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  • in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #678824

      I have thirty- somthing. So, a third of the way there….

      And yippee!!! Caught a pumpkin 2nd gen (pygmy parent)…. but also managed to get my hands on a Purebred pumpkin!!! That was really all the treating I needed 😆

      in reply to: Halloween Fun!!! #830358

        bayoudragon wrote:

        Because I’ll be working for the Gate… unless you want to see a couple of 13th Gate pictures. 8)

        Yes. Yes we do.

        I used to work haunted houses at Halloween. Sooooo much fun!!! Did you guys have employee lingo like “yellow badges”, Bayoudragon?

        in reply to: Gifting Holiday dragons and Holly Dragons from Dragcave #829807

          I am torn on the Pumpkin eggs. I **really** want a Purebred pumpkin (2nd gen). But I hear most pumpkin X pumpkin mates refuse each other. So I am wondering if I should just grab what I can get? And I have nothing of value to trade anyways… just I O U’s of my silver and gold hatchlings’ future eggs. (Two of which are already spoken for.) As it is I have no holiday dragons yet of any kind.

          Well, I’m scroll-locked until super late tomorrow night anyways, so I guess I have some time to contemplate my options…

          Good luck with the grabbin’s, everyone! 😀

          in reply to: Gifting Holiday dragons and Holly Dragons from Dragcave #829801

            Since I have failed catching a couple eggs trying to do multiple self-refreshing pages on Firefox, my computer-savvy husband is making a program for Google Chrome that will make it super easy (and likely) to catch eggs/hatchlings. All we’ll have to do is add the program to Google Chrome, click on its icon, enter the egg/hatchie code, and it will open page/s that auto-refresh on the correct link (without having to copy/paste anything). So catching will be very convenient through Chrome!

            I will keep you guys updated on the progress – it’s past the first stage of coding now and will be ready for certain by Halloween (for all you holiday traders). WOO HOO!!!!

            in reply to: Yeral's PYOs – Gilded Sky to Khufu Keeper (Batch 1) #829890

              He reminds me a little of the Eric Carle story “Rainbow Fish”, just because of the scattered scales in different colors. Very pretty 😀

              in reply to: The "Heck Yeah!" Thread… #829561

                Since I opened my account on Dragon Cave and checked out all the eggs on the Dragon Cave Wiki page, I have coveted a Gold and Silver, but they are rare and very hard to come by.

                Last night while I was hanging in the chat room, I happened across someone who had a couple Golds for trade, and was willing to take I O U’s. I got a really good Gold – my very first. Then, the same person said they had a “surprise” egg for me. It was my very first silver! So now I have one of each. YAY!

                in reply to: Gifting Holiday dragons and Holly Dragons from Dragcave #829797

                  I would love any of the Holiday Dragons, especially Sweetlings and Snow Angels.

                  I probably don’t have anything cool to trade, but I have a couple vamps who can bite, and I’d be happy to breed anything on my scroll for you. Most of mine are CaveBorn, so the pairs will give you Pure Breds. You can PM me here or on the DC forum (my username there is “jerusha” also) and let me know if you might be able to gift me one squeek*
                  And thank you for the generous notice!

                  in reply to: Hoo-Ha for being straight edge! #829826

                    Hoo Ha me too! I’ve gotten buzzed a few times, but never drank to the point of upheaval or blackout. And while I have tried mary jane a handful of times (literally, I could count the times on one hand), I found it just made me feel slow and stupid. Tried smoking once, and the feeling of having my lungs caked in crud for three days was plenty enough for me.

                    So, mostly straight edge (and currently completely straight edge, have been for 6+ years).

                    WE ARE NOT ALONE!! 8)

                    in reply to: Blank PYO phoenix in ebay #829536

                      I think Jen might possibly be proud of how we’ve resolved the discussion after all that!

                      ….Er, I mean, yay blank phoenix!!! 😆

                      in reply to: Seriously? #829026

                        ghostndragon wrote:

                        Oy. I know I shouldn’t say anything, but I think that a lot of people here are offended because they let themselves be. What Poems said was not out of line, ESPECIALLY considering the topic being in existence in the first place. It wasn’t meant in offense, so don’t take it as such. That being said, this whole thread was started with EXACTLY that intent in mind–someone’s opinion was expressed, but not just that, it was titled “Seriously?” and suggests that the seller isn’t justified in doing what they’re doing. Those of you with talent can paint a PYO, sometimes with little time or cost. Is it worth $250?? Sure is! If someone is willing to pay $250. How do you justify it? You don’t have to. It’s a luxury item and if someone is willing to spend that much, that’s how much it is worth. To suggest that the blank one isn’t worth the $100 because it’s unpainted is akin to saying that the painted PYO priced at $250 isn’t worth that much because it’s simply a sculpture and some paint. Her point is, they’re both worth what someone is paying for it and not some set value. THAT was the analogy she was making.

