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  • in reply to: My Cat Took Off/ He Came BACK!! #718745

    skigod377 wrote:

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Good for you, Ski! I’m glad he came back.

    That makes one of us… Ok ok, just kidding. I love the cat… he is just a little loud and likes to walk under my feet as I am going down the stairs. I am sure he is not intentionally trying to kill me

    I don’t know about that Ski, some cats seem to take great pleasure in ….. can we say Cheshire grin? 😎

    in reply to: FAVORITE SCULPTURE? #719723

    Melody wrote:

    49ER wrote:

    Melody, I know this is probably a stupid question and all the forum members are probably groaning, but since I am new to the forum, I don’t know the answer and would like to ask you–what is your personal favorite sculpture? And if it is a Poad™™ or something else, then what is your favorite Dragon? And why? Just curious, no hurry to answer me, I know you’re busy. Or maybe the other forum members who already know could answer it. Thanks. :squeak:

    My favorite of my sculpture is the lion kirin… actually the “old” lion kirin, the newer one is close, but not exactly the same as the one that had a tragic misfortune.
    and the Poad™s , of course..
    My favorite dragon is the Old warrior, because he practically sculpted himself, and looks good in any color.
    My favaorite Mayah hill sculpture is “Unity” and the “love pod”.
    My favorite Gary Kinsella one is the “Mariner’s Watch tower” and the one with the arch, that we never produced.
    I want to say that it is perfectly ok to ask me something that you think may of been asked before. Be brave. The search function can help, but it doesn’t work too well for me, and I’m sure others have problems with it too. Old forum members will point out threads that pertain to your question , but don’t take this as a rebuff.

    What, no favorite equine?! 😯

    ~Hoofer 😉

    in reply to: Lavander Blue…… #718556

    Dragon87 wrote:

    Mercury gas lights?? Mercury likes to be a liquid at our temperatures/pressures. Or is it a gas that has mercury in it, but isn’t necessarily elemental mercury? I think there’s a popular scent that contains mercury ions but they don’t dissociate in the body so safe.

    Stupid interest in Chemistry kicking in…

    There possibly is a popular scent that contains mercury ions? That has to be about as brilliant as MSG in foods as a flavor enhancer, preservative. 😕

    I won’t pretend to know how the mercury works. It sounds like it is a gas that has mercury in it. What they are, the bulbs, are a Compact Fluorescent Lamp (CFL) that the manufacturer states are “super low mercury CFL’s.”

    The benefits are, they use less electricity, a 13 Watt CFL sufficiently replaces a normal 60 Watt filament bulb. They put out barely any heat while in use and will last much longer than your standard filament bulb.

    The downsides are, they are a very bright, white light spectrum (say that 10 times real fast :wink:), which is your typical spectrum of light for a flourescent bulb of any design, but these are more white than I have ever dealt with. So it does take some getting used to for the eyes, since everything looks so different in the house.

    Also, still looks ghastly in this spectrum of white. Then there’s the nuisance bugs that swarm to the white spectrum if I use it outside in a portable form. Add to that, I have no idea how to recycle them. This area is not very big on being environmentally aware/friendly, which is a tangent left for another day. 😎


    in reply to: Windstone on Wikipedia? #717274

    The Castle[Dave wrote:

    “]Of course, I am of the opinion that the kids should be able to cite Wikipedia as their starting point, in the way that some of us quote our local newspaper for their rendering of an AP article, and…

    Nice 😎

    in reply to: hoofers!!!! #710458

    starbreeze wrote:

    I’m sure you’ve posted this elsewhere, but when and how did you first become interested in equines, both real and sculpted? 😕

    Nawp, not posted it anywhere, but a subject I can definately dig. 😆

    When …. real? My joke is, “My first words were, in this order, Mommy, Daddy, Horsie!!”

    I was born loving horses.
    I was born knowing how to ride them.
    I learned later how to fall off of them. 😎
    And I even have the bowed legs as proof I grew up on them. 😳

    My father, the one that raised me, fed my addiction of horses from the moment he heard me baby talk the word, ‘horsie.’ Which was very easy for him, since he was an ole timer from North Dakota and the oldest boy in a large Irish Catholic, cattle family. He not only fed my addiction (my drug of choice, I like to refer to it as), he taught me so much, feeding, maintaining equipment, training, hoof care …. he really was an amazing man.

    As for sculptures and/or anything horse related. I was (am still) a voracious reader. I was fueled by any author who wrote about them as the subject of their stories. As I grew and my reading material became more educational, I became intrigued with history. Which again, was a direct result of and fueled by my love of horses, since they’ve been a part of our history for so many centuries.

