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  • in reply to: It's A Girl!!! #784314

      Dragons4Life wrote:

      Congrats on your girl!! You have braids, smiles, pretty dresses, and giggles to look forward to!

      Hahahahaha That girl is gonna be wearing Army boots, just like mommy 😉

      in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784142

        Zorse!!!! I’m so happy you’re still here! Congrats on all the fun wildlife things you’ve gotten yourself into! It sounds absolutely amazing and fun and adventuresome! Wishing you all the best and hope you find some really cool critters while you’re out there!!! HUGS!

        in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784141

          Jasmine wrote:

          Emerald is taking classes and is very busy. You can catch her on facebook.

          I just saw Emerald post =P Glad to see her still lurking!

          in reply to: Oldies but goodies, where have we all gone? (Now rated MA) #784140

            Awwww! Lupin!!! I’m sorry you’re having such a rough year! That’s a lot to deal with by anyones standards. I hope that things let up for you soon and give you some time to relax and breathe and take some much needed time for yourself!!! I’m glad you’re still around and lurking though! Come back to us when you can! MUCH LUV!

            in reply to: It's A Girl!!! #784311


              in reply to: Getting Induced! (hopefully) #784261

                GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!! May she be 2/11/10! *eyes/fingers/toes* Shame on you if you’ve never seen The Adams Family…

                TAKE LOTS OF PICTURES!!!

                in reply to: Horrible day…. #784224

                  I knew DDVM would have some great info! <3

                  Keep us updated!

                  in reply to: Help finding wings for Renaissance faire? #784072

                    glad I could help =)

                    in reply to: Horrible day…. #784219

                      ghostndragon wrote:

                      Jennifer wrote:

                      The one that made me the angriest was a large dog-aggressive mastiff that the owner had on one of those extend-able leashes, and there was a handicapped lady in the store with a seeing eye dog. The owner negligently let the dog go off on the end of its over-long lead, out of sight around one of the aisles, and attacked the seeing eye dog. The seeing eye dog was so well trained it didn’t attack back but tried to protect its handicapped owner. We had to rush the seeing eye dog over to the in-store vet for it’s wounds… all the while the owner of the mastiff was trying to play it down as the dog was ‘not normally like this! He’s very good at home!’ … yeah, where there are no other dogs! Yeesh.
                      I have known a responsible breeder and trainer of pits and the difference is amazing.

                      UGH!! I can’t even believe someone would try to pawn off their own stupidity on someone’s service dog!! The problem is, stupid pet owners make an entire breed appear more dangerous than it is. Yes, pits and mastiffs might have more of a tendency toward aggression, but that can and SHOULD be trained out of them. Particularly before they’re taken out into public. When I started college, I wanted to be a vet. I do love animals. But I realized that being a vet is just as much about dealing with people who own animals as it is animals. And I couldn’t handle the idea of dealing with stupid and irresponsible people and their pet-victims.

                      You could always just sedate the owners……..Maybe neuter them while they’re down? (the agressive males anyway) 😆

                      in reply to: Looking to buy #784246

                        wandaf1 wrote:

                        Cat figurine..I think it is retired…new to…it looks like a siamese cat with wings that are pink and blue with a collar of gold and black tail…thanks so much

                        First off, WELCOME TO OUR LITTLE CORNER OF ADDICTION! I must warn you, we are enablers and like Lay’s potato chips, “You can’t have just one” seems to be our motto!

                        Is this the one you’re looking for?

                        I have one up for sale, he’s mint in his original box and packaging.

                        Check out my thread for more info about me and my policies, I think he’s down towards the bottom of the first post.


                        You can always try your luck with eBay, or see if anyone else here has one for sale if you don’t want mine =) You won’t hurt my feelings! (Actualy, there’s not anyone on here whose feelings you’d hurt very easily, we’re pretty resillient!)

                        in reply to: PYO eyes #781785

                          Jennifer wrote:

                          kitsunelady wrote:

                          Yeah…>.> I’m turning blue in the face from holding my breath on this. D:

                          Lesson #1 in Windstones: Never Hold Your Breath!
                          Often, no one really knows what or when things are happening. 😉

                          Ya, decision making usualy goes like this at Windstone:

                          “Melody? Can we get/do/have this?”

