How are you feeling?
Better now. I spent several hours in the ER the next day. They tried drugs first to get it back to normal. That got my heart rate back down but didn’t get it back in normal rhythm. Then they tried cardio version, 3 times, but it didn’t work. So they are trying a new drug that seems to have done the trick. Friday evening I realized I was feeling better, checked my pulse, and it was back to normal. Yeah! I just hope this isn’t going to be an on going thing.
The really frustrating thing thru all this is the poor communication between the hospital, doctors, and me about the other medication they put me on, concerning dosage. Turns out my concerns were valid, but I still don’t have a good answer, and wont until I see the cardiologist on the 18th. At least with my heart back to normal I’m not as worried about it, and I may be able to quit taking it then.