
Forum Replies Created

Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 210 total)
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  • in reply to: 'Stuff We Don't Have' part of Store #884381

      This is a work in progress and all your input is really helpful. The store was a mess and, with all the “out of stock” items in the different categories, a new customer arriving for the first time would think we were selling out and closing up, or something to that effect.

      So, I decided to, first, clean out the retired and least likely to be produced soon pieces and then figure out how, exactly, to arrange it later. Asking who would like to see an item re-stocked is a good idea for those things that are in the “maybe we will make some more” category. I left some “out of stock” items in the store that I consider to be a more solid part of the regular line, but it’s a pretty subjective call at this point.

      We may be combining a few of the sparsely populated categories as well. And we will create a retired category so the pieces still display for identification purposes.

      in reply to: Questions about Air Brushing…. #884212

        Mostly, we use Golden Airbrush Extender. I think there are other acrylic extenders that you will find in art supply stores that would work as well. Water in small amounts can help. If you strain the paint, do it through a very fine nylon or cloth strainer.

        in reply to: Questions about Air Brushing…. #884200

          Try going into the Advanced Search, put “airbrush paint” in the Phrase box and select “forum topic”. This will bring up some good threads.

          We use Golden Fluid Color for the most-part, but it still has to be thinned and you need an airbrush that can handle pigmented paints. Airbrushes that are too small will only work well with dyes, although you may be able to change the nozzle to a larger size and make it work. Most dyes are not color-fast and will fade or even migrate through other layers of paint.

          Thinning thick acrylic can work with a big enough gun but the paints designed for airbrushing will work better.

          in reply to: Next Restock #884125

            It looks like we have a lot of them cast. I will find out why they haven’t been packed and restocked. If they are good castings, it should be early next week.

            in reply to: Possible to Fix a Unicorn Horn? #883674

              I use a rotary tool, like a Dremel Tool, and carefully drill out the tang like you would drill out a cavity. Then remove the remaining glue with a pick.

              in reply to: We need your help! Urgent! #882826

                Well, Much thanks to everyone. We ended up with a total of 373 votes and I wouldn’t be surprised if the majority came from the forum. That’s a lot of support for a little company like ours and, with or without a grant, we need to grow Windstone back to a profitable size. We could never do that without your participation and we probably would never find the strength without your enthusiasm!

                in reply to: Mission small buisness #882566

                  We are glad to reciprocate. Kind of fun isn’t it? At least, it has made me focus on the business plan, and give Chessie, the English major, something to edit.

                  in reply to: OMG PYO Foo Puppy!!!!! #882401

                    Geez, you guys just had to really like these things, didn’t you? Now I’ve gotta go figure out how we’re ever going to make them.

                    in reply to: We need your help! Urgent! #882393

                      Thanks everybody! You guys are really great. We would actually like to get as many votes as possible, not just 250. It will be interesting to see just how powerful the web is in gaining support for a business like ours. I knew it would be strong but I am kind of awed by the quick response.

                      in reply to: Happy Birthday, John! #881672

                        Thanks to all! My birthday is right after Chessie’s and Pam’s so I have a good excuse to try and dodge it but some friends called to get together for no particular reason and we ended up with a lot of good food, company, and an excuse instead to avoid work.


                          Thanks for spotting this. I have contacted the seller and eBay. It is an infringement from many years ago. I think they came in from Mexico and we sued the importer.

                          in reply to: Just joined – thought I should say "Hi!" #881483

                            Hello Valhallia, It is always nice to meet a new member who has re-discovered us. Took a quick look at your nice work on Deviantart and now I want to go have some pi. And your cars?

                            in reply to: What is your preference on Copper Patina? #881090

                              It could be that a good part of the difference in the dragons pictured is that the Emperor has scales that have highly varied angles of reflection and the Oriental scales do not. It gives the Emperor a richer look. We will see what we can do here to give the flat scales some more pop.

                              in reply to: What is your preference on Copper Patina? #881070

                                Gee, I thought that I might get a clue here as to what to tell the painter who is working on the next batch but there looks to be about as much of a consensus as we would have gotten by throwing darts at the list. Guess we will just see how they turn out.

                                in reply to: Things look werid here 2/3/12 #872451

                                  I am not sure what is causing this but hitting refresh cleared it for me. I am thinking it is a server problem which means we may not get it fixed until next week.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 61 through 75 (of 210 total)