I had a mammogram Feb. 18 and everything was OK. I went to my Gyn on April 18 for my pap smear and he found it a lump in my left breast. I went for an ultrasound the next day and saw the breast surgeon on April 25. He looked at the ultrasound and I told him I had had a mammogram two months before and it was normal so it had formed in the last two months. He removed the lump and sent it to be biopsied. He found a very slight amount of cancer and he thinks he got it all but he wanted to remove a small amount of tissue and two lympnodes to be absolutely positive he got it all. On Monday May 11th I had the second surgery and now I am waiting to see what he found out. The reason I am telling you this is in hopes that you don’t skip your annual mammograms and check for lumps yourself.
How scary! I’m glad you discovered it early. There is a history of breast cancer in my family, and both my mother and grandmother had it young. My mother has been cancer-free for a while. I hope that the nodes are negative.
I don’t want to bore you guys but I thought I would tell you my good news. I went to the breast surgeon this afternoon and he told me the cancer had not spread to the lympnodes. I do have to undergo six to eight weeks of radiation therapy which is common follow-up. This is to make sure any cancer cells that might have been left behind during the surgery or any mutated cells that could potentially progress into cancer later are killed off. I can’t begin to tell you how relieved I am.
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