Forum Replies Created
February 15, 2012 at 12:08 am in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/13/12 #873600
Awe man! Seriously? The ONE thing I wanted and it’s already got a $600 bid -_- Well, so much for that. Congrats there and good luck with the sale kitsunelady! To everyone out there she is a sweet heart and great to do business with!
…and completely unrelated, but you take BEAUTIFUL PHOTOS!!! I’m totally drooling over here!!! XD
Aww, thanks drag0n! I thought you already had a brown lap, though. o_o I was trying to figure out what you were going to want, and that wasn’t my guess. XD I was totally mystified, haha.
Anyhoo, to anyone who’s waiting on me, I’m gonna work on posting my minimums now. =) Still need some daylight time to take pics of strays, though…=x Man, I miss summer. I’d have two hours (at *least*) of day left at this time.
February 14, 2012 at 2:38 am in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/13/12 #873547I love a couple of your not for sale PYOs . Oh well .
Which ones interested you? o.o; It might just be that they’re already sold. XD
February 14, 2012 at 2:31 am in reply to: Spring 2012 Art Card/ACEO/ATC Swap 4 : Cards on their way! #873546Is it too late to join in? Because I’d love to do some Art Cards! It’s been forever since I’ve done any.
Nope, anyone can sign up at any time. =D Just so long as their card/s are sent by May 1st, it’s all good.
I also buy slightly damage dragons,due to cost. I bought a white scratcher dragon on ebay. When it arrived it had broken in 3 places. The seller wrapped it well and wrote on the box “fragile” 4 tiimes in big black letters. I contacted him and emailed pictures of the dragon, the box and the packings. Fortunally he had insured the package. I recieved a check for the full amount from the USPS and kept the dragon. The seller nor I lost a cent, plus I got to keep the dragon, which fortunally is going to be easy to fix. Personally I think a $50 refund is too low,dont forget the shipping cost you paid too. I would even be willing to buy him from you if you don’t want to repair him. My collection, except for maybe three, looks like the Island of slighty damage Windstone Dragons.
That’s sweet of you to offer, Mary, but don’t worry. He’ll be repaired and well-loved. $120 is a very good price for a Jade oriental, and she only charged me $12 for shipping (which is how I knew she was going to do it wrong, cause there was no way doing it right would be that low). $50 was enough off to placate me. =)
February 13, 2012 at 2:53 am in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/12/12 #873467Calm down people. XD I need to get the ‘uneditable’ thing sorted out first, okay? Just take some deep breaths and hold your horses. This isn’t a GB Unicorn whoever-gets-there-first-wins fight…I’ll be taking offers. So woo-sah, woo-sah.
Anyhoo, I’m off to bed. If Jennifer has deleted this thread (which is what I figured would be easier) by tomorrow, I’ll start the new one and the hubbubble may resume.
February 12, 2012 at 11:35 pm in reply to: Spring 2012 Art Card/ACEO/ATC Swap 4 : Cards on their way! #873432Welcome, Leigha! And yeah, I’m pretty sure monochrome is gonna be it. I’ll edit the main post tomorrow to reflect that. =)
I’ve already got a card sketched, hee. <3
That ‘overqualified’ business should have been kicked to the curb when the economy went sour. There are so many people willing to do whatever crappy job they can get, just to have a job, no matter what their prior experience/education, and it does irritate that employers have yet to realize this. I understand their reluctance – we have an employee at my store who does indeed think her job is ‘beneath’ her (she has a computer science degree and was previously a manager of a store in the mall that closed), but at least she does what she’s supposed to to the best of her abilities! And is good at it ( if it weren’t for the occasional attitude problem XD ). Most of the young people who are only working there part-time while going to the local uni have horrible work ethic by comparison. As the inventory control manager, I feel like I spend half my time wiping their bottoms for them (aka cleaning up messes they’ve made of things – whether out of laziness or just a lack of brainpower). It would be less frustrating working for a daycare, because at least there, the people making the mess would have the excuse of their age. The CS major, I don’t have to worry about. If she makes a mistake once, and I say something, she never does it again. I don’t have to ask “Are you working, or are you talking?” with her – she’s ALWAYS doing something. No standing around watching the fanblades spin with that one, heh.
At any rate, keep trying. I *know* there are some places that don’t care about that – like call centers. We have one for a hotel chain and one for a cable company here, and I’ve never heard of them turning someone down because they were ‘overqualified’!
February 12, 2012 at 11:17 pm in reply to: Jade Oriental, because some moron put nail polish on my dragon #873429Lupus, do you have any of that paint left? XD
February 12, 2012 at 10:44 pm in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/12/12 #873424Yeah, I think so too. = There *was* an edit button below what was the ‘original’ post on the old forum until just a while ago (obviously, cause I edited that post once today), and now it is gone. 6.6 There is an edit tab above the empty block that appeared when the forum migrated, but…don’t want to use that and have a double post. @.@; I PM’d Jen. =x
I can delete mah post if you think it’ll help :8)
No worries, I just asked Jen to delete the thread. We’ll just start over. =D
February 12, 2012 at 10:02 pm in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/12/12 #873419Yeah, I think so too. = There *was* an edit button below what was the ‘original’ post on the old forum until just a while ago (obviously, cause I edited that post once today), and now it is gone. 6.6 There is an edit tab above the empty block that appeared when the forum migrated, but…don’t want to use that and have a double post. @.@; I PM’d Jen. =x
February 12, 2012 at 9:01 pm in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/12/12 #873411Er…I was about to add some more to the list but now the ‘Edit’ button is gone from my main post. Wth? @_@;
Nevermind, I think I know what happened. When Medley replied to my main post, as has not happened since the migration to the new forum, the edit function was removed?? D: Derp. Jennifer, help meee. I think I can put it all into that block right above my original post-to-edit, and have an always-editable main post there instead, but then I’ll have a double posting right below, and the second one will be uneditable and will confuse people~! Grah!
