Windstone Appraisals (What is my Windstone worth?)

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      Hello! I don’t know anything about these figures, but…
      A few years back I bought one of these dragon figures and am looking to resell it (probably just on EBay) but noticed since there’s a dedicated forum here somebody might be able to help me out. Here is a photo of the guy:

      I see on the website that he’s supposed to retail for 90 bucks but is out-of-stock at the moment. I bought him at a store for around 100 bucks. He’s slightly chipped on three of his back spines:

      Otherwise he is in good shape, just a bit dusty. Anyway with the damage I was just wondering what price I should stick this guy for on EBay. I’m figuring around 50-60 bucks CAD or so but since there’s a community here I thought I might as well ask. Thank you all for any help!!

      Predicting the sale price is tricky because it depends on how many people are looking for this dragon and how they feel about minor damage. A Black Gold coiled mother dragon (same general idea but a different dragon with a gold egg instead of a sphere) recently sold on ebay for $145 including free shipping. She had her original box and no reported damage.

      I would suggest selling the dragon as an ebay auction rather than Buy-It-Now. I think your idea of $50 or $60 is OK as the starting point for an auction. You could, and maybe should, price him in USD rather than CAD. If you plan to do Buy-It-Now of course you would set the price higher. You always can reduce it if he doesn’t sell!

      As you probably were planning to do, dusting the dragon before listing him is a good idea. A clean paint brush is useful for removing most of the dust.


        This one is not discontinued but is out of stock currently. It sells new for $90 US. If you sell him on eBay I would start a little lower than that due to minor damage. You can also offer him in the classifieds here, or there is a Windstone Editions fan club (official) Facebook page that allows sale or trade offers. I know there are some Canadian folks that visit both places. It mostly depends on if anyone is looking for that particular piece, and if they are unwilling to wait for a restock.

        Jenny adams

          Hello, I am trying to access the links and none worked for me.

          I have two red fire pieces. One is a fledgling and the other is a hatchling. I am not looking to sell them merely wanting to know worth for my daughter in the future. They are 1997 peocea by pena. That’s on the statue and I still have the tag for the fledgling.

          I want to get a mother and maybe a young male or emperor if they exist. Anyone know where I can find out intell?

          "LIFE is a path of art, colors and emotions. To walk it one must understand its beauty or seen black and white." - unknown Empath


            Asking here is a good start. All of the Red Fire pieces are retired and relatively rare so it is very hard to estimate value.

            For your reference, I am including links to the “Permanently Retired” Windstone page and also to the Astral Castle “Windstone Editions Encyclopedia” so you can see what else was made in Red Fire. The Astral Castle list was frozen in 2008, so even if it says a Red Fire piece is not retired that info is out of date. I’m not sure how much overlap there is between the two sites. Astral Castle does show a Red Fire Emperor.

            Don’t judge values by the prices you see – the dragons are considerably more expensive now!

            Red Fire dragons do show up occasionally. Ebay is one possibility – search for “Red” and “Ruby” as well as “Red Fire” since people often don’t know what they have.
            Placing a “Wanted” ad in the Classifieds on this site is another option.
            If you do Facebook, the main Windstone collectors group is called “Windstone Editions Fan Club (Official)”. You could ask there if anyone is selling Red Fire dragons and also watch Facebook Marketplace.

            Good luck!

            These links should work. 🙂




              FYI – if it is helpful – last July I paid about $210, including shipping, for a Red Fire fledgling on ebay. The dragon was properly identified as the Red Fire color and had its tag and box.


                My mom recently passed away and she left me these.. I’m curious on the value and such I know they are old and a retired color
                Scratching dragon
                Mother dragon
                2x 7inch wizards
                All matching color

                Also best way to clean them ?
                Scratching dragon

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