…:P
July 25, 2014 at 3:34 pm in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #916342My mother’s colt arrived today. He’s an incredibly colorful dragon colt. His body is black, with a white blaze and pink nostrils. His blanket goes from gold, to green to blue. His spots are vivid orange and pink! His eyes and jewels are blue. He may be up for trade later tonight:
Another fav, sadly your Mom doesn’t want the one I have. Seems my trade ad has reached the halfway point and I have not got any interest. Probably best I just take it down, unbox Hollybug and put him on display. Rodney had me order him a protective display box for White Lightning…:)
From what I understand, I think they’ll be grab bags.
Some will be true grab bags, but only a small number, like 30 or something.The others vary in color and finish too, but are close enough in color to each other to be lumped together under one listing. There are 60+ each of the other three colors that will go in the store, listed under their own colors: Ivory, tan fennec, and sand fox.
Now remember these ( and probably all future pebble things!) are “no nitpicking” editions. Similar to a “goof up edition”.
The ones that are grab bags are all natural, foxy-looking colors, but they look different enough from the other three colors that they get to be a separate category. I’ll take a class pic when I get a chance.Will the GB ones be listed at the same time as the others?
Yeah, there’s a class pic in the blog:
Cool beans and thanks, hope I’m online at the right time so I can snag one…:)
From what I understand, I think they’ll be grab bags.
Some will be true grab bags, but only a small number, like 30 or something.The others vary in color and finish too, but are close enough in color to each other to be lumped together under one listing. There are 60+ each of the other three colors that will go in the store, listed under their own colors: Ivory, tan fennec, and sand fox.
Now remember these ( and probably all future pebble things!) are “no nitpicking” editions. Similar to a “goof up edition”.
The ones that are grab bags are all natural, foxy-looking colors, but they look different enough from the other three colors that they get to be a separate category. I’ll take a class pic when I get a chance.Will the GB ones be listed at the same time as the others?
Hi and welcome. Don’t worry, I don’t think I posted an introduction either until a couple or few months after I joined the forum either. Sorry to hear about your step father. That is a tough thing to go through. I actually joined this and started buying Windstones after a major break up with my boyfriend over a year and a half ago. They made me feel better I guess to do something nice for myself. I have some issues with anxiety and depression myself so I can relate a little. It’s not always easy but it’s nice to find a supportive group of people to talk and connect with. It sounds like you have a nice fiance and a nice family of animals there! We have 5 rescue cats and one had 4 kittens so I just posted some pics in another thread. I used to have dogs and rodents and even an African Grey parrot at one point but had to re-home him when we unfortunately went through a foreclosure and had to move into a rental. It’s always nice to meet others who help give deserving animals a home! You also seem to have a good little collection started there. With grab bags it can take a little time to find a good trade but be patient and hopefully you can find a colt you would love to trade for unless you decide to keep yours if it grow on you. I am still waiting for mine and my mom’s colts to get here hopefully by Fri. or maybe Mon. depending if they made it through customs or not. That is awesome you get to visit Japan! It is for a vacation or what kind of trip will it be? I have never been anywhere in Asia but would love to travel and see more of the world when I am able to.
Glad to know that I am not the only one who was late with an introduction. Thanks and it is, just doesn’t seem real. Funny how we both turned to Windstone when we had something tragic happen. I’m also pretty active over on and I have met many people who suffer from anxiety and depression issues as well. It helps to know you are not alone. I had a big nervous breakdown after a break-up happened to me. The break-up was part of it, but not all. That was roughly 10 years ago now?! Yes, I’m fortunate to have met Rodney and to own my menagerie of animals. I just saw the thread with your rescue kitties this morning, I love the coloring of the mother. My Mom has an African Grey, Felix is her name. I once owned Rats too, they make such awesome pets. Not only was I in charge of the reptile department in my Mom’s pet store, but the rodents too. I don;t think I mentioned the 3 Windstone pieces I got from a store that went out of business? They also gave me a cardboard poster that says “Pena,” on one side is the Circle of Cats Candle Holder and the other side, an up close of the Wizard Cat’s face. My GB Colt is growing on me, LOL!! I do like Ladybugs and I love the res eyes my Colt has. Hope your Colt arrives soon, I could barely contain my excitement while I waited. I’m going to Japan, just to go. I really need to get away and clear my head…;)
July 24, 2014 at 1:14 am in reply to: Official Traveling Fuzzy Tracker, Notes and Travel Info UP'd 7/1/2014 Hosting is OPEN to all! PM me for info! #916217Ouch Branzyboo! That’s just insane!
Phoenixxfoxx, Griselda loves herps in general- she quite enjoyed the little curlytail lizard that checked us out in Freeport, as well as all the sagrei and carolensis anoles here. She thought the gators were neat too.
Awesome, she will fit right in…:)
Welcome to the forum…:)
Yes, welcome! I own a Meyer’s parrot as well and she is the sweetest thing. Her name is Amy and she is six years old. Good to welcome another animal lover.
Glad to find another Meyer’s owner, they are not very common. Noodle was 12 when she passed and Bappy is roughly 6 years old. Bappy warmed up to me right away and has adjusted well. My fiance loves her to pieces…:)