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  • in reply to: Long time lurker finally got an account #916808

      Welcome aboard. 30 is scary isn’t it? I’m turning 30 just before Christmas this year myself. It can’t be as bad as we’re expecting . . . right? :~

      Enjoy your “slowly growing” collection. I tried that plan myself and it sort of snowballed on me, but I certainly don’t regret it. Have fun!!

      in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916584

        I missed these cuties as well after refreshing for over 2 hours waiting for the notify button to appear. I don’t have a favorite so if anyone gets theirs and wants to sell it, please keep me in mind! πŸ™‚

        I missed them too :(. Good on you for your persistence. I was at work at the time so I spent about half an hour running from my bench to the computer to refresh and then back to my bench (I’m a chef). At which point we really got busy and I had to stop so I missed the restock notice as well. I had been hoping for a greyish one, but the sand foxes had a lot more grey on them than I had expected, so I grabbed one of them instead. (It also doesn’t help that our work computer is slower than molasses.)

        Still looking forward to seeing pics of the pretties though. Congrats to those who snagged one πŸ™‚

        in reply to: ebay import charges #916376

          It has to be done before the auction ends. Because if you have already won, then the shipping company – Pitney Bownes? – is owed money for the auction and it is the buyers responsibility to pay them. There is no way to back out of the deal afterwards, you are required to pay them even if the seller ships by some other means. If the seller is willing to change to auction before it ends, so it doesn’t use GSP, you can get around it.

          I’ve won an auction before it was changed, from a seller who was willing to ship by other means, and there was no way to get around the GSP charges afterwards.

          in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #916228

            Cute, cute, cute standing baby kirin. I’m not a big fan of white fur, so I think I’ll hold out ’til I can get one to match my brown family. (wouldn’t want him to feel left out – not to mention he’ll go for much more than I want to pay right now)

            in reply to: Unusual Dragon Hoards #916207

              Love the one with the VHS tapes. Reminds me of when my sister’s cat used to dive under the mail pile and then just sit there, with all the papers on top of her, daring us to tell her off. We never did – we were too busy laughing. πŸ˜€

              in reply to: pebble cats and foxes #915416



                  Well mine must have flown himself here – less than a week to get from Corvallis to Edmonton.

                  Here are a few pics – it’s been overcast all day, but the colors still show very well.

                   photo 2014-06-24202717_zpse859b9c8.jpg

                   photo 2014-06-24202735_zps613a098b.jpg

                   photo 2014-06-24202800_zpsf8dfbb7a.jpg

                  in reply to: Quest 15 is CLOSED #914582

                    Yeah! Done! Usually I’m terrible at crosswords – it’s nice to find one where I know most of the answers. Still had to look up a few of them though.

                    Thanks Kiya for the great quest. πŸ™‚

                    in reply to: COA sketches!! Post yours! #914423

                      Here are a few new sketches from some of my recent (and not so recent – I’ve busy/lazy :)) purchases

                      “Brown lion” #9/30

                       photo 2014-05-14212044_zpsff8fdfd6.jpg

                      Pebble Wolf Gila Monster Test Paint #1

                       photo 2014-06-02162049_zpsb84b8377.jpg

                      Mother Ki Rin Ziger Test Paint # 1

                       photo 2014-06-16124056_zpsd72d847b.jpg

                      in reply to: List your collection! #914408

                        Thank you but it pales to yours,congrats!!All mixed up.I can’t edit it,sorry.

                        My collection is only about 120 including PYO’s so I think you’re still ahead, but thanks :). Nice colors on the curlies – I wish I liked that sculpt more – it seems to end up with the widest range of limited edition colors. And sorry you couldn’t edit, I forgot that when you quote someones post it removes that option :~

                        in reply to: List your collection! #914396


                          I plan on continuing to collect only slowly now.Need a job!

                          Nice collection. Are the dragons mostly in one color or are they random?


                            I have to admit, if I wasn’t dead-set on wanting a lap because that particular sculpt just really appeals to me better overall, I might have considered getting this one instead. …I might still, if there is a second run later on in the year, if I have the cash to spare. (So many ‘ifs’!!)

                            The funny thing is when I first saw the scratcher sculpt years ago I hated it. Then I had started to fill out my collection and it was one of the few dragon sculpts I didn’t have, so I bought one in Gold. Well as soon as I opened that box I was in love. It’s now my favourite dragon sculpt followed closely by the Lap dragon (also an open box = swoon moment). I just think the scratcher has so much attitude, I love it.

                            in reply to: Show Your Collection! Ver. 9 #914279

                              These are terrible pictures because I am about to head out for a Father’s Day celebration with my family, but I got this guy in the mail today!

                              He is absolutely gorgeous. I am still flummoxed as to how I got him for such a good price, but I am also very grateful! He is my last splurge for the next few months as I will be temporarily out of a job! Luckily I was able to sell a piece just in time to get this beauty πŸ™‚

                              I searched him all over and I could not find any of the washed out details that were mentioned – not that I think they don’t exist, I’m sure they do! They are just invisible to me πŸ˜€

                              Anyway, here he is in the sun and in the shade! Hopefully I will have more time in a few days to take some better pics of him, because my gosh he deserves them.

                              Beautiful dragon. Is that the green bayou #2 from eBay?


                                I already had one waiting in my cart – I was at the computer at work and thought “Hey why don’t I check out the Windstone website” – before I even got my notice.

                                Happy πŸ™‚ Happy πŸ™‚ Happy πŸ™‚

                                I think these guys look even better in this color than the Laps (which I missed :() and the Laps were gorgeous. Hope my gold scratcher doesn’t get jealous.

                                in reply to: Zeke #914182

                                  πŸ™‚ Was it senior discount day at that particular store? πŸ™‚

                                Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 201 total)