Forum Replies Created
bodine6127 wrote:
WC,you can wait on mine.I will send you a few dollars on “Fall” to help pay for the Birman.Don’t be under the gun for me dear,no worries 😀
Oh hun, don’t worry aobut sending me monies…If I don’t get the kitty, I just don’t get it. It won’t be the first one I couldn’t afford! I used to go down the block where I lived many years ago, and drool over the brown Emperor in their case for $175…I wish they were still $175! XD (That was back when I made about $150 a week at Wendy’s…)
dragonmedley wrote:Better watch for Drag0n… she might just steal that kirin!
LOL! That will be Lamorte’s issue soon…If she likes what I did to her Ki-Rin’s fur that is. *gulp* 😮
Thanks Stellarwing! I didn’t want to sound whiny, but I can’t help it…I love those Brirmans! 😕 I only did the fur areas on the Ki-Rin though!
Oh, the wolf is not for TDM…It is for Poems…TDM just asked me for a step by step process… 😀
Stunning! I love the purple! 😀
Koi, I just want to say, that you haven’t painted anything that hasn’t been beautiful enough to make me do grabby fingers at the screen and drool over…I am simply in love with your talent! 😳
Mi, I am really diggin on that Keeper! I love the colors! He’s great! 😀
I REALLY want one of these! 😥 I’ve begged for them for so long, and now I have no monies!! I will sometime in the near future…Like within a month, but just not right now. She looks so much like Tasha! I miss every one of my kittehs I lose…I missed the white kitties…I was hoping not to miss this one. 🙁 But, fulfilling orders is more important, and I just didn’t have enough to cover my PYO order and a Birman… 😳
(I did throw out an offer in my PYO thread (Sort of a multiple choice style offer)…Maybe I will get lucky and someone will bite… 😕 *crosses everything on her body until it hurts to do so*)Ok, because TDM was very persistent about it, and others had asked about me doing this, I am going to show you pics from each session I spend painting my Arctic snow globe Wolf. This wolf is a commission for Poems here on the forums. She asked for an Arctic white wolf, with a triangular “snow globe” in the center. I fell in love with how the wolf came out, so I modified it a bit so I could use the rear haunch as a type of “overlapping” snow hill…It’ll all come out in the end, trust me. 🙂 Now, this is going to be a compiled 8 session post. The next ones will be posted as I go along, it’s jsut that I was on such a roll!!! LOL
So I sat with a blank odd eyed wolf and looked through pics sent to me, and I admit to googling a few too…And decided, I wanted a mostly white wolf with black under coat. I love those wolves, so it was an easy choice after I saw the photos she sent me.
I began with a medicine cup (My preferred choice of vessel when using very thin paints. Plus they aren’t too expensive if you can get them from a supply company.) a squirt bottle with clean tap water in it and a small brush…Not tiny, but yet small at the same time. I worked from the center whorls at the haunches outward, then the sides and so on, working that super thin black paint into the sculpt itself. Detailing the creases and folds in the fur. I went over each area until I had what I thought I wanted…After a couple passes…
Next I went back over the areas again to try and deepen the areas that would show the most under coat. The places where the black would show through…
And one last pass to really get some of the fur folds darkened up nicely…
Then came the next step. White dry brushing over all the fur tips, and white where the grey didn’t touch…
(Here I am not entirely sure where all my photos went of the whole process…Perhaps I forgot to send them from my phone…*scratches head* If I find them, I will edit them in here…*sigh* :twisted:)
And this is what it looked like with just one pass over a whole side. Still haven’t found the front shots yet. >.<
**We jump ahead, and after a few laps around the wolf adding more white as I went, this is the final look of the wolf’s body…
At the end of this session I re-touched the nails, nose eye rings, and ears with black to pop them back out.After this, is where I left off and moved to another sculpt. When my hands shake it is much easier to do the not so little details, so the triangle needs work to straighten it out a bit, but I will get it. Then the wings will get more details around the triangle, and then finally the pic for the center. 🙂
There will be more photos of this guy as I go along! 😀Oh for crying out loud!!! LOL 😡 😈 XD I’ve had enough uploading of pics to last me a month! >..< AFTER I got that all done, and got the pics uploaded my phone rang and scared the heck out of me! (Earlier it rang in my favor! I managed to snag what I thought would be an extra keeper, and it was commissioned in an instant! HA! I also managed to snag 4 Griffins of the 8 I need for the rest of the waiting list…I feel rather accomplished today! Oh, and if anyone wants to do me a real solid, I would love a Birman Flapper…I'd paint whatever you wanted, and perhaps 2 of what you want for one of those!!! I'll try any way you want it painted! Whatever sculpts you may want! Or if you have a commission with me, this is open to you too!!! I REALLY WANT ONE! :shout: I've wanted one since 2007 when they came out, and I actually would have money to get it if I hadn't felt more obligated to get the PYO's to fill orders instead. It's such a catch 22!!! So, I am praying that out of the kindness of someone's heart, that they might let me either pay them over the next month or so if they got one they don't want, or don't want one but can afford to buy it…*hint for anyone listening…anyone at all* 😆 )
So without further ado, here is what I did these last4 days @ 15 hrs a day or so with a few potty breaks thrown in (Honestly, I think it took longer and more frustration to upload the pics! LOL)…
The Cow wolf…The woman who commissioned this guy, is a big cow buff…And not any cows, but the black and white ones…So, this is what she asked for. A black and white spotted wolf with angel like colored wings…You can’t see it in the pics, but there is a beautiful blue interference cent to each feather on the wings.
