Windstone Identification Thread

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      She should be legit. Some very early Siamese flap cats were painted like that. There are some threads that show up in searches but I can’t access them any more (“this page not found”). However, I was able to quote from a couple of others:

      From a thread called “Odd Looking Flap Cats”: I have one of the siamese flap cats with gold on the wings. There’s a thread about it somewhere farther back in the archives of this section. Melody told me that very few of these were made, and she wasn’t sure (until then) that any had made it beyond the factory. I guess a few must have, hah!

      From a thread called “Goldwing”: I can’t remember why this one has gold wings? Was it a test paint? … According to Melody he was one of the first ones made. I believe she said they were prototype test paints.


        A post from the “Celebration” thread with photos of another Gold Wing Siamese:

        Reply To: "I Just Bought A–" Celebration thread, v.3


          Oh awesome, Etruscan! Thank you! I did some searching but didn’t manage to find anything. Lucky for me, your search skills reign supreme!

          Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
          ANY Red Eyed Unis
          ANY Test Paint Bat
          The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
          Male- Snow Leopard TP
          White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
          Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
          Mother: Okapi
          Gothic - Mahogany
          PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
          DRAGONS: Male Coyote


            Laurie has a gold song flap cat. They are rare, but that is a legit flapper

            Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
            Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
            Sun Dragon Koi #3


              Someone just posted this in one of my aquarium groups. Are these windstone garden dragons or knock offs. Any idea if they are garden dragons whether they would work in an aquarium?


                Someone just posted this in one of my aquarium groups. Are these windstone garden dragons or knock offs. Any idea if they are garden dragons whether they would work in an aquarium?

                They are knock offs. Windstone has never made water-resistant anything but the original rock dragons. Are these being sold? Please email john at windstoneeditions dot com with where you found them.

                My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                  No, the person said they have had them in there garden, outside for years.


                    Hi! I recently inherited these from my friend & after doing research I found this place! I can’t seem to find these exact colors anywhere or the model version for the egg. They came with no tags or anything!

                    It would b super helpful id love
                    To know how rare and if they are collectible or run of the mill value
                    or what they may typically go for or sold for!
                    Thank u for reading and have a magical day 🙂

                    This is the dragons!

                    Rare windstone?


                      Hi – these are older dragons so the colors aren’t produced any more. The white Emperor probably is the most rare, followed by the Emerald baby Oriental (the dragon holding a glass ball in his front paws) and the Peacock hatching Empress.

                      In order you have:
                      white Emperor
                      emerald baby Oriental
                      emerald male dragon
                      emerald mother dragon
                      peacock hatching Empress
                      peacock young dragon
                      peacock coiled male dragon (coiled around a glass ball)


                        Hi Anna,
                        I hope when you said “inherit”, you meant that figuratively. If not, I am sorry about the loss of your friend.

                        These dragons were all regular production, in colors that are now retired. I’m assuming the color is off in the pictures of the first dragon, and it isn’t actually pinkish.
                        Emperor Dragon in white
                        Young Oriental Dragon in Jade
                        Male Dragon in Emerald
                        Mother Dragon in Emerald
                        Note – Emerald and Jade were the same color according to the catalog. Emerald was changed to Jade when the oriental dragons were introduced. Real Emerald has an additional lighter color on top that Jade doesn’t. The color’s name wasn’t changed for the existing western dragons. After a few years, Windstone switched back to Emerald for both western and oriental dragons, but again did not change the color name on the orientals. I think all three you have are the Jade variant, but I am not certain.
                        Hatching Empress in Peacock
                        Young Dragon in Peacock
                        Coiled Dragon in Peacock

                        Peacock dragons were produced longer than any other color, and so are the most common. Emerald/Jade dragons are moderately common. White dragons are less common, and emperors in general aren’t common. The hatching royalty are also not as common, because they are difficult to cast. Windstone stopped stocking them. None of your dragons are rare.

                        For value, you can go on ebay and search for Windstone, and select “completed listings” or “sold listings” to see what has sold for how much and what hasn’t sold for how much in the last 90 days.

                        My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                          Trying to figure out the value of my dragon. I bought this brand new back in 1998. It has a slight bit of gold that looks like it rubbed off on the lower cheek and if you flip it over on the very bottom are two tiny chips in the paint that can’t be seen when it’s set down. Otherwise excellent condition. I’ve never seen another with this dragon’s particular color variation- orange eyes instead of red and yellow crystals in the head. I’ve only ever seen darker green with red eyes and red crystals.



                            Trying to figure out the value of my dragon. I bought this brand new back in 1998. It has a slight bit of gold that looks like it rubbed off on the lower cheek and if you flip it over on the very bottom are two tiny chips in the paint that can’t be seen when it’s set down. Otherwise excellent condition. I’ve never seen another with this dragon’s particular color variation- orange eyes instead of red and yellow crystals in the head. I’ve only ever seen darker green with red eyes and red crystals.

                            I think only the very first batch of emeralds had orange eyes, so they are pretty rare. I doubt a value could be assigned – it would depend on if someone looking for orange-eyed emeralds sees it for sale, and how desperately they want it/how much money they have. Otherwise, they aren’t that different, so I don’t see it going for any more than a regular emerald.

                            My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                              Hi Leslie! I sold an orange eyed emerald mother, with more damage than yours, for $125 last year. The orange eyed emeralds are hard to find, and often sell for a fair bit more. That mother I had had writing on her pad, a large chip on her butt, and numerous smaller chips and rubs as I remember.


                                I was going to ask what color the below emperor is, because it sure isn’t peacock as the listing says, but then I followed the link to Astral Castle in the first post in this thread and found out it is green. Sure tricked me, because it doesn’t look green everywhere like I expected.


                                Looking for...

                                Sitting young oriental dragon koi gold and white


                                  Lisa it’s the old original green.

                                  I recently purchased one

                                  View post on

                                  The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed.

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