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  • in reply to: Journey West #910556

    And adventure you shall have! Plenty in SF, and when you get to feel like roaming, Oakland, Berkeley, Napa if you’re a wine person, Sacramento, and then further south to Santa Cruz, Monterey, and the most beautiful place in the world: Big Sur.

    in reply to: Journey West #910408

    Northern CA is lovely, we have everything…but I’m biased since I live here. But unless you have deep pockets, don’t expect to live too close to SF! BART will be your best buddy.

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910389

    I am really enjoying seeing all the pictures. Thank you to everyone for posting them! This is my first grab bag and I am so excited to see what mine will look like. I only got one initially, but broke down and bought a second. I hope mine get here soon!

    Welcome to the grab bag club! Just so you know, jmoore, these things are highly addictive. Once you have one…you want 80% of an entire batch! But seriously, I wonder how Windstone gets around putting a Surgeon General’s warning label on them…

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910319

    So I love both of mine even though there is no black, blue, or pure rainbow colors. I think I have one from page 6 4th row 6th from left and page 8 2nd row 3rd from the left, if anyone is keeping track to determine their chances for a specific piece.
    One definitely has a lot of pink, but the gold and purple and blue make it pretty on her, like a sunset! And those orange eyes, yum. Second guy is like a forest with blue highlights, very lovely! And the green one, there is a lot of purple sparkle on his bronze chest and face but it takes the right light and angle to show it. I am super impressed with these guys, and the sculpt is adorable. A big thanks to Windstone, Melody, and Brandi for making these lovelies for their rabid fans!

    Both of them have the same blue little tail tip, so cute!

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910272

    Wow, Hannah, that blue and red lil guy with the frickin red eyes is beautiful! /love

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910254

    Oooo so exciting when the pictures start rolling in. They’re all beautiful! That brown natural one is amazing, and I usually like bright ones! Robin, they’re both amazing!

    Picking mine up at the PO later today, can’t wait!

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910221

    Kiya, pictures? Pretty please 🙂

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910165

    after carefully looking through the photos, I found 5 dragons I don’t like. So my odds for getting a dragon I’ll love are looking pretty good for this batch! I thought I would have my package tomorrow, but looks like it will be Saturday 🙁

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Photo Thread #910063

    They’re all so amazing…with grab bags I usually can find one or two to abhor, but not so much in this batch. Even the more natural looking ones are lovely and I would be happy with them if my second one was brightly colored. Even the ones with lots of pink look nice! Such wizardry from Melody and Brandi! Got my fingers crossed for a Saturday delivery since packages usually get to me pretty fast from the factory. Going to try to not act like a spaz the rest of the week as I wait for these guys…

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Dragons #910029

    I can’t believe they are still in stock! I came home after my train commute and planted myself in front of the computer closest to the router, didn’t eat dinner, didn’t change out of my work clothes because I was too paranoid to leave the screen. So wow, I like the way these new grab bags work.

    You new people, you don’t know what we used to have to go through for grab bags! The site would crash and they’d sell out in like 7 minutes. Grumble grumble, hiked to Oregon for them…in the snow, uphill…both ways! And they were guarded by a llama…really.

    in reply to: hello hello I'm back #910028

    Woot, thanks guys. TDM, it does feel like coming home :bigsmile:

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Dragons #910017

    Got my two, so much for windstone rehab! Soooo is there a group photo of all these lovelies to post yet?

    in reply to: Grab Bag Mini Keeper Dragons #910004

    wow 300 users on right now…sure 200+ is enough dragons?

    in reply to: 2013 GB Young wants! #899643

    I can’t wait to see the photos when the unicorns arrive at their homes, and hey, on the bright side, with a price like that they will stay in the store longer and give the people who are dying for them a better chance! I wasn’t going to be able to get one anyway, but even if I had a job right now, I would pass because emperor dragons new and shiny from the store sell for less.
    Mystery quasi-tiny unicorn < hulking beautiful royal dragon of awesomeness

    Nice sting operation, drag0n! I can’t believe this guy travels so far, but I guess BS is a lucrative business. Did you dress up for the con? I have a vision in my head of you busting this guy in L cosplay since you’re dusting off the detective skills :bigsmile:

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