Will There Be Grab Bag Standing Ki-rins Soon or Other Grab Bags?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Will There Be Grab Bag Standing Ki-rins Soon or Other Grab Bags?

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      I’m really glad to hear it’s a larger batch! I’m less freaked out than with, say, the Hippie Poads!

      Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
      ANY Red Eyed Unis
      ANY Test Paint Bat
      The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
      Male- Snow Leopard TP
      White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
      Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
      Mother: Okapi
      Gothic - Mahogany
      PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
      DRAGONS: Male Coyote


        Not to make any more confusion but I had a question about the announcement. Will an announcement go out when something new goes into the store at that very moment or like the old ones when it would announce what time the new items would go into the store? Say a couple of hours later?
        Thanks so much for telling us when it is not the day when something is coming out, like the others I don’t have to check my computer all night. 🙂


          Any timeline on the fantasy batch? A month? Two months? Less?


            Any timeline on the fantasy batch? A month? Two months? Less?

            my rough guess would be in two weeks?? I never know.The fantasy ones are giving me trouble


            Oooh, the Koi-rins are so cute! I hope I manage to snag one!


              oh, a 100 of them? Well, maybe I do have a chance then 😉 I had thought there were only around 40 or so, guess I was wrong ! Awesome !

              I think I painted 120 of them, but we always loose a few on the way, due to chipped toes and what not.


                oh, a 100 of them? Well, maybe I do have a chance then 😉 I had thought there were only around 40 or so, guess I was wrong ! Awesome !

                I think I painted 120 of them, but we always loose a few on the way, due to chipped toes and what not.

                Cautiously optimistically asking – any chance it will be a “2 per” limit on the batch?

                Life is beautiful.


                  Susie mentioned it would be one per customer. I’m hoping that they don’t sell out right away and the limit is lifted after a week or whatever. Remember, the wolves didn’t sell out right away either.

                  Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                    Is today the day ? !
                    Lol and im not wanting a koi rin I want a pink baby .


                    I would love to know that as well.
                    So I know if I have to stay awake for a few more hours 🙂
                    But since there has not been an anouncement mail yet, I think maybe not today?


                      I usually stick around until Susie has gone home, or at least until she disappears from the Forum. It’s safer!


                        They are in the store now! We removed the UPS shipping option during the stampede for the grab bags as that was what was making the shipping calculations go slowly. We’ll put it back after things calm down. These guys are SOOOO cute! I rather hate to see them go…


                          And yes, Melody has taken class pictures – she’ll post them as soon as she gets a chance!




                            Got one!!
                            These look sooo cute.
                            I´m really excited to see how the fantasy batch will look (although my wallet won´t be very pleased >_<)

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