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  • in reply to: Cool wildlife color morphs- pics added #926921

      Love that white giraffe, such a beautiful color and pattern.

      Thanks for posting the pics.

      in reply to: 2015 Ebay Auction Picture Thread #926831

        Yay!! Another mother griffin gargoyle to try for.

        And I have no idea why but that first wild dog kitsuna doesn’t interest me at all, but the second one is adorable. I’d try for it if it weren’t for the griffin.

        in reply to: Mother Griffin Gargoyle #926714

          Thanks for responding. I never realized how much I liked that sculpture until I saw the ones on eBay. The Tiger was my favorite, but the others were gorgeous too. At least now I know I should start putting aside some money if I want to try and grab one.

          in reply to: Asking advice on a transaction #924323

            Not taking anyone’s side here, just making a suggestion for the future. As a seller any time I sell anything expensive (windstones, electronics, etc.) I always foot the insurance cost myself, because when a package is not received by the buyer more often than not any dispute will always result in the seller having to lose out. Even if the buyer doesn’t ask for insurance if you want to be free and clear as a seller, you should always buy it anyway. It’s not worth it to save a couple bucks and end up losing out on everything if something happens to the package. Unfortunately, since neither stated they wanted insurance purchased it becomes a tricky issue to resolve.

            Personally, I have trouble handling putting a package in the mail even with insurance (I have severe anxiety issues). I can’t relax until I know it’s gotten delivered properly. It’s why I don’t sell very often.

            Good luck to you both, I hope you work everything out peacefully.

            in reply to: Grab Bag Pebble RED Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14 #921810

              Here are my red foxes (several weeks late, but I’ve been busy) Their colors contrast nicely with each other.

               photo 2014-10-06114120_zps08f24dd3.jpg
               photo 2014-10-06114057_zpse485c19a.jpg

              in reply to: Grab Bag Pebble ARCTIC Fox Show Off thread! 09/25/14 #921808

                Here are my arctic foxes (They’re been here for weeks, but I’ve just been really busy) I love that I got one dark and one light. Their patterns aren’t super exciting, but they’re still my favorite fox sculpt.

                 photo 2014-10-06114209_zps4c55d8af.jpg
                 photo 2014-10-06114217_zpse6b84824.jpg


                  Should have had my camera out for quest 18 because I swear I did a squeal dance when I opened each of these boxes. I honestly couldn’t be happier with my baby poads – they’ve found their forever homes.

                  Hoppy – I had hoped for black eyes, but I love the pattern/colors so much it doesn’t matter.
                   photo hoppy_zps79d7116d.jpg

                   photo hippie_zps9b515e0e.jpg

                  And here’s Hippie with her two new sisters (they forced me to put her on their shelf :))
                   photo 2014-11-13230526_zps2f2fbc33.jpg

                  in reply to: Your all time favorite Grab Bags! #920186

                    Here’s my favorite grab bags (it’s hard to choose so I picked the one’s I find myself staring at most often).

                    SK – I just love the spine/tail on this guy

                     photo ice_zps39fa7d2a.jpg

                    Poad – Love the colors – they’re so me

                     photo poaddisplay2_zps281cb314.jpg

                    Young Poad – Again it’s the colors that get me

                     photo Screenshot2014-10-05134403_zps770cd895.png

                    in reply to: 9 Stuff Wanted #919766

                      Sorry I don’t have any 9 item for you, but I just have to say it’s nice to finally find someone other than me who loves that movie. It’s has a strong gothic/steampunk feel that I think turns a lot of people off.


                        I love the 45 min timer on the carts. I’m at work four out of the five evenings that items get listed and it’s nice to be able to put something in the cart then do any critical work before checking out. I’ve had the cart almost time out on me on particularly busy nights before I get back to the computer.

                        in reply to: Quest 16 – Closed #919340

                          Ack!!! I haven’t been on the website and didn’t see this ’til today. Better get cracking. 🙂

                          in reply to: Arctic foxes in pearl? #919279

                            Yay! GB artics and reds. I love the idea of releasing them on the same day to save shipping. Thank you for that, even for the small pieces shipping to Canada can get expensive if you do it all one at a time.

                            I just cringe at the thought of how slow the store will get when they’re released together. The grab bag fat cats made the store painfully slow, and they didn’t even sell out. Took forever to get my kitsune PYO to go through that evening (didn’t even order a fat cat).

                            in reply to: Advice – Global Shipping Program issues? #918629

                              Sorry quote didn’t work right, and it did a double post. My bad

                              in reply to: Advice – Global Shipping Program issues? #918628

                                There is a second label under the Pitney Bowes label.

                                The thing is, I think they removed the INNER box.

                                The seller said she’d wrapped the dragon in bubble wrap, put it snugly in a small box, then put that box in the larger one with peanuts. The one with peanuts is all that made it to me… as if after unwrapping it, they just tossed it back into the peanuts and discarded the small box and its bubble wrap. Why they would not re-wrap and re-package the dragon is puzzling to me, but I have a feeling it involves laziness.

                                The seller already called eBay, who says it was fine when they got it. Which means it must have been opened for inspection.

                                I know this assumes the seller is telling the truth, but the seller also seems to be very experienced shipping Windstones, and their feedback buyers even commented on superb packaging.

                                I have a bad feeling that this is eBay or Pitney Bowes’ fault. It makes me really mad.

                                Yeah, I’d guess lazy was the motivation too in that instance. Or inattention, they pulled it out to inspect, put the inner box out of sight and forgot about it when they repackaged.

                                At least with the second label there, there’s pretty much no question of who is at fault. Might make it easier to get the situation dealt with in the end. And keep the seller from being penalized for something they weren’t responsible for.

                                in reply to: Advice – Global Shipping Program issues? #918615

                                  I’ve had several Windstones shipped to me through global shipping and Pitney Bowes( the global shipping program company) has never removed the outer box. If they did with yours then the only reason I can think of is that the size was going to cost them more to ship than they anticipated and they were trying to make it cheaper.

                                  The other option is that the seller is lying – the easiest way to check would be to peel up the shipping label. Pitney bowes always places their label (the one addressed to you) over the shippers label (the one addressed to their shipping depot). If there is no second label then they did discard the second box. If the label is under there, then the shipper is lying. In the end that probably doesn’t help much, but it’s something to look into.

                                  It makes no sense for eBay to offer a shipping program that did not include insurance for the purchased items, so their may be a way for you to get answers directly from eBay. But I believe Pitney Bowes is a completely independent company. In which case eBay may tell you to contact them directly.

                                  I wish you luck and pleasant customer service operators.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 201 total)