    As for fantasy equine. I have always preferred the Pegasi. I can recall back to elementary school (either 2nd or 3rd grade) when one of the higher level reading study books had a picture of a Pegasus on it. As a result, I dove into the current study book with the sole intent to reach the level of study book that had the picture of the Pegasus on it. My teacher thought I was brilliant as I kept asking for the next level of book, only because she didn’t understand my true motivation. 😎

    As a young child, I had some horse models here and there, my most favorite one was Silver, the Lone Rangers horse, because he was very posable. I did have a few hand me down Breyers. I really didn’t collect them or anything like that. I was to busy with chores and the responsibilities of being a kid on a small farm in Hickville. So all the money I earned from outside sources usually went to things I would buy for my horses and/or ponies, dependent on the time period.

    I saw my first, “Oh my, I would LOVE to have one of those!”, which of course was the Male Pegasus in one of the Windstone catalogues. I never saw them in the stores, only the Unicorns. So I really had no idea of the price and since I already knew I couldn’t afford one of the Unicorns, I figured it was safe to assume that I couldn’t afford the Male Pegasus either, so I never really inquired.

    The statues I did manage to acquire here and there were all gifts, but none of them were M. Pena horses. The only thing of M. Pena that I did manage to acquire through the years were some of her catalogues, what I always referred to as, ‘my whittle wish books.’ 😉

    Hers were the first and only equine sculptures I ever wanted to collect. Since I’m such a diehard Pegasus fan, I’d like to say that my first M. Pena sculpture was the Male Pegasus, but it wasn’t, I was gifted the Mother Unicorn, which completely reaffirmed why they first caught my eye all those years ago. After a few years of staring at her, I began to wonder about that Male Pegasus again …..

    ~Hoofer and her musings

    in reply to: Ask anyone…. #719365

    SPark wrote:

    Oh boy, here goes…

    Born in Bountiful, Utah
    Somewhere in Washington that I can’t remember, I was 2
    Somewhere else in Utah. (Kearns, I think?)
    Austin Texas.
    Utah again.
    Santa Rosa California. (Two different houses here. And this is where I start remembering stuff myself, I was 4 when we moved here.)
    Rhonert Park California.
    Austin Texas.
    Toquerville, Utah.
    Kearns, Utah.
    Toquerville, Utah. (We stayed there eight years, the longest I’ve ever lived anywhere. In three diferent houses though. Six years in one, the longest I’ve been in a single house.)
    Dublin, Ireland. (Also a two-week stay in England before going to Ireland, but I don’t know if that counts.)
    Swords, Ireland.
    Carrickfurgus, Northern Ireland.
    Belfast, Northern Ireland.
    Lurgan, Nothern Ireland.
    Ogden, Utah. (Two different houses with my parents, and two different apartments on my own.)
    Eugene, Oregon. (A brief stay at the boyfriend’s parents’ house, plus two different apartments.)
    Corvallis, Oregon.

    Not done yet! Corvallis is just a stop along the way, though I should be here for the next three or four years, most likely.

    OMgawds, that’s just crazy SPark, and here I thought I had moved a lot in my life, sheesh! Well, I have. To date, I have been through 22 moves, but the impact of my many, many moves can not be compared to yours, since mine were all within the U.S.

    in reply to: WTF #719222

    frozendragon wrote:

    twindragonsmum wrote:

    Thanks GB! I’m a very visual person and lots of the time pix speak louder than words for me… My hubby is always saying “let me draw you a picture…” but since he can’t draw worth a hill of beans, it seldom does any good 🙄 😆 😆

    I’ve always wanted to know… “what is a hill of beans really worth?”

    to me just about a months worth of farts… 😈

    well depending on the size of the hill.. 😯

    I suspect that would depend on whether or not you were starving. 😉

    in reply to: hidden online status #720431

    I wanted to sneak up on you all and find out what you were saying about me winning the Raffle. Yeah, that’s why I’m in stealth mode! 😆

    Naw, I ended up clicking it because I found that I’d load the forums in the a.m., while drinking my coffee, and then end up getting up to go feed/work with the intent to return and would end up being logged in all day with no one at the helm, because something inevitably would come up and I’d space that the PC was still on and logged in to the forums. Oops!

    Once, I actually thought I had been punted/refused access to the WE site, because of being logged in for to long. I think the account was logged in early evening and through the entire night and when I went to read the forums the next day, I could not connect to the WE site. 😯 Oh no’s! And since all the other sites were connecting …. 😎

    Of course, it turned out that it was the day that Snap had the catastrophe hit and the forums went kaput.

    Whatcha mean I broke it? But I wasn’t even here, it was my psuedo, I swear ❗ 😆

    Very welcome. The reunion sounds like it went very well. It was an absolute pleasure doing business with you. I wish all transactions I engage in would go as well as yours did. 😎

    It’s an honor to display Gregs dragons in my home.

