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  • in reply to: Buying Windstone Editions Dragons on Ebay #880218

      Guess I’ve been lucky so far, then – I’ve bought two on eBay and they were both packaged and shipped perfectly. One was a peacock Hatching Empress and the other was a copper patina Mother Dragon. And of course, the three I’ve bought from forum members have been absolutely perfect. 🙂

      in reply to: BVP Coiled Dragons? #880121

        The “notify” button for the BVP Coiled Dragons is now up, if anyone else needed it. 🙂

        in reply to: BVP Coiled Dragons? #880077

          Well, drat. Thanks for letting me know. Guess I’ll check later tonight for the “notify” button to appear. 🙂

          in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #879758

            I have had to remove the auction for the Blue Ice Hatching Emperor. This morning, I noticed green stains and streaks coming through his paint. The colored water that he was dipped in prior to painting has begun to bleed through his paint and turn green. His sister, the Hatching Empress, has also been badly effected. 🙁

            Darn it, and I was high bidder so far. :(. Sigh…hope y’all can fix him!

            in reply to: 4/24 GBB Discussion/Share Thread! #879487

              Mine arrived today. He is marked like the one Phoenix has, so I guess that makes him an oranx? You can see him in the class photo in the third ring in from the outside at about 3:00.

              The pictures make him look a little yellow/tan, but all of his markings are shades of black, white, and grey. His eyes are green and he has a green/peridot gem in his chain.

              in reply to: New puppies! (plural!) #879455

                They’re beautiful. 🙂 Thanks for sharing photos!

                in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #879450

                  I’m going to have to disagree, Hannah, so we’ll just leave it at that. 🙂

                  This one was especially disappointing because the same bidder was doing the same thing on everything Windstone on eBay that night – it felt very willy-nilly, not like it was someone who just wanted it more than I did. Perhaps I’m silly, but I would have been less bothered if that was the only bid that person had out that night, rather than another 30+…

                  But I have pulled this far enough offtopic, so I won’t post about it again. Thanks for listening. 🙂

                  in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #879435

                    If you always put in the max amount you are willing to pay, then sniping should not be an issue ( because then if you are outbid, it means the price will have gone over what you are able or willing to pay 🙂 )

                    I feel it is unfair when someone is putting in a massively over-priced bid to ensure they win with seconds left in the auction. However, it is not against eBay’s rules, so there is nothing I can do about it – I just wish people who were going to do this would do so early in the bidding process, so that I don’t get my hopes up.

                    in reply to: 2012 Windstone Ebay Auctions Thread 2 #879417


                      I desperately wanted this one, but someone sniped me with 4 seconds left and put in a high enough bid to jump over my max which was about $75 over what it was going for until that point. *sigh* Seems like every one of these that I try to bid on gets sniped…I really wish eBay would extend an auction by 60 seconds every time someone puts in a last-second bid, it would make it more fair IMO. I hope whoever won him gives him a good home.

                      in reply to: Super Natural Grab Bag Baby Unicorns #878969

                        Thanks for the replies, all – someone who got one for someone who doesn’t need it now is letting me have it, so I’m thrilled!

                        I thought I had a notify on the Gb units….guess not!

                        in reply to: Super Natural Grab Bag Baby Unicorns #878968

                          Thanks for the replies, all – someone who got one for someone who doesn’t need it now is letting me have it, so I’m thrilled!

                          I thought I had a notify on the Gb units….guess not!

                          in reply to: Super Natural Grab Bag Baby Unicorns #878945

                            So if there are no longer store announcement emails, and we can’t haunt the forums, what are we supposed to do? I figured these were going into the shop today (04/25) after the blog post yesterday evening, but now I find they went in yesterday and they’re long gone.

                            in reply to: Quest #5 #878263

                              Drat, didn’t see this one in time – guess that’s what I get for not being on the forum for a week. I’m leaving on vacation directly from work today, so no chance. Good luck to everyone who entered – I happily await the photos for judging! 😀

                              in reply to: New Test Poll #877427

                                Yes, but I can only pick one pic.

                                What she said. 🙂

                                in reply to: ETA color shifting curlies #876343

                                  They’re in the store and I got one. 😀

                                  (edit) There were 50 in stock when I got mine.

                                Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 15 (of 70 total)