
So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 3)

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody So, what's next on the schedule? (Part 3)

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      While a few have said they loved the everything bagel, I would like to see more of the single type safaris. Or maybe do an everything bagel separate batch like the fire cat cougars and giraffe cougars were for those few people that want the everything bagel and only the everything bagel. I know it’s a grab bag and gamble, but it is harder to trade a mix, half & half or pinto than a straight safari (unless you’re one of the few who loves those or likes all types, I love the pinto/blanket tigers along with the straight tigers). The safari colts were like that, hardly anyone would trade for the pinto safari colts and there were alot of pinto safari colts. That’s also when I started to love the pinto tigers because no one really wanted the pintos, just a few, so more potential to get matching pieces in the future. However, the tiger pinto/blanket young uni has been elusive so far 😆


        Yeah, I’m mostly a fan of single critter critters. I know I had a ton of safari pinto colts, and they were hard to trade, or sell, even below store cost. I think bunches o snow leopards, giraffes, and okapi were super popular in the last safari batch, along with the safari “Enchilada” colts.

        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
        ANY Red Eyed Unis
        ANY Test Paint Bat
        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
        Male- Snow Leopard TP
        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
        Mother: Okapi
        Gothic - Mahogany
        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


          Yeah, I’m mostly a fan of single critter critters. I know I had a ton of safari pinto colts, and they were hard to trade, or sell, even below store cost. I think bunches o snow leopards, giraffes, and okapi were super popular in the last safari batch, along with the safari “Enchilada” colts.

          Oh yeah! Enchilada colts 😊 and the toygers were pretty neat too, I think there were only a couple. I traded my toyger colt, but he was gorgeous!
          Maybe look back to older grabs and see what hasn’t appeared for awhile like chipmunks, skunks, panda, etc too. I’m trying to remember all the older ones I’ve seen…


            I would personally love to see Fantasy Ponycorns! That sculpt just cries out for crazy and fun colors!

            Always looking for a lovely GB Young Unicorns, TP Male Dragons or TP Male Griffins!


              A fantasy batch would make me very happy!


                I think fantasies would be super popular, but it would call for a separate batch to be fair.

                I prefer single critter critters also, but I don’t think I’ll be participating so my vote doesn’t count. Various antelope species would be attractive… it seems like giraffes are super popular right now, so I’d advise a bunch of those. Merle, snow leopard, bengal and wild dog have been hits, but really giraffes seem to be it.


                  Variety is a spice of life😉👍

                  Every act matters.No matter how small💞
                  (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
                  Male Hearth....one day🤞Dream on.


                    I agree with liking the single pattern safaris the best. I do have a couple giraffe hybrids but only because I wasn’t able to find any solid giraffes in the last batch even though there were a few. I am not a fan of most hybrid safaris though and I also had trouble trading hybrid young unis in the past. I really like the solid leopards and jaguars and snow leopards and would love to see light red leopards or darker enchilada ones too. Of course I also love the giraffes, zebras and white tigers and some bengal cats as well. Red pandas and okapis were popular before too. Some people also like servals and cheetahs.

                    Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                      I would personally love to see Fantasy Ponycorns! That sculpt just cries out for crazy and fun colors!

                      I’ll do fantasy ponycorns next time I do a gb batch of them.


                        I personally like the single pattern safaris too. So excited to see these in person – they are adorable!
                        Thank you Melody!


                          That’s great to hear about a fantasy batch in the future. For now I’m excited for the safari batch.

                          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                            I would like to see more dapple grays myself. I’m a sucker for them. And palominos too😊


                              Oh yes PLEASE Melody!!! Many more everything bagels ponycorns!!! I think they are super awesome.


                              Have you guys seen the green dragons Gina posted on FB? WOWZA!!! I love green Windstones!

                              Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                                Gina’s photos from Facebook. Gina wrote, “New color scheme needs a name … I’m in love with how the “ivory” horns came out!”




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