😀 Thanks so much for your kind offer. I would really like to know who purchased the Old Autumn Leaf Old warrior dragon. If anyone know please let me know.
Thanks for the info. checked out all of them. When I finished drooling over them had to ask. Any plans for another Old Warrior – Autumn Leaf? This one really hit me hard.
You know you are addicted to Windstones when you won’t leave home for any reason until the auction is over. Also, you become adept at not telling your significant other how much you are paying on these auctions. (My money so he doesnt need to know)
HI, not into dogs as I am a cat person, but this PYO is really beautiful beyond words. He looks like he could take off any second. Lots of enjoyment to you with him.
so sorry for your loss. Same thing happened to me, however since I refused insurance (I think I had a senior moment) I ate the cost. AM much more careful now.