Next I piddled around with the Fall unicorn…I dry brushed emerald green over the mane and tail, and added red, yellow, and orange to the beads. Then I touched up the blue again and added more trees and color to the ones already on., then I pondered the color I want to add to the mane and tail, and the log cabin that goes by the falls…I think I know what I want to do now too…So sooooooonnnnn….
Then this guy…He belongs to Lamorte. He is the mate to her Moon Ki-Rin. This is her Sun Ki-Rin. She said she wanted something done on the mane and tail…But would like them to be somewhat matching. The moon Ki-Rin is black furred, and blue green and purple bodied with silver details (I think silver…O.O). This guy, well I really wanted to go with light blue at first, then thought, no, blue is with the mate, so BRING ON THE SUN!!! (The light washes some of the color out of the fur…)
Then I set sail for the Caribbean and began on the Summer Unicorn for Bodine’s collection of seasons. I based her in pale blue and a pale sand color. Then I went with Sap green for the mane and tail, with emerald green stripes. Then I dotted her beads with that wonderful glow in the dark paint I have *evil grin*…So, her beaches and air are on, next will be her little details.
And then I worked on the Arctic Snow globe Wolf…It’s details are featured in my Step by Step thread for TwinsMum. 🙂Ok, I know it’s late night, but I wanted to finish something first…LOL I will be making a seperate thread for the Step by Step for TwinDragonsMum though. SO there will be 2 places to look. 😉
I’ll be back to post pics in a few minutes. Gotta upload them first! 😀OMG! Wolfen is that Knight print one of Melody’s?!?! 😮 I’ve never seen it before! It’s soooo awesome! *drooling emoticon here*
Thank you ladies! I wanted to post that I have been painting almost 16 hours a day for the past 3 days and have had leaps and bounds of work get done.
TDM, I remember you asking for a step by step by me, and I am working on it!!! I have a lot of pics of the wolf I am working on (Basically getting it ready by painting the body and letting it dry as I go back to the others I have started), The wolf I finished (It’s kinda cheesy, but it is what she wanted…), the Fire Keeper should be done within a week, Those knots are crazy to do when your hands start shaking, and I REALLY don’t want to mess up what I have on the wings so far! >.< The Summer Unicorn I am working on (Cuz Fall was giving me such a headache) and the Griffin I am soon to basecoat and get started. So this is just a sort of "teaser" if you please, but to let people know I am back to daily painting as things calm sown here. This weekend should be my last truly busy weekend for a while since we will be celebrating Scott's 38th Bday, and going out to dinner. Then it's back to 10 days on for him and 4 days off, which gives me LOTS of time to paint! 😀 *excited to be getting these pieces done and sent out!* (Guess I should throw out there I am also working at finishing a fellow Forum member's Ki-Rin for them too. Hee hee!)
Thank you all for your patience!
*Hugs*I’d just like to get lucky enough to catch my supply back up with my demand…And have time to paint, so I can catch up with the demand too! 😳 And maybe enough cash to throw a couple painters a commission or two. 😆 (Some of what I have had time to glance at has been so beautiful! 😮 )
I like your Peacock Fledgie…Mine is the newer version of Peacock. 🙂
YAY!!! Some that I didn’t need! I don’t mind I missed these. 😆
bodine6127 wrote:Thanks! 🙂 It was a blast,makes you want more.I am beginning to see why WC has such a large Griffin Army 🙂
Yeah, I keep trying to build it up bigger, but it is slow going when there are no Griffs in the store, or people who want to trade…Plus right now I am working on things to try and catch up on my list, so single swaps are sorta out of the question currently. LOL
But I love that Uni! She is sooo pretty! Now I want to do a Tropical night theme… 🙄 *concentrates…gotta stick to the list…gotta stick to the list…* 😀 -