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  • in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #878111

    and I just finished 150 gb baby unicorns.

    OOOOO what kind of gb baby unicorns? Normies, fantasy, or candy corns?

    in reply to: Giving Up-NOT!!!!–UPDATE-5/4/12 #878102

    School’s secondary purpose after education, instruction, and learning is to attempt to kill all the students…at least that’s how I feel.
    It’s usual to get desperate when the end is in sight but there is still so much work to do. I too can’t wait for this nightmare semester to be over. I have a professor who is just bat shit insane and I will get a B in her class no matter what I do now and that will ruin my 4.0 in my penultimate semester…sigh.
    So it sucks for everyone, hang in there, and dream of the first days of summer!

    in reply to: Quest #5 #878097

    This is an awesome quest and even though school work is trying to kill me, and I am sooooo participating in this one. I just need to set up one more picture, then pick which ones out of all the different shots I have that I want to submit. I do hope “natural” habitat can be taken quite loosely. After all, who knows what fuzzies get up to when people aren’t around…

    in reply to: BVEP Fledgies… #878055

    FINALLY got one! There were four right before I ordered, go get em and goodluck!

    in reply to: It is March 21st … #877611

    Will the drawing for the March raffle be today?

    in reply to: BVEP Fledgies… #877453

    There’s 3 youngs left too…

    The youngs are awesome, I got one of them too to keep my OW company. But the fledglings are simply the cutest thing ever! Something about that fledgy face…makes me want an army of them!

    in reply to: BVEP Fledgies… #877448

    Blarh, this is what, the fourth time I’ve missed them? =P

    in reply to: Any idea the current value of a RF Rising Spectral #877351

    Says they have one left. Might want to call them first, but the price is a bit higher than the store price. I remember when they had the RF emperor still, and I am STILL kicking myself for not just getting it right away.

    in reply to: It is March 21st … #877309

    He’s beautiful! :bigsmile:

    in reply to: Show your collection V.7-2012 #877176

    Purpleturtle, in the last picture, the emperor dragon, is that a rainbow that just come out looking super dark from the lightin or is he a darker rainbow color? He’s super pretty looking like a rainy day oil spill!

    in reply to: Ivory Hatchers? #877125

    I am generally not a fan of the white colors, but the ivory just looks awesome, like shed snake skin! It’s especially cool if you think about it like the babies just really hatched, and so their real colors aren’t showing until the blood starts circulating, like butterfly wings!

    in reply to: Want To Buy Hatching Emperor Dragon in Rainbow #877093

    When posting a reply in the Flea Market, please be mindful of our rules regarding bumping.

    “Don’t reply to Flea Market threads with unrelated comments or questions. […] Comments or questions that ARE considered relevant in the Flea Market would include: anything specifically related to your interest in buying from, selling to, or trading with another member. Note: Do not reply to Flea Market threads with general advice on how to find Windstones (please post your advice in the Looking for a Windstone thread or just PM the person who you are helping).”

    It wasn’t general advice, it was specific to ebay and the sudden flux of rainbows that have been showing up there these last few weeks, something the original poster wouldn’t know if she didn’t have the time to stalk ebay regularly. It was directly related to this post. A good example of something unrelated which I could understand getting a response for: “HEY EVERYONE! Vegan hot dogs are awesome!” However, until now, no tasty vegan hot dogs were mentioned…

    I can understand wanting to get the bumping under control, but is it really necessary to kill off all conversation and nice-making in the buy/sell threads? We are an online community; this sort of politeness helps people connect with others we will probably never really meet irl.

    And it’s easier to post a blurb of advice or concern than to send a PM; not everyone is comfortable getting into a “private” conversation with someone just to offer up a bit of kindness or politeness. And I’ve posted this reponse here because the rules thread is locked to replies and I don’t know you and I don’t feel comfortable sending PMs to random strangers just to share about awesome vegan hot dogs…so yeah.

    in reply to: Emerald Color Shift Curly pics plz! #877067

    It’s addicting taking pictures of these guys, but tricky! I propose a mini contest (just for funnsies, no prize) to see who can capture this elusive yellow in the sunlight color cause I can’t get it!

    in reply to: What's being painted for the store? #877062

    I had a dream that pictures were posted again of stuff being worked on/finished up in the factory and the trucks were FULL of rainbow dragons: emperors, royal hatchers, SKs, scratchers, rising and sitting spectrals, fledglings, OWs, laps….every surface COVERED in beautiful, perfect rainbow dragons.
    It was a good dream! Any chance for a rainbow restock on the special/limited production ones that weren’t retired?

    WTB rainbow OW, rainbow fledgling, rainbow hatching emperor and empress 🙂

    Also looking for hatching royalty in brown and silver hatching empress.
    WTB brown, violet flame, and red fire fledlings.

Viewing 15 posts - 346 through 360 (of 933 total)