                        That bit in red? *That’s* why I posted an apology.

                        in reply to: Seriously? #829012

                          Calling all worms… calling all worms… please return to the can from whence you came!

                          I’d like to be totally honest here, at the risk of alienating whomever, and opening even more worm cans.

                          When I first posted, I was definitely feeling judgmental about the beginning bid price. More than twice the original cost?!? And, knowing from experience, if I were the buyer and found out later I’d been “duped” into paying so high a price, it wouldn’t matter to me how altruistic the motives behind the sale were. I would feel cheated. Of course, that would all be MY fault, not the seller’s, for not having done the research (I mean, come on, how hard would it be to Google Windstone and click on the website?). But I’ve paid too much for stuff before, and being raised Catholic plus being a little OCD and needing money right now, I feel guilty when I spend “too much”, and I’ve been known to return an item just so I can buy it back three days later to reap a 10%-off sale. I’m cheap.

                          It had even occurred to me, when I first posted, that the seller might be on here. So I can’t claim innocence on that. I kinda wanted to call them out, so to speak. Of course, in my head, I was still dealing with a greedy seller who was aiming to make a killing on some poor uninformed sap. I had considered contacted the seller through eBay and mentioning the current Keeper asking price, and had found myself wishing I could somehow post something on eBay that people would see attached to the listing, showing a link to Keepers here in the store so everybody could see the “real” price.

                          None of it was my business. Sellers certainly CAN ask whatever they want to, and it’s up to the buyer to make their own decision, do their own research, and live with the results. And informed buyers get the freedom to walk away from any given sale, and feel however they want to about it. Does the world need more judgmental sniding* like mine? No, probably not.

                          So, I’m wrong. I have the freedom to feel however I want to about other people’s choices, but there’s no need to share that feeling. The world has enough crap going on. Do I really need to add my drop to the suck bucket by pulling a power trip off somebody else’s asking bid on eBay? … Not so much.

                          My apologies to all.
                          *Sniding – it’s like sniping, except with being snide instead of using a rifle. I make up words sometimes if I can’t think of one that works. 😳

                          in reply to: Seriously? #828991

                            There’s an untouched PYO Keeper Dragon on eBay:


                            … if you wanna pay $100 starting bid plus $20 shipping.

                            in reply to: Will my life ever turn for the better? #828827

                              I’m with Foxfeather on this one. Sounds like she thought she’d get a better deal (tax breaks or what have you) if she listed you as a renter a while back. Now, since it sounds like an extra 1% of footage and not waiting to get a permit are NOT the biggest issues (your first post mentioned she’s being held liable for “everything she did wrong”… sounds like maybe some building codes were violated?!?), there’s probably other stuff you might not be aware of going on. She might not be trying to push some penalties off on you as a purported co-owner, (Then again, she might). But, she might be trying to dodge some extra fines involving putting her tenant/s at risk due to living in or on property that is not up to code. Even if she thinks you can escape unscathed no matter what you are (renter vs. co-owner), it is completely unethical for her to ask you to commit perjury to save her wallet.

                              So – good on you for refusing. And call either her lawyer, or whomever is writing her up for all this stuff, and make your side of the story clear. It might even be a good idea to contact one of those free dial-a-lawyer hotlines, or a family member or friend who’s a lawyer, and get some advice on how to proceed. Either way, it sounds like your best bet for your own case is to be absolutely clear you are a RENTER and that you are unwilling to stand by and let anything otherwise be assumed, much less lie about it.

                              Good luck!

                              in reply to: Melody needs cat names #828723

                                Well, I don’t suppose you could use our black cat’s name – Kodama – what with being from Princess Mononoke and all. Although, as it’s a Japanese forest spirit, maybe they can’t trademark the name itself? And our other cat – Savannah -has a name probably too typical to use.

                                I worked with an African Serval named Sebastian. But we used to call him SerBastard, ‘cuz he could be a real pain to work with. (With love of course, lots of love.)

                                I guess I’d have to go with whomever mentioned earlier that I need to see ’em before naming inspiration strikes. Maybe post a teaser pic before putting them up for sale, and let the names flow? (Do I smell a contest 😉 )

                                in reply to: Ouch!!! #828653


                                  Ouchie, Mum!!! Hope you feel better soon…

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