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  • in reply to: PCApothecary, and where I've been #848053

    Just as a hint, I would consider adding an ingredients list to your listings, if you can. I don’t think you need it for the sampler pages, but for the individual listings, it might be a good idea. Someone with a lot of allergies, may need to know ingredients for purchasing (especially if they’re allergic to a common additive that wouldn’t be obvious by the name of scent description of the product).

    If your ingredients change, though, you would also have to update the etsy page to reflect, to avoid people purchasing a product, and then complaining that they didn’t get what they ordered.

    And I ordered stuff! Can’t wait for it to get here, I want to try some of your stuff out!!! They LOOK like they smell good, so I guess your photos were a good seller for me, right?

    in reply to: Riku was put down today #848051

    Kuj, I’m so sorry – both for the loss of your dog and for Riku. It’s always so hard, but keep him in your thoughts and memories – his life was more then the decision to let him go, and you can be comforted in the many memories you had with him.

    in reply to: WHINE is served #848050

    My computer became an alcoholic, any now the keys don’t press right. >.<

    in reply to: Bullying is wrong #848049

    To Sasha:

    While some teachers do not actually care about bullying, MANY do (including my father and my fiance, among others I’ve encountered), and it is unfair to insist that teachers “Just don’t care”. Some of them are limited by union rules, or the law, to what they can do. Many can’t do anything unless the one being bullied ASKS for it – or if the bullies are directly caught in the act. Even then, they are limited as to the actions they can take against the child. I am sorry that the teachers that you personally dealt with, did not care about the bullying, but you can’t judge an entire profession by the acts of some.

    Since that is out of the way:

    I was teased relentlessly in high school, for many reasons. I don’t care to list them, as they are EXTREMELY person to myself and my family. It got to the point where I almost killed myself when I was 16. I wish I knew why kids did that, is it to make another kid feel as miserable as them? Do they just not realize the effect this has? Do their parents encourage, or even pressure, them into doing things like that? I don’t know. The internet and social networking, has just made things worse. You can bully people you’ve never met, without any fear that they’ll come to your house to retaliate. You don’t see their reaction, so you can’t emphasize with them, so you can say meaner things.

    in reply to: WHINE is served #847611

    Dear work:


    That is all. Thank you.

    Dear work:

    See above message.


    in reply to: I AM SO TICKED OFF!!! #846853

    Some people should be spayed and neutered.

    Quoted for awesome amounts of truth.

    But yeah, if the police don’t do anything, maybe report it to the humane society (they can seize animals if they see obvious proof of neglect/abuse). Also report the kids for trespassing on your property to the police and mention that they are frequently unsupervised. That should get some kind of reaction, at least.

    in reply to: WHINE is served #846719

    Dear work:

    STOP CHANGING MY HOURS!!!!!!!! And maybe next time TELL ME IN ADVANCE when shift hours change so I’m not freaking when no one else shows up! *headdesk*

    That is all. Thank you.

    in reply to: This is important #846718

    I’m sure I can speak for all of us when I say that I’m glad for the update, and that it’s good, and that it’s not a bore at all!

    in reply to: My dog is being put down today #846717

    I am so deeply sorry for the loss of Sleek-Heart. He was a beautiful dog, and sounded like a sweetheart. *hugs*

    We get animals as our companions because they love us unconditionally while they’re here, give us fond memories when they’re gone, and help give us the strength to move on and open our heart again to another animal companion. To me, true love is the love you receive from an animal, and no matter how much it hurts for one of them to pass, or for how long, the memories and joy are always worth it.

    in reply to: This is important #846103

    Ah, darjeb, I sure hope he got it all and that you’re okay. *hugs*

    in reply to: Dress Opinions?? #843446

    I’d sell or donate, with that particular dress (it’s not done in a way you can wear again).

    Mine will probably be kept and worn again for special occasions and such (though I think I could get away with the coat on a lot more occasions then the dress). Not that I’ve even worn it for the first time, yet – that’s not until August (EEK! Only 3 1/2 months!).

    BTW you looked beautiful in that dress – it suits you and your figure perfectly! 🙂

    in reply to: Unfortunate Update #842856

    My heart goes out to the both of you. I second the thoughts of counselling and talking it out.

    in reply to: Please Send Good Thoughts #841608

    My condolences for the loss of your Popo. Don’t feel guilty, you did go to see her, and would be regretting if you didn’t.

    I remember promising my grandfather years ago to visit him in the summer… I didn’t and he died that summer. Still regret that. I did get a last visit with him, but that was months before he actually died. So, in my opinion, you’re very lucky that you got that last visit with her, and that she still recognized you and remembered you. That’s something to remember fondly.

    in reply to: My Bouquet #840998

    Oooh, shiny! I like it.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Melody! #840619

    Happy Birthday!!! Hope it’s a gooder!!

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