Its in St. Paul. I really dont think the dragon will still be there. They hold the auctions quite frequently and its apparently been over a month since it got sent there.
Ohhh. I bet I know exactly where it was, too. It’s not very far from my house. 🙁
No way in hell would I put up with that. Sorry…the car is sold for $1500. Not $200. Hubby needs to grow some, imho. I’d have just told her it’s sold and gone. Find another present.
Goof up edition? Are those sold on ebay or in the store or what? The colors sound gorgeous. My collection is rather small. And I’m in love with the dragon sculpts, so rough paint doesn’t matter to me (as long as I can afford it.)
It is gorgeous. I had to enter for the first time. I have bad luck, so someone else will get it. But, whoever gets it will appreciate it, I’m sure. Good luck to all!