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  • in reply to: lavender pearl fledgies #887196

    the store showed one in stock at 5:00 sharp, but I hit the add to cart button too slow or IE just hates me, cause I got an out of stock message =(

    in reply to: lavender pearl fledgies #887193

    ack, did they really sell out in less than a minute?

    in reply to: Orphan Kitten #886889

    For the fleas, (and anything else, ack I once had a foster kitty with lice!) usually you can put like one tiny tiny drop of any flea medication you’d use for an adult on them. Just roll the usual eyedropper in the medicine and then touch to the back of his neck, no need to fill the eyedropper with anything. I’ve done this for kittens as young as five weeks with no problems, and other foster mommies I’ve work with have done it on even younger ones. But if it scares you to use a flea med on him, most pet stores have really fine combs that can catch the fleas or anything else (again, ack lice!) in his fur so you can brush the worst of it out, though it won’t do anything for flea eggs.

    So sweet of you to save him. :bigsmile: So many people can just walk past when a tiny animal is in need. My policy is if I can get the animal to approach me, I am obligated to offer aide.

    in reply to: Lavender oriental youngs #886649

    I was so surprised (and thrilled!) that I got one! I didn’t get home until after 6 pst, and when I saw the icon in the store I was going to cry if I missed them. When I put it in the cart it said the item would only remain in the cart for 15mins, so maybe that helped them stay in store longer. Or Melody painted like 500 of em!

    in reply to: Show your collection V.8 #886270


    YES!!! :bigsmile: You win 1 million geek points! /happy dance However, geek points really can’t be redeemed for anything, but they are fun to look at! I wish they would dub that anime, wow, sooooo happy other people watch Pandora Hearts 🙂

    in reply to: Show your collection V.8 #886257

    Here are my recent additions:

    The blue foop is my favorite, but he is living with my sister in Florida now.





    I’ve posted these guys but never all together.
    It started out just with the red sun dragon named Harry Potter, but somehow they all got wizard names. The emerald is Crowley, the copper patina is Prospera, and the peacock is Break. One million awesome geek points to the Otaku who can guess the name of Break’s little fuzzy friend!

    Just wow. Both my prz…wild horse and bucksin baby arrived today. These are my first baby pegasi, the only other pegasus I have is the white male pegasus. But he didn’t prepare me for how cute these guys are. I think I love this sculpt more than the baby unicorns now. They are just too precious, thank you so much Melody for painting these little cuties! :bigsmile:

    I wanted a baby prz…wild horse pegasus, but they went so fast I only mangaged to get my second choice, the buckskin baby. So, if anyone wants to trade a prz…err… wild horse pegasus for a buckskin one, please keep me in mind. However, if I manage to grab a rebound prz…errr wild horse pegasus baby when they pop back in the carts in an hour and someone missed out on the buckskin babies, I can resell to you for the store price because even though these guys are tiny and adorable, I’m a dragon addict and will be happy with just one baby pegasus to be friends with my baby unicorns.

    in reply to: Quest 7 #885925

    School is beating me down (say what you want about the state of educational reform in this country, but I simply do not find it appropriate to attempt to kill graduate students by crushing them to death with homework) so I won’t get to play in this quest, but I can’t wait to see what people come up with! A coloring contest is just a great and fun idea. Goodluck everyone 🙂

    in reply to: The winner of the August 2012 raffle #885748

    WOOT WTG! :bigsmile:

    in reply to: Bug Stories-share yours #885638

    I don’t generally have a problem with bugs. I love my banana slugs, I ignore just about everything else but try to avoid the ones that bite. I think that the only ones I kill are black widows, but I only see those once or twice a year, usually when cleaning the garage or moving something that’s been out in the yard too long. One of my cats loves to hunt spiders, but unless he’s being extra cruel I don’t intervene.

    However, I work at a public library…and after three special little bug incidents I can be very nervous about checking in DVDs.

    To check in returned library items, we have to make sure all the pieces are accounted for and the item is in the same shape in which it left the library. So for DVDs, you open the case and check the disc. Yeah….one night, I’m on the last hour check in desk so it’s like 8:30, I’m the only one in the back workroom, and I pop open a DVD case and magically I’m across the room in my wheely chair. It takes a minute for me to process what the hell freaked me out so much. I had seen movement in the DVD case, and I when I steeled my nerves and went back to investigate, there were like a half dozen little roaches swarming out of the case and climbing all the desk and keyboard. One of the hard core Southern ladies squished em all for me, cause except for like giant hissing cockroach pets, I’d never frickin seen a cockroach in real life. We charged the person who returned that DVD a cleaning fee =P

    I’ve been at this library for almost four years, and I have had three live roach incidents all coming out of DVD cases (different patrons returning the items too, yuck), and one case of mites. My library fellows have also had roach incidents, and once, a freaky looking yellow spider crawled out of a DVD case. But since it wasn’t a roach we put him outside. I feel like we should have a sign or statement on the library card application form alerting patrons to the fact that the library doesn’t want their bugs and they will be fined for returning them with our materials.

    So I guess I should amend my previous statement, I don’t mind bugs as long as they don’t surprise me at work.

    Um, can untalented people join?

    Yup! Swaps are open to all talent levels. In fact many paint their first PYO for a swap.

    I’m in.

    Good to know, because I was concerned about this too. I love painting them, but passion doesn’t always translate into any sort of skill =/ But one of my foops actually turned out rather cute, so I am not as mortified now at the prospect of someone else receiving a PYO I painted. I would be interested in joining as long as school hasn’t killed me when the swap goes down.

    in reply to: Paypal verification, how do you deal with it? #884878

    Okay, finally got this taken care of. Here is how I managed it in case this information is useful to others.

    So calling about this other option for verification was less than fruitful. The so-called customer service person just insisted a credit card and linking a bank account were the only options. I emailed paypal and got a useless instant response with just the basic verification information. I replied to this email and finally got someone in customer service named Linda. Linda told me the third option is to qualify for bill me later. But awesome lady named Linda also waived my spending limit entirely without me having to do anything else because my account is in good standing and I’ve been a customer for almost a decade. So there is hope, and I hope this helps other people.

    in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #884325

    Toasted Pearl Coiled Mother and Fledgling!*squeeking!!*

    A toasted pearl fledgling would be utterly adorable! I was always suprised how much I like that color, since I usually go for the bright and gaudy, but Toasted pearl + fledgling face = epic cuteness

    in reply to: Are wishlists gone? #884324

    The wishlist thread was done away with when the associated forum was closed.

    I could probably resurrect it and move it to somewhere else, but it was pretty old.

    Maybe it would make more sense to start a new one?

    What do you guys think?

    I think if we DO reinstate it – it should we a genuine “wish list” of the “if I were ever rich, I would get…” kind.

    You can create a wanted ad for things you are actively seeking and ready to buy. 🙂

    A mix of both uses works fine. wishlists didn’t seem to need to be overly specific. I have had people message me letting me know they would be selling something on my wishlist, but I never felt like having something on my list meant I was obligated to offer on an item. I had sometimes used those wishlists to generate good karma by letting people who had a certain item on their list know if I saw it for sale cheap like on craigslist or an ebay BIN since I am at my computer crazy amounts of time during the school season.

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