                          “I dunno, go ask John”

                          “I dunno, go ask Melody…..She said to ask me?…..Hold on, let me talk to her…”

                          *2 hours later find Melody again* “Did John talk to you about ?”

                          “I haven’t seen John since breakfast…..Didn’t you ask him about it?”

                          “He said to ask you, then went to look for you.”

                          “Oh….well I really don’t know……Go ask Susie if she’s seen John….”

                          *Towards the end of the day (or days later in some cases LoL) when everyone isn’t lost in the factory and can actualy talk* “John, is it ok if we do this?”

                          *short conference, 2 min max*

                          “Ya sure, I don’t see why not!”

                          And that’s how it goes………ROFLMAO

                          in reply to: Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first #708680

                            chrisherself wrote:

                            Here’s one that looks like the Empress, Emperor and Kinglet all shared an egg 😆

                            Color scheme is a Rainbow, pose is a OW:

                            Peacock color scheme, Mother pose:

                            Peacock color scheme, Keeper pose:

                            I think those have the best chance at being infringements, the first one is definitely a ripoff of the Hatching Royalty sculpts, the other three they could get mostly on color scheme infringement, there are only so many ways to pose a dragon, and the dragons themselves look different enough from windstones without much similarity other than the coloring.

                            Same reasoning goes for why the wizzards and dog probably aren’t, there are only so many ways to pose things and none of them look particularly like Windstones. Putting a candle on an animals back isn’t that original either 😀 The sculping is what matters.

                            Not trying to trash your finds, I’d send them all to John and let him decide! Just making some observations.

                            in reply to: Help finding wings for Renaissance faire? #784070

                              Here are some sites for anyone interested in attending Ren Faires. The first one is just for the magazine, an overall comprehensive magazine with all sorts of information about Ren Faires across the country including vendors and venues and costumes. The second site is on but is a complete list of the faires for the year. Enjoy!



                              in reply to: Horrible day…. #784216

                                Xtharsa wrote:

                                might get stuff from pet meds…the people seemed very dim when it comes to animals(also in early 20’s)…I will call em tommrow and get things squared away. If they don’t comply I’ll hang up and call animal control. They are lucky I didn’t kill their dog I could have kicked it alot harder and alot more. when it comes to my family I’ll fight to the death

                                Just to clarify, the owners of the pitbull are young, like in their 20s? If that’s so, I’m pissed to the max. In my experience what happens in those cases is the young person/couple just goes and picks out a dog without doing any research into it’s background or watching it interact with other dogs. Usualy takes the breeder’s word that it’s a nice animal (VERY skeptical with pitbulls that one has not raised from a puppy themselves to monitor behavior) Then they assume it will befine with other dogs and kids (because dogs are nice social animals) and take it to a friends house with kids, leave it in their yard/open garage unleashed/ or take it to a dog park. WHAMMO Someone or their kid, or their dog gets seriously injured. My mom is a veterinarian and really dislikes pits for that exact reason, not because of the breed, but because the majority of the people who buy the breed are completely irresponsible about how truely dangerous their dog can be. I know I hear every sob story associated with just about every pitbull my mom sees or hears about, and 9/10 were due to owner ignorance and negligence.

                                If Pam (DDVM) pops on and sees this, maybe she can give a vets oppinion as well.

                                I know this is a tough time for you with school and everything, but hang in there and just give Drake lots of TLC! He’ll be healed in no time! Again, lots of hugs!

                                in reply to: Holy crap!!! #784191

                                  Lokie wrote:

                                  WindstoneCollector wrote:

                                  I think auto bids do an increment increase up until you hit the limit you set. SO it is possible that that was what was happening… 😉

                                  I’m confused by this statement. Are you saying the one person who has 58 bids wasn’t manually bidding higher every few seconds? What are “auto bids”?

                                  One of the bidders had to manualy increase their bid, but if the high bidder put in a max bid of $360 say, and the other person kept putting in bids $5 higher than the last they would show up as a seperate bids. BUT there is a new function on the actual auction page called “one click bid” or somethink like that, so instead of having to go through 3 pages to put in a bid, you just click on the “one click bid” button and it increases your bid to the next highest incriment. So bid wars can be waged by two people clicking that button.

                                  Anyway, hope that helps.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 601 through 615 (of 3,168 total)