    Jennifer did such a superb job with it all. Did you see the first page? I thought I was reading a legal document. 😉

    Best wishes to you,


    P.S. Welcome to the forums ❗

    in reply to: When will the Test Paint Pegasus Babies hit ebay? #706914

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    Going off of what Hoofer said: *Starts imagining pegasi in some of the griffin colors we’ve seen (like the Lavender Spot Pearl Brown Female Griffin)* Oohh those would be pretty. Yes please, pegasi need wing decorations too!

    What’s that I hear ❓ Is that the sound of Ms. Melody muttering under her breath? 😀

    in reply to: FAVORITE SCULPTURE? #719716

    49ER wrote:

    Guess I got to get a Poad™–and see what all the fuss is about! :squeak:

    Personally I would wager that it’s their adorable butts.

    in reply to: When life hands you lemons… #718264

    Phoenix wrote:

    He’s with a trainer right now who is teaching him some “manners”.
    He’s a good boy, but he drops his “thing” when at the shows. He gets docked points for it and I don’t know how to get his mind off of “it” 😳 😆
    Sadly, there are people who abuse their stallions’ “things” when they drop. I’ve seen people whip it, kick it, spray it with chemicals 😯
    I refused to abuse him like that but found a trainer who wouldn’t abuse it either. I’d rather take second than to punish him for being what he is…
    Imagine a teenage boy in a room full of naked cheerleaders… Near impossible to keep focused 😆

    Egads, that’s about the funniest analogy I have ever heard.

    Any ideas what techinques the trainer is using for this? Verra curious.

    I’m at the opposite end of the spectrum, I most certainly do not go digging for things. I find that tactic to be extremely intrusive! I wait for things to relax during grooming sessions and then I try to take care of business as quickly and delicately as possible. Gads, it had been years since I owned a male horse. It was a part of the job that I did not miss one iota.

    ~Hoofers ‘red shoe diary’ admission

    in reply to: we have a new neighbor >:( #719018

    Why would the presence of cops, police cars bring down the value of a house? That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever, more like poppycock to me. Now if you said, ‘the presence of crack-whores would devalue our homes/neighborhoods’, I’d agree. 😎

    The rent-a-cops ride around here in county funded cop cars; not so sure how all that’s going to work out now with all the budget cuts. But they can only ride down the roads that are paved, which many of them around here are not. But it certainly does not devalue our property/homes.

    The biggest threat around here are usually the pedophiles. But who really looks at a DOC online site when they consider buying a house? And people really should, it’s staggering how many derelicts we have in our country neighborhood.

    Arsen isn’t really an issue out here, though a trash fire gone awry is a real concern when you’re living on the edge of a forest during drought periods, which we were this year. As of now, the fire fighters mostly have to deal with fires started by Mother Nature herself, lightning! I came upon a spot riding my horse 2 days ago that wasn’t there the prior weekend, which thankfully, the road/fire break contained it. As the crow flies, it was less than 2 miles from my location and burned a nice chunk out of the forest. 😯

    But back to the point, why/how would the presense of a cop/police cruiser doing rounds through the neighborhood devalue a home? If that’s coming from someone in your HOA group ….

    in reply to: My Cat Took Off/ He Came BACK!! #718728

    Yay! A happy ending.

    I was definately hoping for your sake that he would return.

    I lost one that I had plans to take on the road trip with me and the Landlord accidently left the door open a second time. I had to pluck his scaredy self out of the bush in the front yard once that day (new location so he was unsure of himself.) I hung around as long as I could but no kitty, he was an outdoor barn cat, so I knew he would be fine, but still! I raised him from a wee ball of hissing spitfire. :sniff: 🙁

    We’ve always had outdoor cats and their job has always been to keep the mouse population down.

    As it stands now, I have two indoor/outdoor cats and if it wasn’t for the dog out there with them, they probably would have been fox food by now. I’d much rather just make them outdoor cats but …. they know the power of their mews. I keep trying to teach them to wipe their feet and to not roll in the dirt, but I know they’re secretly plotting between themselves on how to bring in as much dirt as possible. As for the mice in the barn …. yeah right. I’ve never in my life had such lazy cats who were more willing to chase a lizard than a mouse. Whuz up wit dat?

    I couldn’t imagine not having them here though, the male has done some really, “Here’s your sign” moves and in retrospect, I really needed the laugh, although it was at his expense. Tee Hee. 😀

    in reply to: teh winnar #719318

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    Hoofer wrote:

    Anyone have a clue what that clanger on a bell is called?

    A clapper.

    Doesn’t a clapper turn on lights? Thbbtt!

    Seriously, it is called a clapper? That was really bugging me for some stupid, asinine reason.

    Thanks Pegasi.

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