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  • in reply to: ART CARD SWAP 3 – Cards Posted! #849675

      Oh, I forgot to say that I mailed mine on Monday. Well, at least I gave it to my mother who said she had stamps and would mail it for me…>.>;…

      Dunno where MY stamps went. I had this nice sheet that looked like the Hawaiian jungle. =(

      in reply to: Show your Copper Patina dragons! #849672

        The camera that I used sucks. Especially concerning the emperor and hatching empress. It doesnt quite capture the depth of the color because they DO look like theyre made of metal. If you reached out to touch them, you’d expect them to feel like it. The lap dragon however is more…flat. He looks like a dragon painted copper. Not a dragon made of copper.

        So does the emperor have this sort of textured effect up close? ->

        And does your lap look as smooth as Chris’s fledge? Or different?

        in reply to: Show your Copper Patina dragons! #849634

          Hmm. The paint doesn’t seem to have that ‘beaten metal’ look to it anymore. That was my favorite bit…

          in reply to: Deviant Art and PYO's #849633

            Oh wow, I’ve had a lot of my PYOs on DA for over a year now, 0.o …but they all have that info on them. I guess that’s why I was never asked to take them off.

            Same. >.> *scratches head* Oh well. Uh, what was the reason he didn’t want us posting PYOs on DA in the first place? I mean, unless someone was claiming they had made the actual sculpt…but there are all kinds of repaints, resin kits, and ‘customized’ things on there…seems like free advertising to me.

            in reply to: What do you got? #849632

              I kind of like this list XD Can we continue to post our collections in it or should I try starting a new thread? I know it’s a lot like “show your collection” but I’m a text oriented person too so it would be fun for me to see a list of the stuff I have XD

              I was thinking the same thing! (that I’d post a list here)

              I don’t see anything wrong with reviving an old thread, if it’s not a topic that’s gone out of date…which this isn’t. =)

              in reply to: What do you got? #849629

                Heh heh. *amused*

                in reply to: Teal Eye Unicorns? #849383

                  Idk about the dragons, I like the eyes like on the baby palomino unicorn that is up in the Trade section right now. I think Pixie-dust is the owner? I also like it when the gem matches the eyes. >.>

                  in reply to: Show your Copper Patina dragons! #849331

                    Hmm. I like the ‘middle’ version of copper patina best, so far. The one with purple interference and such, but that still had red eyes. The patina was somewhere between the super-heavy first attempts and the current very lightly patina’d version. I feel fortunate to have caught a mother dragon and an oriental in that ‘phase’. >__>; If the emperor looked like my mother dragon, I might have been more inclined to buy one…but if they’re not gonna make any more like her, I guess I’m done with my CP collection. 6_6;

                    The newest version is nicer with the teal eyes, I will give it that. I don’t think the red eyes would look good on it.

                    in reply to: June Raffle?? #849305

                      A Poad. >.> Or a unicorn…

                      in reply to: ART CARD SWAP 3 – Cards Posted! #849279

                        EDIT: Does anyone use a topcoat on their paintings? I have a matte topcoat that I use for dragons and uni PYOs sometimes but I didn’t know if it was necessary.

                        Huh, I never thought of putting a topcoat on mine. I just figured they wouldn’t come out of the plastic so it never occurred to me they would need other ‘protection’. o_o;

                        I don’t think any of mine look particularly spring-like. XD But they are nature-y! I think…

                        in reply to: Private Message Emails – are you getting yours? #849171

                          Ohhh. We’re supposed to see a banner? o_o; Where’s it at? If I go to “My Account” and I have a new message, I do see a button that says “(#) new message(s)” next to the “write new message” button…is that what you mean?

                          in reply to: Private Message Emails – are you getting yours? #849161

                            I never log out of the forum (deliberately, anyways), and I usually leave my computer on, with a tab open to the forum – and I still get the emails about new PMs.

                            in reply to: ART CARD SWAP 3 – Cards Posted! #849154

                              I drew two, and then decided to do something completely different on the third. Now I want to do another two so they match that one, I like it so much. XD

                              MAN. Figures I’d wait until now to change my mind about what to do. e.e;

                              in reply to: Private Message Emails – are you getting yours? #849050

                                I get mine. o_o

                                in reply to: Collections you have that are not Windstones #848657

                                  French comics, you say? >.> Do you have any by Claire Wendling?

                                  No, actually the name is unfamiliar.

                                  Edit that, I have the Sky-Doll series! I’ve added it recently to the collection, so the name isn’t imprinted yet… Not like Arleston or Crisse (one of my favorites).

                                  Ah, I was wondering if you’d read Les Lumières de l’Amalou by her…it’s always interested me because I like her style, but is rather expensive. o.o; $96 for L’intégrale, which is a compilation of all five volumes. Separately, the cheapest I’ve seen them is $30 each. >.>;

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