New website concerns (fixes, suggestions, etc)

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      I’ve been waiting to approve the classified ads that are in our “incomplete” and “ads awaiting approval” queues because I thought it would be helpful to the authors of the classifieds plugin as they try to figure out why ads are ending up there rather than just getting published right away. However, I’m not getting much response from them, so I’m going to go ahead and enable those ads. If any of them are ads that you actually DON’T want published, please contact me and I will disable them, or you can disable them yourself, but let me know which ones they are so I don’t re-publish them. Thanks.


        Thanks Etruscan…I’m going to try something similar in size, then I’m logging off before I throw the computer out the window! I am finding this new site extremely frustrating.

        I see that Samantha Thomas has a cover photo that actually works. It looks very nice, but I don’t know how she achieved it.

        The dimensions of the profile cover photo are 669 by 225 pixels (i.e. 3:1 width to height). If your photo is larger than that, it seems to get scaled down to fit the page width. For best results, make sure your photo has a 3:1 ratio, or else the bottom will get cut off.


          Hi Clay,
          I should have read all the old posts before posting! I found the missing conversations in “sent”. I still have some that only retained my pm’s though. I’m wondering if maybe the other people’s pm’s that disappeared are ones that the senders deleted on their end. That never deleted them from my account before, but maybe something about the transfer deleted them? It is hard to say who they are from, since the other person’s side is gone.
          The most recent one-sided ones are “Moss Lap Dragon” in my inbox, and “Your ad – Emerald Scratcher” in sent.

          My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


            One person I’ve definitely missing all messages from is drag0nfeathers.

            My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


              One person I’ve definitely missing all messages from is drag0nfeathers.

              OK, I’ll check on that.


                Classifieds update:

                I got some help from the developers of the classifieds plugin. Apparently there was a bug that was causing expired ads, when edited/renewed, to require admin approval. They say they have fixed that now, so hopefully any expired ads that you edit or renew from here on will be published right away without requiring approval. I have also revised the layouts of both the listings page and the individual ad pages a bit. Both of them now display the expiration date. Apparently the sorting issue on the listings page was that it was displaying the date that ads were originally posted, but sorting them by the date they were last renewed (don’t ask). So I have changed it to display the dates that ads were last renewed rather than the date they were originally posted (and it will still sort by that date as well).

                I am still working on getting the “general” category (for sale, wanted, for trade) to display on the ads in addition to the subcategory (dragons, poads, etc.).


                I admit I’ve been really busy and have only tried now and then, but this is the first time I’ve actually been able to log back into the new site. The ‘Forgot Password’ page wasn’t working at all and continually lead me into a loop without being able to update the password. It was working today but I wonder if anyone else was having that issue.


                  This is an observation, not a complaint. It appears that the store will tell you how many horses (or whatever) are in stock. If you scroll up from 1, I believe that it stops at the number available.

                  Since I started doing this the horses have gone from 50 to 45 to 44 to 43, by the way. 🙂 The “Tanzanite” Riser stops at 9. I haven’t checked anything else.


                    What do you mean “if you scroll up from 1”?
                    On my phone I can only enter a number, and I can’t figure out how to ‘scroll’?

                    IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                    Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                    Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                    *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                    *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                      What do you mean “if you scroll up from 1”?
                      On my phone I can only enter a number, and I can’t figure out how to ‘scroll’?

                      On my desktop computer there is a little box with a “1” in it and arrows for “up” and “down”. The box is next to “Add to Cart”. I can use the arrows to increase the number in the box (scroll up) and then decrease the number in the box (scroll down).


                        The interface is a little different on a phone. That trick will only work on a computer.


                          What do you mean “if you scroll up from 1”?
                          On my phone I can only enter a number, and I can’t figure out how to ‘scroll’?

                          On my desktop computer there is a little box with a “1” in it and arrows for “up” and “down”. The box is next to “Add to Cart”. I can use the arrows to increase the number in the box (scroll up) and then decrease the number in the box (scroll down).

                          Nope – I still don’t see this on my Windows 10 PC using Internet Explorer 11. I just see the box with the ‘1’ quantity and the “Add to Cart” box next to it. I can change the quantity, but that it all.
                          Now I DID find out that for me, if I enter a large number into the quantity box like “50” – since you indicated you saw the latest quantity was down to 43 – I do get a message when I click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button that I “must enter a value between 1 and 43” – so I can find out the remaining quantity this way.

                          What type computer and browser are you using? This feature sounds like it might display differently depending upon the computer and browser.

                          IN SEARCH OF MY NEXT GRAILS:
                          Silver, Bengal & Butternut Adult Poads
                          Kickstarter 'Rainbow Tiger' Bantam Dragon

                          *~*~*~* Ela_Hara: The DragonKeeper *~*~*~*
                          *** Come visit me on deviantArt at


                            I’m using Windows 10 with Firefox as the browser.


                              Classifieds update:

                              I got some help from the developers of the classifieds plugin. Apparently there was a bug that was causing expired ads, when edited/renewed, to require admin approval. They say they have fixed that now, so hopefully any expired ads that you edit or renew from here on will be published right away without requiring approval. I have also revised the layouts of both the listings page and the individual ad pages a bit. Both of them now display the expiration date. Apparently the sorting issue on the listings page was that it was displaying the date that ads were originally posted, but sorting them by the date they were last renewed (don’t ask). So I have changed it to display the dates that ads were last renewed rather than the date they were originally posted (and it will still sort by that date as well).

                              I am still working on getting the “general” category (for sale, wanted, for trade) to display on the ads in addition to the subcategory (dragons, poads, etc.).

                              I don’t see where the category is for my ads. I’m trying to edit my ads as a couple are in the completely wrong category. for example, my sale ad for Maya Hill is in “Art Prints”


                              Life is beautiful.



                                I changed the category on that ad for you. The category is only editable by an admin because categories can be tied to different payment plans. A lot of classified sites charge users to post ads, depending on the category. So in order to prevent people from posting a free ad, and then changing the category to a paid one (but not paying), the system only allows admins to edit the category. Unfortunately there doesn’t seem to be a way for a free site to bypass this behavior, but I don’t expect that the need to change categories will come up a lot, so for now just contact Susie or me if you need this done.

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