I also like the idea of a feedback forum, one thread for each member that sells/buys here, and everyone that deals with that person post in the same thread so there’s not 2000+ threads for one person… make sense?
You don’t really “need” to go through Photobucket – any image hosting site should work. But if you do go with Photobucket I highly suggest getting some ad-blocking software. I’ve gotten several viruses from the ads on that site. If you have the Firefox browser, try the Adblock Plus add-on. It’s very helpful. You can find it by going into Tools -> Add-ons and in the search box just type Adblock Plus and it should be there. You don’t have to install it on your computer; it’s just an extension of Firefox.
UGH GAWD NO I saw those clock spider pictures like eight years ago on another forum. X___X Weren’t they in Australia or something and one of ’em got in a fight with a cat? That’s what I read back then anyway. T___T
Oh God, I’m soooo sorry, drag0n! Why do things seem to happen all art once and at the worst times? Well there’s never a “good” time for a death, but you know what I mean, with the $$ situation and all. 🙁 *huggles*
Jiminy Christmas O___________________O I would drop dead if I saw something like that. I used to live in CT and we got house spiders all the time… ewwww x.x but the giant desert centipedes we get here in NM are waaay worse 😮