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  • in reply to: Antiquing what? #704035

    Maybe I was mistaken about the Brand….. hehe oops 😳

    Well, we do have Michaels around here so maybe I will pay them a visit…

    in reply to: What would you eat exclusively for one year ? #663167

    I WISH I could eat fruit exclusively for a year. I would probably die from all those natural sugars. And then pizza and pasta, all those carbs which get converted to sugars and chocolate. The one thing that’s pure sugar (almost) and it does nothing to my blood sugar.

    BTW I’m a diabetic so… ya…. I don’t think I could survive off of eating something exclusively for a year. However much I would love to swear off of all non chicken/seafood meats – protein is important, and I want to get this thing sort of under control before I start trying to incorporate a major change in diet.

    in reply to: Weird/Gross foods you & your family eat #663712

    I’ve never had any “weird” game meats (though pheasant and bison are NUMMY)….. And I never want to try rabbit again, the person who prepared it (the last and first time) MARINATED it in vinegar for HOURS! EW!


    Pickles and liversausage! I always loved it as a kid, but found myself not liking metallic tasting food as an adult so went away from it.

    I have also had the pickles and cheese, but with thin sliced ham wrapped around as well.

    My fave though is boiled beef tongue. Funny texture but good…

    in reply to: Favorite desserts #665222

    I’m a diabetic so I tend to be partial to things I can at least eat in decent(ish) amounts – like fruit. However, my ALL TIME fave desert is key lime cheesecake! Nummy!

    in reply to: The TRAVELLING Ki-Rin…Next Stop…HOME SWEET HOME. #702753

    Umm… Will I be drybrushing all of the furred areas (ie. there’s fur on all 4 legs) or is it restricted to the face/mane/tail?

    I got confused because it doesn’t make sense that you would drybrush the face/mane/tail and not the rest of the fur, I figured I’d ask. 😀

    in reply to: Antiquing what? #704032

    This has probably been mentioned before, but people keep mentioning that they use Golden brand antiquing gel. However, I went to my local art supply dealer and they said that Golden had nothing called antiquing gel. I also searched online sources for antiquing gel, and I can’t find what people keep saying exists!

    Anyway, my question is: is the antiquing gel called something else? Or do you use some sort of thinner and antique using that? I’d like to buy some for my first commission but if I can’t find if it exists, I can’t buy it 😥

    Any place that sells the stuff, some links and search criteria would be great.


    in reply to: LMAO everyone hates our 10 year anniversary #703606

    Ouch. Your mother is evil!

    Tell them to piss off…. 👿

    Enjoy your 10 year anniversary!!!!!!!!

    dragonmedley wrote:

    Dragon87 wrote:

    I just ruined it by introducing it to the trashcan.

    Oh no! you could paint over the existing paint, no?

    Well, I think the problem was that the statue wasn’t dry, so the paint would have never fully dried! Painting over the existing won’t help if none of it will dry…. 😥

    I was so upset that I had to throw him out – but Colin cheered me up so it’s all good now. I’ll just stick to fur and feathers until I’m feeling ready to try the scales again.

    in reply to: Welcome Skitterfly – late? #703630

    Welcome! Although, I joined the forum after you… 😳

    in reply to: Welcome Mamawolf544 #703286

    Another new person?!? Wow, lots lately!


    Windstones, and this forum, are known to be extremely addictive. Symptoms may include impulsive desires to buy rare and expensive pieces, despite ability to afford such a transaction, and checking the forum multiple times in a day. There is no cure for the addiction.

    😈 😀 😀 😀 😀

    in reply to: The Windstone Server Move #698424

    Ooooh shiny new electronic toys!

    Don’t let me near them, I’ve been known to cause computer crashes without doing anything wrong… I think they hate me.

    This one learned after a hard reboot and lots of kicks and screams and yells and… what? It had important stuff on it. Like 10 page essays that were due the next day (good thing I was able to do it over the weekend because of free late days accumulating)!

    So, ah, if it crashes, I might have been in the area… 😈

    in reply to: Thanks Johns Hopkins >:( for the exposure (rant) #700065

    Oh, wow that hospital is ridiculous!!!

    I’d suggest a good lawyer.

    Hope everything turns out okay!

    in reply to: My debut! (Tiger Griffins going to ebay!!! more pg 18) #703656

    😯 😯 😯

    I WANT!!!!!!!!!! *attempts to steal them and hide them in her jacket*

    What? You mean this lump? Umm, that’s nothing, really… nope no tiger griffins in here…..

    I like yellow!

    in reply to: Do You Have a Fondest Memory? #693062

    I have a best and worst in one day…

    Firstly, I had just started going out with my now fiancee the night before… he asked me out (on msn, such nerds – well, he *was* at work) and I said yes. I had gotten out of a bad relationship a week earlier.

    Anyway, we were going to Edmonton with some friends for the weekend, it was, what – March something, the 18th I think that year, and that day Edmonton had it’s first HUGE snowfall that year. People were clearing the roads and that made it like ice – the snow was better! Colin (my fiancee) mentioned that if we got in an accident that he would probably die (he wasn’t driving, a friend of ours was and he was in the back middle seat with a loose seatbelt). He turned out to be amazingly prophetic, because less then 15 mins later, the driver lost control and hit the snowbank at 120km/hr. We flipped in the air 3 times (from the tracks left in the snow, we got complete air all three times) and finally came to rest, the car facing up.

    I honestly thought Coin was dead! I mean, he had just said that if this exact thing happed he would probably die. The accident and that was the worst part.

    The best part – hearing him yell from the backseat “Oh, my God, is everyone okay?????” Of course, everyone was, but I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved as when I heard him say that. Later that night he told me that he had thought I had died, since I didn’t say anything initially, and, because of my shock at what had just happened I wasn’t moving, and that he realized how much he loved me.

    The driver (who is now my roomie) has never forgiven himself I think – the only loss was the car and some Tim Hortons coffee, so it wasn’t that bad.

    in reply to: Found some very ancient Windstones #703358

    That cat has the same expression that mine gets when she’s done something wrong….. “What, did I do something wrong? Me?”…. very cute 😛

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