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  • in reply to: PYO swap pictures #895500

    When will the next swap be done? I am sorry I missed this one, so if anyone knows when the next one might be planned, I can try to make sure I pay attention so I can catch it.


    Ooh, new nifty tools, thanks Drag0nfeathers! Where do you find the Green stuff? Oriental & Emperor chest scales give me conniptions, I could use that stuff. Emerald is pretty safe to wash, just never try it with a ruby or red fire. Also, if you want it to look right when you repaint the area, do a basecoat in black before putting the emerald paint over the top. The only match I know of comes from the factory, so I hope Melody can send you some.


    in reply to: The Thank You Thread! #895492

    Awww…thank you guys, so much! It means a lot!

    For those who might be needing repairs done, please do message me, I have a few folks in line, but they are not able to send their repairs to me just yet, so I have some time to work on other as I only have one project currently in house. I could use something to do!

    And thank you again to all those who have been keeping me busy theses last few months, my family appreciates your patronage more than you could possibly know.


    in reply to: RIP Shion #894077

    Awww…I am so sorry. It is never easy so lose loved ones. I just lost a dear friend to cancer Monday before last, she was no older than I, & she hadn’t mentioned the cancer, so her sudden passing broadsided us. Hugs! It is never easy. You’ve got my number, you are always welcome to call anytime. Much love!


    in reply to: surgery #890670

    Good luck, hope it all goes smoothly.


    in reply to: Not a fun Christmas #890669

    Sorry you didn’t get to have Xmas at home like you planned, but very glad that you are getting well & that nothing more serious was going on. That’s the important thing! Take care!


    in reply to: Pyo's for charity, seeking "rules" for shop selling! #890419

    When you get the answer, Evie, would you let us know. I am curious about this as well. Thanks so much!


    I have loved Melody’s work since the beginning, when I collected all of Melody’s art prints, which I kick myself for no longer having, to the first Male unicorn I was able to purchase when I was 19. For a good 27 years I have been collecting art from here. Kinda interesting when you stop to think about it. I am very happy to be a part of it all now. I wish you all a wonderful holiday over at the factory & to all the friends I have here in the forums as well!


    in reply to: Connecticut Tragedy #890175

    Sorry Jenn, someone else mentioned how guns should be controlled & it set me off. I hate how people use these kinds of events as a soapbox for gun control, guns have nothing to do with the problem.

    in reply to: Connecticut Tragedy #890167

    To those blaming this to access to guns, what is to blame with the China school mass killing, the guy killed 22 children using a knife. Guns are not the problem in these kinds of crimes, people are. Add in that mental illness is very much not properly treated here in the US, & you really have a recipe for tragedy. On top of that, a lot of people with mental illness are not willing to get diagnosed or treated due to the stigma, society is pretty nasty to people who may have some kind of mental instability. I know people who refuse treatment or diagnosis who I know have mental issues, their reasons, they say they might not be able to get a job or be allowed to raise their children. And the saddest part of that, it’s true.

    There will always be mad people out there who do these horrific crimes, part of it is how our society treats them, especially afterwards. They have their actions & name splashed all over the news on every channel & every newspaper, we shout their name & deeds to all & sundry, they are famous in minutes of their crime. This is part of their plan, a large part of it, & they get it. What we need to do is not announce their name, yes tell us what has happened, but only post the event, the people who were harmed & leave the person responsible without any acclaim, no acknowledgement of who they are, don’t make their name public knowledge, keep them obscure & unknown. This will help fight this kind of crime more than you know. Because it is that instant of fame, that is what motivated them to go out & kill as many people as they could before taking their own lives they were after. Take that away, maybe they will quietly take themselves out leaving innocent people be, while taking their own life will be tragic, it won’t be as bad as what this young man just did last Friday.

    I don’t blame the accessibility of firearms, if a crazy person wants to kill a bunch of people, he will find a way, there are hundreds of tools for mass murder out there, some of which are far easier to get a hold of than a gun. If you are crazy enough to consider killing a lot of innocent people for no other reason than to make a name for yourself & for your own amusement, then you will use anything. Guns just make a handy scapegoat, since our government is hellbent on taking away our 2nd Amendment, I call into question the timing & motive of these events, as the Connecticut shooting was not the only shooting to occur over this last week. I wonder if these unstable individuals were encouraged to do this to make the public scream for the government to take our guns from us & of course since they were killed or killed themselves, no one would know who or what influenced them. I notice the president was sure quick to make a speech, where he said nothing when Hurricane Sandy smashed through the east coast. Very interesting, no?

    Food for thought people.

    Bottom line, there is nothing we can do to stop people from doing these things, all we an do is hope it doesn’t happen & to honor the people lost. Offer our love & support to those grieving & hope that the next crazy is stopped before he is able to do something like this again. I can’t help but think that if Viki Soto had had a handgun, after she hid her students, she might have been able to stop the shooter before he got to that next classroom where he killed so many. She still might have died, but her death wouldn’t have been without meaning.

    in reply to: Question about airbrushes! #890086

    I have a great little air compressor, just my airbrush gun is a cheap pile of crap with the bottom feed & I have a lot of issues with it getting blocked up, then I have to stop, rip it all apart, send a bunch of thinner through, reassemble, still fight with it, gah. So I was thinking a top feed might work better. I am considering a Badger, but not sure about those either, Iwata is out of Santa’s price range, the best we have found is $130. 🙁

    Anyway, thanks for the advice & info about how the different feeds work, I really appreciate that very much.


    in reply to: Siri's PYO's – Commissions Open #890069

    I have a Candycorn baby uni to trade for her. Now sure if you would want a Candycorn one or not though. He’s cute, with orange, & purple & colored spots & orange eyes. You can PM me if you like.


    in reply to: Just Letting Everyone Know #888411

    Well that sucks. I hope they can figure out what is going on & can fix it. Take care meantime!

    in reply to: me again #888229

    So very glad the courts are being fair to you & making sure he can’t lock out resources. I can’t believe how much of a jerk he has been to you. I am glad the boys are almost grown, they are old enough to be able to make their own choices & I am pretty sure they will want to be with you. Rod has failed to communicate & left them in the dark too often, I am sure that has severely damaged their trust in him. And it is all his own fault, he can’t blame you, it was his own actions that damaged his relationship with them. I hope in time everyone will recover from his sudden decision to break up your family like this. I know it is hard. Much love & I am glad things seem to be improving.

    in reply to: So I need a little support #888137

    Hang in there sweetie, we’re going through the same thing, only it is my roommates who are helping support me. I didn’t realize that finding a new job was going to be so difficult, but when you have a Bachelor’s degree & are putting in for crappy cashier jobs it is hard to convince them to take you. They know you are overqualified, I wish I could add to the application, have two children & a mortgage to support, I don’t effing care if I am overqualified, I need this stupid job anyway!

    I kinda wish I hadn’t bothered with college, all it has gained me is a huge student loan I can’t repay & people turning me away because they figure I won’t stay long because I can do better. Not in this economy I can’t!

    It will all get better for all of us, eventually, meanwhile we just have to hold on.


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