SPark's 2014-2015 PYOs

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  • #922635

    Love what you did with those chest-feathers in particular. Beautiful Phoenix! 🙂


      Wow! LOVE! Just fabulous!

      Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


      Just gorgeous !! Nice work


        Oh my goodness! That Phoenix is stunning!! 🙂 Very nice work!


          Thank you everyone! I am really glad people like this one. It’s probably my favorite PYO I’ve painted so far.

          I have the little kittygriff almost done too, and I’m working on a couple of more conventional paint jobs. So I’ll have more pics to post shortly. :3

          I have a griffin I want to do in watercolor, and I’m trying to think up a color scheme for him. Any suggestions are welcome!


            Since I have nothing better to do, have a WIP shot of my next project.


              Another watercolor one. It’s less impressive on the little pieces where there’s less room for the watercolor texture to really show through, I think. This one is still really pretty though. I suspect the big gryphon I have coming up will be even prettier.


                Awwwww – that little kittygriff is cute!


                  Oh the Griffkitty is gorgeous! Great color scheme, and nice stripes! 🙂

                  IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                  Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                  Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                  *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                  *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                  Very cute Kittygriff! I never thought I would like that sculpt, but seeing yours has changed my feelings on it 🙂


                    Well, that’s quite a compliment! 😀

                    Thank you everyone. Hearing that people like my work always makes me happy.

                    I just finished another kittygriff, and also the kitsune I was working on earlier, I just need to get photos of them to post.

                    I think I’ve decided my next gryphon will be based on a kingfisher, too. It should be really fun to paint! I’m painting a lot right now because I’m giving PYOs to a few people for Christmas. Although the kingfisher will be just for fun, so I dunno when I’ll get to it.


                      Can’t sleep, so I shall post PYO photos. I ADORE this guy. I have had a bunch of really good PYOs in a row now, I think. 😀 The interference blue on his feathers came out beautifully, and the subdued colors under it turned out even better than I’d planned. (Although I almost named him the bone gittygriff instead of the stone kittygriff, because “aged bone” is the name of the main paint color I used on him. But I didn’t want people to think he was meant to be creepy.)


                      Wow! I think he is my favorite KittyGriff yet! 🙂 What a neat effect!


                        That color looks great on the kitty griff!


                          Oh, yes, love that kitty griff, too!

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