
New Batch Grab Bag Baby Unis!

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags New Batch Grab Bag Baby Unis!

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      Not annoyed, really, just a bit disappointed.


        Managed to get one while going through a heavy earthquake at the same time! O_O Shook the whole house pretty violently for a good 20 seconds!

        WHAT?? That’s unicorn dedication right there! I hope everyone and everything is okay. <3

        I actually got 7 back in stock emails!

        Thanks skeeterdeee! It was a 5.8! The animals were scared; the parrots were going crazy! Nothing broke thanks goodness but there was a LOT of loud rattling going on that felt on the verge!


          With such a small supply I’m sure there are going to be a lot of disappointed people. I didn’t get one first time around, after 15 minutes I saw 2 in stock and managed to get 1 amazingly, but it took me 14 minutes to check out 0.o I was afraid it would drop out of the cart before I got to the submit order screen

          Got a busted Windstone?
          *OPEN for repairs*

          *SEEKING GRAILS*
          Arc-en-ciel Emperor
          Siphlophis Male Dragon
          Calypso Hatching Empress
          Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
          Tattoo Mother Kirin
          Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
          Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
          Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
          Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
          Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
          Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


            I know there aren’t enough unis to go around. I am just really disappointed that for the first time I can actually afford one, and missed. I can’t get te site to load fast enough to get one that pops out of the carts. so I will wait for the next batch and cross my fingers for a gorgeous one =)


            The site is borked. I had one in my cart. The cart timer is going. I was going to add something else to the order, then decided not to. I went to view cart and it says nothing is there, and I had more than 8 minutes left in my cart. The store is not working properly. I took a screenshot of the empty cart but the timer still going.

            Missing one is one thing (and I would be more inclined to just be ‘oh well’ if that was the case), but to have it disappear completely from your cart as you are legitimately checking out, especially now that there is the new cart timer, that is seriously annoying and no offense, should not happen. To be honest, feeling rather annoyed right now.

            Exact same thing happened to me. Timer kept going, nothing in cart. sigh. But it’s not unusual for my iPad …..been there done that…I just cry πŸ™ And then life goes on πŸ˜‰


              Siberakh1 I had one bounce out of my cart too – at least I think I did. Cart timer was going and I clicked over to the cart to see it empty. Didn’t try to add anything else to the order though. Confusing!

              Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!


                Is it possible the timer ran although the uni couldn’t be carted? (ran out of stock while processing the page?)
                Although there’s no denying the site was sure having trouble!


                  There is going to be another batch? Will people who got one from this batch still be able to get one from that batch as well? If so then it will likely be just as hard to get one from that batch too. Just sayin.

                  I’m disappointed I didn’t get one but life goes on.


                    A while back, Melody asked us if we were tired of grab bag ‘corns yet…..


                      Notify button is up. Guess they’re all gone now.
                      Lucky me had a boring 1 hour work meeting right when they got released (great timing work!).

                      Shall hapilly wait for the next batch πŸ™‚
                      I can’t wait to see photos of these guys turn up when people recieve them!


                        Yeah, I shall just happily wait for the next batch even though I’m a little sad I missed these. I have a car insurance bill that is shaking its finger at me for trying!


                          There is going to be another batch? Will people who got one from this batch still be able to get one from that batch as well? If so then it will likely be just as hard to get one from that batch too. Just sayin.

                          I’m disappointed I didn’t get one but life goes on.

                          I’m wondering this too. Can those that grabhed one this time around grab one of the next batch too? Becuase if so, those unlucky of us that missed this group will probably miss out on that one. I don’t want to take away someone’s right to get a second uni….but i also would love to be able to get just one. I appreciate everything Windstone and its great staff does, and I don’t want to be selfish or pushy….i just dearly wanted one of these little fellas


                          The site is borked. I had one in my cart. The cart timer is going. I was going to add something else to the order, then decided not to. I went to view cart and it says nothing is there, and I had more than 8 minutes left in my cart. The store is not working properly. I took a screenshot of the empty cart but the timer still going.

                          Missing one is one thing (and I would be more inclined to just be ‘oh well’ if that was the case), but to have it disappear completely from your cart as you are legitimately checking out, especially now that there is the new cart timer, that is seriously annoying and no offense, should not happen. To be honest, feeling rather annoyed right now.

                          I also had this happen to me.
                          I had a Grab Bag Baby Unicorn in my cart and after entering my address and billing address I clicked on the button marked “review order”, and was brought to a screen telling me that I did not have anything in my cart.
                          I don’t think this is very fair for the people who actually did get the item in their cart and are now unable to purchase one. What can be done about it?


                            Wow, that would be frustrating! πŸ™


                              Dangity-dang! Oh well..next batch! πŸ™‚

                              -- Angie

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