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  • in reply to: Giggle Giggle…Army guys are dumb. #515493

    Someone else should say this but I feel I must:

    “Because she is one”

    in reply to: Emerald Peacock Available @ Grandio #514906

    How pretty!!!! They sure are different- here we have the kind with metal poles and plastic branches 😉

    in reply to: Roasted Chestnuts #515632

    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

    Garlic powder

    Is that because it tastes great on everything or it really is that tasty on chestnuts? Is it something I would EVER consider sauteeing in butter and garlic powder or is that just yucky?

    in reply to: Giggle Giggle…Army guys are dumb. #515491

    Nirvanacat13 wrote:

    Dragon Master wrote:

    I don’t know if anyone else here watched Laverne and Shirley. It reminded me of when they got an “ACTING” job and ended up in an Army movie telling soldiers to watch out for girls like these. I think they called it “This could happen to you”. It was telling American Soldiers not to play with “Ladies of the night” from other countries

    Ahhh, Taiwan and Singapore……Those girls sure are talented!

    And you would know…how?

    in reply to: Emerald Peacock Available @ Grandio #514903

    skigod377 wrote:

    Crap…I have turned melancholy. Time to cheer up! Hey, I was at the store buying Christmas presents for Justin. I was a little sad cuz I spent alot of money on dragons and a ski trip this year and not so much on presents. I had 4 things in my hands that I knew Justin wanted. My bf went to check out while I distracted Justin. As he was in line, an announcement came out telling everyone that all action figures were now half off for the next hour or so (some midnight maddness sale and 5pm)! Instead of spending $64, I only spent $32! Talk about great timing! THEN… I was lamenting about how I forgot to go buy a Christmas tree on Sunday and would just have to do it tomorrow, since I didnt have my car, and my BF comes over for dinner with a HUGE tree over his shoulder! It was a pretty good weekend. The ice cream thing isnt bothering me so much now…

    Now THAT is a good boyfriend!! Did you guys get to decorate it?

    in reply to: Emerald Peacock Available @ Grandio #514900

    skigod377 wrote:

    Me, too. I guess its easy to forget us when we are an ocean away.

    It’s never a “forget” thing! You can’t “forget” your family unless you’ve disowned them- and that’s absolutely NO EXCUSE why they can’t be kind to your child. Just because you are “inconvenient” does NOT mean they should ever overlook you and your family!

    in reply to: Roasted Chestnuts #515630

    So, has anyone else found roasted chestnuts to be one of the season’s most delectable tasty treat?! I’m eating a bowl of them a night (granted that amounts to about 7 nuts but STILL) and I think I’ve spent well over $20 int eh past week and a half to feed my new-found addiction!

    On a tangent- if you HAVE discovered these yummies what do you add to them to make them taste EVEN BETTER~

    in reply to: White Dragons and Peacock Prototype Old Warrior #514784

    You are way combative, like craving the fight :p

    in reply to: Selling my Windstones and Fossils #515563

    OOOOOH OOOOOH!!! People with STORES can you post it here in this thread so we know who you are and if you offer layaway plans, etc.

    I know Enchantments offers layaway as well.

    in reply to: WTF! There's no nuts in my Rocky Road ice cream! #515569

    My parents are a little off too- they’d NEVER pull that with my son but they aren’t beneath cooking a glorious Thanksgiving Feast on Thanksgiving Day for my brother and his fiancee KNOWING I can’t make it because they changed their dinner plans from the regular “eat at 2PM so Cheryl can spend 11-1 with the in-laws” and then serving MY family the leftovers the day after…I was so pissed and even Blake, who is VERY patient, said it made him feel like a second-rate citizen to my brother.

    in reply to: Emerald Peacock Available @ Grandio #514890

    Ski, with much lov eI have to say your family sux! Not even a card for your kid- WTF?! If my parents ever pulled that shi* I’d never speak to them again and Kyle wouldn’t have need to either!

    in reply to: Selling my Windstones and Fossils #515560

    Lay-away is such a brilliant thing.

    in reply to: FOR YOU MIMI!! #515523


    Scientific research into the life of a squirrel- muahahaha!

    in reply to: Giggle Giggle…Army guys are dumb. #515481

    To me it looked like he was shot in the hip but nonetheless- unless he was told by a commanding officer that he HAD to hold that plate of metal (in which case the commanding officer would have been in a LOT of trouble) it was plain stupid to think that someone had good enough aim to hit a small sheet of metal you are holding ABOVE YOUR HEAD from someone who is NOT a sniper. If that was his choice to be stupid then he paid the consequences and I feel little remorse for his being shot doing something CLEARLY foolish.

    in reply to: Cute! Fuzzy! Must share! #515378

    Beautiful!! He looks so soft 😀

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