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Oh goodness. I have lots of family up in GP (I’ve driven across that particular train track before) and didn’t hear about it… SO GLAD you’re okay and that there were no fatalities in the pileup!
I remember that you used to live up here. I am glad that all are safe too and I hope that none of your family members were involved. That is such a dangerous track in serious fog. You can’t even see the yellow warning lights up in the air in thick fog. Your warning is TRAIN HORN
It does seem to be a snappish and peevish sorta day on here. Maybe there is a bitchy bug in the air. I know that even my own comments are coming off all wrong today and I have no intent of that at ALL!!!. Sorry if anything I have said on here today came off as Snappy!!! :~
Maybe I got the Bitchy bug!!!:~ Ah I better see if there is a fix for it cuz that could go all wrong with 4 kids and a hubby in the house!!! LOLOL 🙂 🙂
OK Gonna Take Kaytanas advice….
Ok I feel a little better. I wish my hubby wasn’t on night shift and I could do that for real out loud!!! 🙁 It would help a little hehehehe
Squeeeeeeek….this may be my only way to get anything other than Production pieces so………..:) 🙂
hee hee I agree! this is my only way to get anything other than a PYO =P
I too would love to see a dragon though, I’m holding out for a dragon raffle! Preferably a male dragon, I love their design
OH YA…I got my first male about a week ago and I gotta say….HANDSOME DEVIL!! 🙂 I am loving the look of him and I also am so in love with the OW.
2 new men in my life and I am now spreading the attention between them and my hubby!!! LOLOL 🙂The males were my favorite sculpt forever–I saw my first one in ’88 or so. And my CP male is handsome, but boy, does he ever have some attitude! They definitely look like they’re doing some ego posturing from certain directions, and looking down their nose at you when you face them head on. Definitely a character.
But when I saw the Lap, I truly fell in love. Just the tiny hint of a smirk, the slight tilt of the head…she’s clearly an utterly shameless flirt!
I think Melody did a male in the December raffle, and of course Hot Dog was January’s. Looking at all the past raffles, it might be a bit before we see another male, I’m thinking. Then again, who knows what’s lying around the studio? 🙂
I tried for the December male, but with held my entry into the one for Hotdog since he wasn’t a dragon. I agree with you on all points about the male dragon ^^ I think once I get one, I’ll be happy, I’m not going to be able to amass a great collection, but just one is all I want haha
The male really does have a Cocky little smirk about him doesn’t he!!!! Wonder what he knows that we don’t????? 🙂
YEAH I got one…Woot Woot
I don’t think Susie will send the big mean police for U DragonMedley!!! Maybe just the little POAD police!!!! 🙂
OH Chris I’d love to have one of these Orientals, repaired or not but I just don’t think I can afford him. He is really beautiful.
You have more Windstones to buy!! 😉 *hugs* I’m glad you’re feeling a little better today
HEY that’s a great way to look at it Kay….you’re right……..gotta get me some more DRAGONS. Maybe my luck will find me the Peacock Emp that I desperately want at a reasonable price I can afford!!! Hey….I can hope can’t I 🙂
The relief I feel knowing that everyone is alive is hard to express. I don’t think I coulda handled it if someone died and I could do nothing to warn them of what was coming. I feel ok about it now and am only bothered 2 times a day when the train blasts it’s horn right behind my house. Startles the hell outta me and gives me a little flash. But on the positive side….I look at it as immersion therapy LOL 🙂 The more I hear it and see it in my head the quicker I’ll get over it.
Thank you all for listening to me (so to speak) I appreciate it truly. It helped me so much just to get it out and talk about it.
Thank You All! You are so great.
Fantastic interpretation on this one. You really do remarkable work. Very talented MG!!! 🙂
Squeeeeeeek….this may be my only way to get anything other than Production pieces so………..:) 🙂
hee hee I agree! this is my only way to get anything other than a PYO =P
I too would love to see a dragon though, I’m holding out for a dragon raffle! Preferably a male dragon, I love their design
OH YA…I got my first male about a week ago and I gotta say….HANDSOME DEVIL!! 🙂 I am loving the look of him and I also am so in love with the OW.
2 new men in my life and I am now spreading the attention between them and my hubby!!! LOLOL 🙂February 22, 2012 at 5:16 pm in reply to: Report Windstone Fakes/Knock offs/Infringment Pls read first #874249I agree that this is certainly false advertising….this is NOT a retired piece that I can tell and it is misleading/misrepresenting to any buyer of this item.
As for the price they are asking….I am just putting in my 2cents in but ya can ask whatever you want for your own item and if you get it then great for U. Do I think that it is ethical ???? NOPE but it is buyer beware and do a little research on the item you are purchasing.
Not trying to ruffle any feathers with my opinion so to speak but we as a general public cannot control what someone values their own item at.
However misleading buyers that an item is retired and therfore implying it is much more valuable and rare is wrong in my opinion.
I’ll shut up now!! 🙂
Feel free to disagree with my opinion….I’ll take no offence at all.
February 22, 2012 at 5:05 pm in reply to: Serenity's PYO's NEW dragon WIP Wolf 7/3/12 more pics #874246Siam is home!!Thanks Serenity! I love her.
AHHHHH is that the brown and blue Keeper Bo ??????? Must see pictures so I can drool over it and be jealous and all that and then be sooooooo excited for you that you got it!!!! 🙂
Hope you have a fantastic day. Happy Birthday
Squeeeeeeek….this may be my only way to get anything other than Production pieces so………..:) 🙂
Thanks everyone for your great wishes and good comments. I am thankful that we are all OK and that no one else was hurt really bad. It is good to be here today with my family and I am very grateful that my friend is a great driver and a quick thinker. If not for her judgement we woulda been killed. I am a little better today now that I got all the info from Police report to know that no one was killed I feel a bit better. Trains will not be my favorite thing any time soon but….All will be well and I am happy to be able to hugg and Mooch my 4 kids and Hubby!
I must still have things I need to accomplish in this life!! Not my time or my friends.
Thanks for the words of encouragement everyone.I was in tears this morning when I dropped him off worrying about him pulling through.Well,the vet just called and he is doing fine.Resting and I can pick him up in the morning.I am soooo relieved.
I’m so sorry Bo that I wasn’t there to stress out with you, worry give words of encouragement etc. I am so glad that Bob is OK and that all went well.