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  • in reply to: 12/5/14 Bat Eared Fox Photo Thread!! #922922

      Can anyone tell me what animal my bat eared fox is painted to look like?

      in reply to: WINTER/HOLIDAY 2014 GIFT SWAP — Shipping Time! #922839

        I got my gifts from MandBsMom.

        As you can see I got alot of goodies.
        Thank-you so much! I really like everthing!
        The candies were delicious.
        The owls are really cute.
        The glass butterfly is beautiful.
        The cats are already hanging up.
        The fuzzy has gone in with my others to make friends.

        in reply to: WINTER/HOLIDAY 2014 GIFT SWAP — Shipping Time! #922787

          So I was waiting on a package from Windstone, which should have been delivered today… post office is running behind I guess… but I DID get a totally unexpected surprise, my Holiday Gift swap parcel arrived today! It turned out to be from kelseyslk, the first person with whom I ever did a trade with on here, so that was a very pleasant surprise !

          I am so very happy with my gifts !! Im rather fussy over skulls and clothing, but you nailed this one on the head !! I totally adore the scarf! Nice and long, and very soft, and the skulls on it are perfect! And the book sox with the skulls on it is really nice to, I never even knew such a thing existed. It was so nice of you to get me things with skulls, I really appreciate it, since I do love skulls 🙂 I also got some cool incense, a flower pen :), some M&M’s (mmmmmmm), a Maleficent dragon sticker, and a very cool Dragon card. Oh, and the Fuzzy is awesome !! I just love him, with his long fur and his stripes !!

          Thank you for being so thoughtful, your gifts were perfect ! I love them all 🙂

          I’m so happy you like everything and that the package got to you on time!! 🙂

          in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #922436

            I really like the heavy metal coloring by Brandy and the Bengal cat by Melody.


              When we got back home TR was excited to look at all his souvenirs.

              Then Halloween came and James was doing Quest #17 dressing up a Tad Poad as a dragon and TR wanted to play too. So we let him try on the wings to go trick or treating and look at the candy he got!

              After Halloween Tender Ridge decided it was time to move along. He packed up his stuff said all his goodbyes and headed out to go visit Stormbreeze in California. We all hope he has a good time and makes it home safe and sound!


                On the next weekend we had planed on going to Walt Disney World and TR was more than happy to come along!
                Walking down Main Street we got this photo of Cinderella’s castle.

                Next we went on the Jungle Cruise.

                And when we got off we saw these.

                TR liked this one.

                Next was the Haunted Mansion.

                While waiting in line we got these photos.

                We came back to ride this one again later at night but I couldn’t get TR to go and pose again. I don’t think he liked the tombstones to much after dark!

                After the first time on Haunted Mansion we went to see Rapunzel’s Tower.

                Then we were heading toward Beauty and the Beast’s castle where we where going to have dinner. And we saw this along the way.

                This is the Be Our Guest Restaurant.

                There are 5 dining rooms and the one we sat in has Beauty and the Beast dancing in the middle of the room.

                And the furniture has carved roses.

                TR didn’t seem to care to much for the dinner but when the desert came out he had to try everything including the grey stuff it’s delicious!

                And then it was time for the parade!


                  So, Tender Ridge came to visit with me and jamesqe back in September here in Florida. When he first got here we did a little tour of the house. First the fuzzies wanted a meet and greet!

                  Then TR wanted to see my fish tank up close.

                  And because he liked the fish inside so much we went outside to see my pond next.

                  Then he wanted to see some of my plants up close. Really seemed to like the colors.

                  Then after all the excitement and a little snack he decided to take a nap with the cats.


                    Tender Ridge has left Florida on the way to Stormbreeze in California on 11/11. So should be there any day now! And I will post photos soon.


                      Got this cutie today, a sweet surprise from my awesome sister!! She’s already been traded.

                       photo 20141112_153325_zpsf32fb9e6.jpg photo 20141112_153351_zpse509bae4.jpg photo 20141112_153341_zps50705484.jpg photo 20141112_153404_zps147d379f.jpg photo 20141112_153420_zps4c1c8589.jpg

                      This is my favorite so far!!!

                      in reply to: Any New Colours for Small and Mouse Wizards? #921284
                        in reply to: Any New Colours for Small and Mouse Wizards? #921280

                          Harvest mouse wizards!

                          in reply to: Congratulations, Jennifer!!!! #919180

                            That’s awesome! Congratulations, and the painting is beautiful!

                            in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #919040

                              I would like to request more grab bag fat cats in the future with more fish or different types of themes. I just really like them as grab bags!

                              in reply to: Grab Bag Fishy Cat Photo Thread 9/5/14 #918789

                                This is Ferin1984’s first grab bag fat cat! I think it’s very pretty!

                                Wow, this one is gorgeous!

                                in reply to: Autumn Leaf? #918749

                                  What about an autumn leaf unicorn gargoyle?

                                Viewing 15 posts - 196 through 210 (of 331 total)