Yeah, considering I was obviously willing to pay them for whatever trouble they had to go to to package it like I had asked. @_@; People mystify me, sometimes. Then again, maybe he/she dug that poor oriental out of some garage sale for $10, so $50 off what I paid was no big…=
February 12, 2012 at 7:56 pm in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/12/12 #873407Hey all, I’m getting tired of my uh…mess…so I’m going to start cleaning house. I never thought I’d want to sell some of these, but I’m just not as hot about collecting as I once was. Mostly all I want to do is paint Windstones, anymore…buying them? Eh. After excitement of the last batch of GBs was over, I realized my heart just wasn’t in it. Sooo, see first post for the list I’m building. I know a lot of people are dying to squander their tax returns!
I have not decided if I will take payments/list on the forum/use ebay, before anyone asks…but I’m leaning towards ebay. More exposure, and I know there are buyers who are leery of dealing on the forum. So unless someone makes me an offer I can’t refuse before I put these up there, that is most likely how it will go.
February 12, 2012 at 7:41 pm in reply to: Cleaning House / Selling List (in the works) : 2/12/12 #780262Edit 2/12/12 : I’m going to start selling some of the pieces of my collection that no longer interest me/never really seriously tickled my fancy/don’t want more than one color/version of, because I’m long out of room, so those that fall into these categories have been stored in their boxes for quite a while. I figure they deserve to be displayed, and I’d like to clean house. This is just going to be a list so far, so don’t PM me yet. Before you start rubbing your paws together over them, keep in mind that I do not NEED to sell any of this, so I will not take less than what I paid for any of them, and that includes shipping. Most of my pieces are in near-mint condition (a bit of dust is the worst of your concerns), and I do not take off tags. I keep boxes if I get them when I buy. If they are LP/Test Paints/OOAK, I have the COA. Bargain-hunters, look elsewhere. <3
The List :
Brown Lap Dragon
Peacock Emperor
Gold Emperor #1 (first of the original 10 sold on ebay when this color was released, signed by Melody)
Copper Patina Mother (red eyes)
Copper Patina Oriental (red eyes, version 1)
Brown Male (very old, no pad)
Old Green Male
Jade Coiled Male
Peacock Coiled Male
Grab Bag Young Unicorn : Astrologer
Grab Bag Candycorn Baby
Rainbow Hatching Kinglet (x2)
Rainbow Hatching Empress
Silver Hatching Emperor
Golden Moth Poad #1
Copper Lilac Lace Poad
Sugar Plum Poads (both eye colors)
Bengal Poads (all three colors)
Lavender Pearl Mother Griffin (test paint)
Bengal Mother Griffin (test paint)
Pearl Mother Griffin
Silver Sparkle Lady Cat
Black Sparkle Fat Cat
….more to come.Edit 1/22/12 : There’s a lot of new people on the forum, so I figured I would bump this and see if anyone has any brochures and whatnot they’d be willing to part with now. <3 There's still a link to the ones I already have below. I am also still looking for an Orange-eyed Emerald Young. =)
Edit 5/21/11: I’m looking for a baby pegasus. Preferably not mint, as I – not gonna lie here – intend to repaint it. I have an idea, and it requires a pegasus. Would be willing to take a mother pegasus, too, but prefer the baby. Will pay $25 for non-mint baby, $40 for non-mint mother, plus shipping. Would also prefer to keep this within the continental US so shipping doesn’t cost me an arm and a leg.
***Still looking for brochures (or signs/posters/whatever) – I am willing to pay for these, if that wasn’t clear; here is a link to an album with pictures of all I DO have so far, with date/size information in the description (you have to click them to see that) –
The list was getting a little long, so I figured just linking to the album would be fine. e.e
*** I’d also like to assure you that I am a trustworthy buyer/seller/trader/whathaveyou. You can look at my feedback on ebay; I have the same ID there. I have also bought and sold many items on the Windstone Flea Market – the last two people I recall having business with were Wolfen and GB, if you want ‘references’. I most recently traded one of my GB unis with drag0nfeathers, I believe. I also am on the updated White List (pg. 10 of the original thread). So don’t be afraid.
I am an experienced Windstone packer, and have never had one I shipped break. I expect the same from anyone I trade/buy from, so please read the shipping/packing how-to if you haven’t already. I will not ask you to use the ‘Personal Payment’ on Paypal to avoid fees, although it has come to my attention that this does not offer any sort of additional ‘protection’ to either party anyways…unless you’re buying off ebay. =
Thanks for looking!
Well, they coughed up the $50 without a fuss. >.> I only asked $50, because I watched the auction for that broken Light Peacock Oriental the other night, and the last time I saw it before I fell asleep, he was at around $90. So I figured that was the going rate for broken orientals. XD Bahhh.