Forum Replies Created
Regarding your comment in your blog, Melody, about the long neck on the dragon cat sculpt bothering you: could the problem be resolved by giving the critter something of a scaly or furry mane? Not necessarily as full as a proper lion’s mane; more like a rooster’s hackle. That would thicken the neck, soften the arch and blend it where it meets the shoulders, and overall make it look less “snaky.” Just a thought. You could even have some fun giving it tufty cheeks and a beard-tuft!
. . . jeeminy crickets, I just described an Ameraucana rooster. I gots chickens on the brain . . . . 😳
Must add a squeak–that candlelamp is just gorgeous! It would be wonderful to see these in the store. squeek*
You might also like the eyes at Dreaming Tree: The web page is actually a little out of date, and she’s expanded her selection of eyes considerably. Nice selection of colors; lots of fantasy-type combinations, but she also does eyes in more natural hues. She might be a good resource if the taxidermy site doesn’t have the size or color you’re looking for.
Oog, what a week! 🙁 I hope that you’ve been able to take lots of time for sleep and relaxation since . . . or if not, that your next day off is coming up soon. Hang in there!
VERY nice! You even included the little “nicks” on the OW’s large toe scales. You do beautiful work! 😀
Beautiful work on the Celtic Fire Keeper! The copper really does pull his colors together nicely. I like the eyes you chose for him, too.
Regarding the matter of the knotwork: could you perhaps sketch an outline of a flame, then fill it in with knotwork and erase the original outline so that the knotwork forms the flame? Then transfer that design to the Keeper.
Those are some gorgeous pictures! The first one is particularly lovely, with the way you framed the rocks and the water, and all of the little focal areas of color and shape, like the lichens on the rocks and the patches of reddish frondy stuff. Beautiful work!
Cryptococcus, eh? We have it in the Sacramento area; it tends to show up in cats very very rarely, and it’s bad when it does. Avoid snorting pigeon poop and moldy eucalyptus leaves; I believe that was the advice the fungus lecturers gave us. Far as I know, crypto falls into the category of, “It’s out there, if your immune system is strong and you don’t get heavily exposed you’ll be fine.” More of a threat to immune-compromised folks, generally. But avoid the pigeon poop.
Drag0n, “disturbed” is a very good way of putting it. The fact that this narcissistic little twit is considered a legal adult is pretty dang disturbing. She knows nothing of compassion, responsibility, consideration, or even basic human relations. She sensed that she had said something wrong, but completely lacked the mental tools to figure out what it was. If she’d treated a human child in that way, she’d be universally named a psychopath. To me, someone who would treat an animal in that way is too bloody close for comfort. 👿
When you take away compassion, responsibility, and consideration for other living creatures, what remains in the human psyche is genuinely horrifying. I wouldn’t touch this gal with a ten-foot cattle prod. She’s bad news; maybe not deliberately malicious, but she will commit many acts of malice during her life through sheer blundering inability to value anything other than her own precious self and her whims of the moment. And people will notice this . . . just as you have, and so many people here have.
I suppose it could be said that she’ll create her own punishment here on Earth, but I’m a little too vindictive to find that fully satisfying. However, in situations like this, it does comfort me to think that when she eventually passes on, she will face that cat again, sitting patiently beside Saint Peter. And oh, is she gonna have some ‘splainin’ to do then . . . .
Those eyes are gorgeous! 😀 I would love to see a similar effect done in gold-orange, or coppery-orange. The hint of blue in these is a very deft touch and adds considerable depth to the effect. And while I agree, they shouldn’t necessarily be on everything–the matte color eyes still have a lot going for them–I would dearly love to see some metallic eye options for PYOs.
Your costume is absolutely awesome, and I love the eyes! Now were there two sets, or do they pick up an iris in some lighting and not in others? You probably explained this in your costume thread already, but I can’t seem to find it. Anyway the effect is completely brilliant–it’s the crowning touch to an already spectacular costume. You deserve every iota of all that fun you had at that convention! 😀
Kalandra–his expression looks a lot like the Flap Cats, especially the small ones. I’m sure there’s a caption in that somewhere, but my brain is too tired to figure one out.
DM, you’re a wonder. What a brilliant gesture! 🙂 I hope that curlie brings you lots of smiles, TDM, and may things start looking up for all of you soon.
Shoot, I’d flip for either one of those, but is there any chance of a limited-production version in some kind of color scheme? I’m thinking of something in muted greens and browns, or black and tan, or with stripes–it needn’t be super fancy to hook me in. That particular sculpt has been on my “oh, gotta get one of these days” list for a long time.
Beautiful! 😀 The moth is particularly lovely; I think it helps tie all of the other elements together very nicely too. What a great idea for a paint job!