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  • in reply to: our website. #627588

      purplecat wrote:

      I have no musical ability whatever but I did enjoy the look of the violin with the dragon. 🙂

      Yeah, I liked it too but I also have to admit it is much more clear how to navigate with the new buttons and less stuff. That is an historicaly significant violin that has been in the family fo three generations and it’s really a pretty piece but we don’t get enough traffic for anybody to even inquire about it. The text only link is ok for that reason as well. I am bringing traffic in straight to the Alberti page now from Google ads.

      in reply to: our website. #627580

        The Castle [Dave wrote:

        “]The problem of the missing OW Dragon on the home page appears to be its z-index stack placing. Right now it is set at -1, which somehow is putting it behind the visible page on Firefox, etc. I tried changing it to 1 on the fly and it then shows up fine. Unfortunately I can’t do the same thing for, What’s it called? The Microsoft browser? So I don’t know what effect (if any) it would have there.

        Anyway, can someone pass this on to either Tom or the other Nice Guy?
        Dave thanks so much for informing us (Tom) as to how to fix this.

        in reply to: our website. #627579

          copper83 wrote:

          So, why is the product catalog shown 3 times on the home page, in 3 different sizes of text?

          Because Tom posted a page that we were working on to improve the index page, before it was ready to post. I will have to wait until tomorrow morning to strangle him.

          in reply to: Birman Flapper in store, teeny! #634853

            purplecat wrote:

            They’ve got a little teeny birman flapper in the store now, cute!! 😀


            We are going to put a half a dozen of these up for auction signed with slightly bluish wings and I think Melody said they had some of the invisible sparkle paint as well but I didn’t see it. Although I didn’t take one outside in the sun either. I am not sure why they didn’t get posted to Ebay before they were put in the store.

            I like the regular ones but we needed to get some more stuff on Ebay for the advertising value.

            in reply to: Olimpia's Bronze Sun Dragon #632934

              ddvm wrote:

              Me, too. I bid on him and then got the email. He jumped A LOT in the last few seconds – maybe somebody (NOT Windstone – I mean a bidder) did something nefarious?

              This is pretty strange. The auction did close but it was then removed by Ebay. We have never had that happen before and I would hope that Ebay sends us an explanation. If it is voided and we don’t get paid by the buyer we will put it back up as a three day auction.

              in reply to: Another one for John #624637

                wolflodge100 wrote:

                I sent it to John.

                I didn’t act on this one because we were out of town and we have already gone after the source once before. I think it is an old piece, but I will usually have something like this removed from Ebay anyway. Thanks.


                  Blackdesertwind wrote:

                  What do you guys think:

                  Hey, this is absolutely a knockoff. No two people are going to come up with the same exact proportions for the cat and wings, as well as the same number of feathers and the same curves. I’m really surprised that you guys didn’t all agree on this one! Please send me the link to where it’s sold. Thanks much.


                  in reply to: The role of the masculine? #615421

                    Maya Hill wrote:

                    Richard Winters wrote:

                    Are you saying that when I seek out the deep feminine in it’s truest nature…
                    should go to HOOTERS? Perhaps your feminine scupltures could go in that direction!

                    Or perhaps a deeper and broader appreciation of the masculine could be discussed. The deep masculine of Martin Luther King or Ghandi. A father taking responsibility or a man striving for excellence. Surely, it can’t all just be about
                    …………… its simplest expression, yes it would be the form all of us females share on this planet. In our society we do tend to call “true” what we can see or touch. If you approach the feminine from a more formless side, like feelings or thoughts, the “truth” becomes very elusive and subjective. It all depends what you are looking for. I have been at Hooters once. The women where very nice.
                    Looking into their eyes, we had an immediat kinship going…………..

                    Women have this bonding thing I guess, and the women at Hooters may be very nice but I doubt if most of the men have even seen their eyes.

                    in reply to: The role of the masculine? #615417

                      Richard Winters wrote:

                      Are you saying that when I seek out the deep feminine in it’s truest nature..I should go to HOOTERS? Perhaps your feminine scupltures could go in that direction!

                      Or perhaps a deeper and broader appreciation of the masculine could be discussed. The deep masculine of Martin Luther King or Ghandi. A father taking responsibility or a man striving for excellence. Surely, it can’t all just be about physique?

                      I just heard on the radio last week of a study that showed that it actually is all about physique. DUH!

                      (Maya’s gonna clobber me for this)

                      in reply to: The role of the masculine? #615411

                        Maya Hill wrote:

                        There is no question, I very much like the male body. It is the one reason I watch sports once in a while (the sports where the guys ware the least close of course.)

                        Like Sumo wrestlers?

                        in reply to: My Windstone poem. #523186

                          skigod377 wrote:

                          Awww no booger heartbreak 🙁

                          I think my booger needs a friend.
                          someone to stick with till the end.
                          Some booger to play
                          and some booger to lay
                          do you perhaps have one to lend?

                          There once was a nun from Saint Toogers
                          Who had quite a taste for boogers
                          Fine omelets she made
                          With proboscis roulade
                          And lightning shot out of her ass

                          (This ending has long been known to improve any limerick to which it is attached)

                          in reply to: Everglade Griffin – FINISHED! #608779

                            Nuke wrote:

                            No time to make a good description. I’m gone for a few days to an anime convention, but I’ll be back to answer all your questions. This guy will go up on Ebay!

                            He’s much greener, but I don’t have any sunlight to show that so better pics will go up later. There’s violet interference on his neck and on the back of his wings and blue/green on the white crest while gold on the wings.

                            This is really really nice! And exactly what we like to see evolve in creativity. But, please put Windstone copyright notice on your postings which are hosted off site. Thanks.

                            in reply to: Would this be construed as copyright infringement? #609321

                              DragonMistress wrote:

                              Thanks guys!!! I was reaching with this one I guess!!

                              I don’t think you were reaching at all. Being familiar with existing kirin artwork (prior art) I can tell you that this design was inspired by and, to some extent, copies Melody’s kirins. Were this artist to derive more designs from Melody’s artwork we would have a very strong argument in showing that the artist intentionally copied. “substantial similarity” is a tougher standard to make stick when you lack proof of familiarity with the artist’s work who is being copied.

                              This is a great example of something that is probably not worth the hassle to pursue but still does slightly erode our copyright protection for that piece.

                              in reply to: Cinnamon Color! #609377

                                Arlla wrote:

                                Whoa…I’m pretty sure that IS the SK you were drooling over at the factory, DM.

                                No, I think it is a second one that has a bit darker markings. These are a work-in-progress and I don’t like the mouth either. We are trying to get one to the point that it is good enough to auction.

                                in reply to: How was your visit to the factory #608947

                                  frozendragon wrote:

                                  sounds like more stuff than when I was there….

                                  Naw, she’s just nosier than you and was on a treasure hunt! It was a nice afternoon and dinner.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 166 through 180 (of 210 total)